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Who is the GEO?

Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, Jr., issued an Executive Order on April 16, 2007, re-creating the Governor’s Office of Energy Management and Conservation (originally created in 1977 to promote energy conservation in Colorado) as the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO). The GEO's mission is to lead Colorado to a New Energy Economy by advancing energy efficiency and renewable, clean energy resources.

The New Energy Economy embraces energy conservation as an important component in our energy future, yet requires a broader mission to meet the goals of expanding renewable and clean energy resources and opportunities for the state’s economy, environment and energy independence.

The GEO recognizes the critical role it will play in charting Colorado’s leading role in the provision of clean and renewable forms of energy. The GEO works with communities, utilities, private and public organizations, and individuals to promote renewable energy such as wind, solar, and geothermal, and energy efficiency technologies in commercial and residential buildings. The New Energy Economy will benefit Colorado by bringing jobs and protecting our natural environment. Download the GEO brochure here (PDF 603 KB).

The GEO also lives its mission and is committed to environmental excellence, energy efficiency, the use of clean energy, and continual improvement in reaching its internal sustainability goals. Read The Governor's Energy Office Sustainability Policy (PDF 66 KB).

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