EDA Update







Vol. 4 No. 11 September 2007




In this issue...

  • Participate in the National Summit on American Competitiveness, September 18, Via Webcast
  • Register Now for the September 26 EDA Symposium in Kansas City on Entrepreneurship!
  • Input Requested on Economic Development Administration Reauthorization
  • EDA Excellence in Economic Development Award Winners Featured in the New Edition of Economic Development America
  • Mark Your Calendar: Economic Development Today Telecast on Free Trade Coming Up October 1
  • In August, U.S. Unemployment Remained Low; Wage Growth Solid
  • Mark Your Calendar for Brownfields 2008, May 5-7 in Detroit

How to subscribe: To subscribe yourself or a colleague to EDA Update, send an email with contact information, including email address, to Jason Christian at jchristian@iedconline.org.

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Participate in the National Summit on American Competitiveness, September 18, Via Webcast

The National Summit on American Competitiveness is a high profile, one-day event in Washington, D.C., with a simultaneous webcast that you won't want to miss!

America's economic leadership in the 21st century is directly tied to the competitiveness of four key economic drivers: the role of the private sector; education and workforce issues; energy independence; and partnerships in innovation. The National Summit on American Competitiveness will convene the nation's premier leaders of business, government, academia and the research community to address the core components and lessons of each of these drivers.

Individual panels will address in detail each of the four drivers. The event will close with an audience participation Town Hall session led by Secretary Gutierrez and an extended program session with light refreshments.

The summit takes place on Tuesday, September 18, 2007, from 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM. To watch the proceedings live via webcast, click here to access the registration form; you will then receive a follow up email containing viewing instructions.

For more information, visit the National Summit on American Competitiveness website.

Register Now for the September 26 EDA Symposium in Kansas City on Entrepreneurship!

Featuring keynote presentations by The Honorable John Hoeven, Governor, North Dakota, and Carl Schramm, President and CEO, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

EDA's fifth and final 2007 Economic Development Symposium is coming up on September 26 in Kansas City. EDA is hosting the entrepreneurship-themed event in partnership with its Denver and Chicago regional offices, the International Economic Development Council and the National Association of Regional Councils.

The agenda is packed with presentations from leaders in the field of entrepreneurship, including:

  • Dr. Mark Drabenstott, Director, Center for Regional Competitiveness, University of Missouri, Columbia
  • Thomas S. Lyons, Ph.D., Lawrence N. Field Family Chair in Entrepreneurship, Baruch College/CUNY, Zicklin School of Business
  • Dr. Joel Wiggins, Chairman, National Business Incubation Association
  • Ray Leach, CEO, JumpStart
  • Dr. Samuel Cordes, Assistant Director of Extension and Co-Director of the Center for Regional Development for Purdue University
  • F. Nicholas Franano, M.D., Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Proteon Therapeutics, Inc.
  • Maria Meyers, Managing Director, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Network Builder, KCSourceLink
  • Stephan A. Lake, Manager of Business Development and Marketing, Argonne National Laboratory on High Performance Computing

Session topics include Supporting Entrepreneurial Growth in Your Region; The Role of Rural Clusters; Access to Capital to Support New Enterprise; and On the Competitive Edge: The Role of Innovation.

The event also includes a town hall-style meeting with EDA leadership. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Sandy K. Baruah and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Benjamin Erulkar will take questions from the audience on topics related to EDA's policies and programs.

Visit the Kansas City Symposium website for additional information regarding the program and online registration.

The EDA Regional Symposia have been approved for recertification credits for those possessing the CEcD designation.

Input Requested on Economic Development Administration Reauthorization

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) was established under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (PWEDA) to generate jobs, retain existing jobs, and stimulate industrial and commercial growth in the United States. EDA assistance is available to rural and urban areas of the nation experiencing high unemployment, low income or other severe economic distress.

On October 27, 2004, President Bush signed into law the Economic Development Administration Reauthorization Act of 2004, which reauthorizes EDA's economic development assistance programs through fiscal year 2008.

As EDA prepares for reauthorization of its programs next year, we encourage economic development professionals and any other individuals or groups to provide input. Please email your thoughts to EDA at EDAReauthorization@eda.doc.gov.

We welcome your input. This email account is designed to receive messages only. Responses from EDA will not be generated.

EDA Excellence in Economic Development Award Winners Featured in the New Edition of Economic Development America

The latest edition of Economic Development America magazine features articles by the winners of EDA's Excellence in Economic Development 2007 Awards. Read about communities that have designed outstanding programs in innovation, regionalism, economic adjustment and more.

The magazine also includes a feature by Sandy K. Baruah, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, on "The Five New Realities of Economic Development in the 21st Century."

Look for your copy in the mail, or download this issue (in PDF format) from the EDA website. Please send any comments or story ideas for the magazine to editor Louise Anderson (landerson@iedconline.org or (828) 350-8855).

Mark Your Calendar: Economic Development Today Telecast on Free Trade Coming Up October 1

On Monday, October 1, EDA will host a telecast on free trade and economic development. Watch your email and the EDA website for information on featured panelists, access information and more!

In August, U.S. Unemployment Remained Low; Wage Growth Solid

The private sector continued to add jobs in August for the 48th consecutive month. Over the last three months, private sector employment gains have averaged 72,000 per month. Nearly 1 million jobs (870,000) have been added this year, and over 8.2 million jobs have been added since the labor market began its turnaround in August 2003.


Mark Your Calendar for Brownfields 2008, May 5-7 in Detroit

Gear up for the largest gathering of brownfields stakeholders! With nearly 6,000 attendees, over 150 educational sessions, more than 200 exhibitors and unrivaled networking events, the U.S. EPA and ICMA co-sponsored National Brownfields Conference is the premier event of its kind. Brownfields 2008 includes timely and valuable knowledge and skill-building workshops, exceptional business development and networking opportunities, and hundreds of product and service providers in the exhibit hall to meet your project needs.

Communities across the country face the challenge of putting brownfields sites back to work, from old industrial cities with thousands of acres of abandoned factories to rural villages built around derelict mines or timber mills. Brownfields are a valuable community resource that through redevelopment and reuse could easily bring important benefits to many economically depressed communities, or serve as the centerpiece in comprehensive economic redevelopment strategies.

Brownfields 2008 will explore the linkages between environmental cleanup and economic development, and highlight the important role of brownfields redevelopment in supporting innovative, collaborative, and regionally focused economic development. For more information, visit www.brownfields2008.org to learn the latest and sign up for the Brownfields 2008 e-newsletter.

EDA Update is brought to you as a benefit of a partnership among the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), to provide information about economic development practices and programs to economic development practitioners who serve distressed communities throughout the United States. This partnership also provides six telecasts and a quarterly magazine. For more information, visit the EDA website at www.eda.gov.



American Jobs, American Values - U.S. Department of Commerce