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Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool

Coming Soon

The Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool (CVAT) workshop is currently being redesigned to include new concepts and features, including resilience components and a geographic information system guide for processing risk and vulnerability data. The new course will focus on helping coastal resource and emergency managers use CVAT to assess a community's risk and vulnerability to hazards and other community stressors-and will also focus on identifying a community's strengths to determine its resilience.

For immediate information on risk and vulnerability assessments and the CVAT methodology, visit www.csc.noaa.gov/products/nchaz/startup.htm. Additional risk and vulnerability assessment tools can be viewed at www.csc.noaa.gov/rva_tools/.

Contact Information

For questions about future trainings and the methodology, please contact Tashya Allen at (843) 740-1321 or Tashya.Allen@noaa.gov.