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To improve hurricane forecasting, NASA engineers are spending time in a spooky room where 'no one ca9.12.2008 - Spooky Hurricane Science
To improve hurricane forecasting, NASA engineers are spending time in a spooky room where 'no one can hear you scream.'
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Scientists are beginning to unravel the mystery of an extraordinary gamma-ray burst on March 19, 2009.10.2008 - Naked-Eye Gamma-ray Burst Aimed Directly at Earth
Scientists are beginning to unravel the mystery of an extraordinary gamma-ray burst on March 19, 2008, which was visible to the naked eye. It turns out the explosion was aimed directly at Earth.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA researchers are preparing to launch an experimental telescope that can see a "secret layer" of9.5.2008 - NASA to Explore a "Secret Layer" of the Sun
NASA researchers are preparing to launch an experimental telescope that can see a layer of the sun thought to be the "birthplace of space weather."
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Backyard astronomers watching the Perseid meteor shower last month saw meteoroids hitting not only E9.2.2008 - Amateur Astronomers See Perseids Hit the Moon
Backyard astronomers watching the Perseid meteor shower last month saw meteoroids hitting not only Earth but also the Moon. They recorded the impacts using backyard telescopes and off-the-shelf cameras, showing that "lunar meteors" are easy targets for amateur observatories and that amateur astronomers can contribute to NASA's lunar research.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Today, NASA revealed first light images and announced a new name for its latest space telescope.8.26.2008 - First Light for the Fermi Space Telescope
Today, NASA revealed first light images and announced a new name for its latest space telescope.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Astronauts on board the International Space Station have recently photographed strange electric-blue8.25.2008 - Strange Clouds at the Edge of Space
Astronauts on board the International Space Station have recently photographed strange electric-blue clouds hovering at the edge of space.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

What if you woke up one morning and found your whole planet had been swallowed by the atmosphere of8.19.2008 - Living with a Star
What if you woke up one morning and found your whole planet had been swallowed by the atmosphere of a star? Don't laugh, it could happen to you, and NASA has a special program to deal with it.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA scientists are preparing to launch a "flying tractor" with microwave sensors to explore the nit8.15.2008 - The Realm of Earthworms: NASA Gets Down to the Nitty-Gritty
NASA scientists are preparing to launch a "flying tractor" with microwave sensors to explore the nitty-gritty realm beneath your feet.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

There are places on the Moon where the sun hasn't shined for millions of years, inky-dark places tha8.11.2008 - A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update
There are places on the Moon where the sun hasn't shined for millions of years, inky-dark places that may harbor a treasure of great value. NASA's is about to light one of them up.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Have you ever stared up at the night sky, felt a gentle breeze, and wished you could set sail for th7.31.2008 - A Brief History of Solar Sails
Have you ever stared up at the night sky, felt a gentle breeze, and wished you could set sail for the stars? Get in line. Many great thinkers from history have had the same idea. This long-held fancy could soon become reality with one solar sail mission on the drawing board and another already on the launching pad, slated to blast off this summer.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

This Friday, August 1st, millions of people in China will witness a well-publicized total eclipse of7.29.2008 - Partial Eclipse, Total Fun
This Friday, August 1st, millions of people in China will witness a well-publicized total eclipse of the sun. Less widely reported is the partial eclipse, which *billions* of people across a quarter of the globe can observe and enjoy.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Researchers have discovered what powers brilliant outbursts of Northern Lights: gigantic plasma bull7.24.2008 - Plasma Bullets Trigger Northern Lights
Researchers have discovered what powers brilliant outbursts of Northern Lights: gigantic plasma bullets launched toward Earth by explosions 1/3rd of the way to the Moon.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

The 2008 Perseid meteor shower peaks during the dark hours before dawn on Tuesday, August 12th, and7.22.2008 - The 2008 Perseid Meteor Shower
The 2008 Perseid meteor shower peaks during the dark hours before dawn on Tuesday, August 12th, and forecasters say it should be a good show.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA scientists are using an infra-red sounder in space to improve short-term  weather forecasting.7.18.2008 - NASA Works to Improve Short-term Weather Forecasts
NASA scientists are using an infra-red sounder in space to improve short-term weather forecasting.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Sunspot production is low, very low.  Does this mean the solar cycle is broken?  NASA scientist Davi7.11.2008 - What's Wrong with the Sun?
The sun is entering its 3rd year of eerie calm. Sunspots are rare and solar flares simply aren't happening. Is this "solar minimum" lasting longer than it should? A NASA scientist has examined centuries of sunspot data to find the answer.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Mix moondust with epoxy, add a dash of carbon nanotubes, and spin. The result? A parabolic mirror pe7.9.2008 - A Telescope Made of Moondust
Mix moondust with epoxy, add a dash of carbon nanotubes, and spin. The result? A parabolic mirror perfectly suited for a lunar observatory. A NASA scientist has discovered this new recipe for making telescopes out of moondust, and to prove it works he has spun a "moondust mirror" here on Earth.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Mercury's magnetic field is "alive." Volcanic vents ring the planet's giant Caloris basin while the7.3.2008 - New Discoveries at Mercury
Mercury's magnetic field is "alive." Volcanic vents ring the planet's giant Caloris basin while the planet itself is surrounded by a plasma nebula of unexpected complexity.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

Look beyond the fireworks on 4th of July weekend.  A trio of worlds is converging for a pretty sunse7.1.2008 - Planets Align for the 4th of July
Look beyond the fireworks on 4th of July weekend. A trio of worlds is converging for a pretty sunset sky show.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

6.30.2008 - The Tunguska Impact--100 Years Later
One hundred years after the Tunguska event in Siberia, scientists review what they've learned about the mysterious blast from the heavens.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

This summer, NASA engineers will try to realize a dream older than the Space Age itself: the deploym6.26.2008 - NASA to Attempt Historic Solar Sail Deployment
This summer, NASA engineers will try to realize a dream older than the Space Age itself: the deployment of a working solar sail in Earth orbit. The name of the device is NanoSail-D and it is scheduled for launch onboard a SpaceX Falcon 1 rocket as early as July 29, 2008.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

More Science@NASA stories are available in audio in our Story Archive


Curator: Bryan Walls
NASA Official: Ron Koczor
Last Updated: August 15, 2005
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