Atmosphere/Surface Interactions

[Infrasonics Program] Infrasonics Program
A. J. Bedard Jr., R. T. Nishiyama (CIRES), S. A. Pezoa (STC). R. Craig (CIRES) and R. Bloemker (STC)
[Multicenter Airborne Coherent 
Atmospheric Wind Sensor (MACAWS)]
Multicenter Airborne Coherent Atmospheric Wind Sensor (MACAWS)
J.N. Howell, R.M. Hardesty, R.M. Banta, H.D. Johnson (CIRES), L.D. Olivier, A.M. Weickmann (CIRES),K.R. Healy (CIRES) and K.W. Koenig (STC)
[Boundary Layer Structure and Surface Fluxes on the Arctic Pack Ice] Boundary Layer Structure and Surface Fluxes on the Arctic Pack Ice
P.O.G. Persson (CIRES), D. Ruffieux (CIRES), C.W. Fairall, and S.D. Burk (Naval Research Laboratory)
[n Observational Study of Fronts and Frontal
Mergers Over the Continental United States] An Observational Study of Fronts and Frontal Mergers Over the Continental United States
P. J. Neiman, M. A. Shapiro, F. Martin Ralph, B. F. Smull (NSSL), and D. Johnson (NSSL)
[Numerical Simulations of  the Role of 
Planetary-Scale/Synoptic-Scale Interactions in Life Cycles of 
Extratropical Cyclones] Numerical Simulations of the Role of Planetary-Scale/Synoptic-Scale Interactions in Life Cycles of Extratropical Cyclones
J.W. Bao (CIRES), M. A. Shapiro, J. M. Wilczak, P. J. Neiman
[Observations and Simulations of a Breaking Mountain 
Wave Associated with an Aircraft Accident Induced by Clear-Air Turbulence] Observations and Simulations of a Breaking Mountain Wave Associated with an Aircraft Accident Induced by Clear-Air Turbulence
F. M. Ralph, P. J. Neiman, D. Levinson (CIRES), W. D. Hall (NCAR), T. L. Clark (NCAR), A. Marroquin (CIRA), S. G. Benjamin

Commerce / NOAA / OAR / ERL / ETL / Review 1996 / Atmosphere/Surface Interactions