NCEP HiResWindow Forecast Page

NCEP's Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) is making daily runs of the WRF versions of the non-hydrostatic, hybrid vertical coordinate mesoscale model (NMM) and the NCAR Advanced Research WRF (ARW). These are "nested" inside of the parent North American Meso (NAM), getting initial and boundary conditions from the NAM. Currently, five nested domains are being run. The links below will go to a web page with graphics for the most current run for that domain. This is the current schedule:

0000Z : East/Central U.S., Hawaii

0600Z : West/Central U.S., Puerto Rico

1200Z : East/Central U.S., Hawaii

1800Z : Alaska, Puerto Rico

Click here for a display of the areal coverage of each regional HIRESW domain

Modifications to the HiResWindow runs are described in the EMC Mesoscale Branch's documentation of model changes.

IMPORTANT NOTE : If the NCEP Hurricane model is running for any given cycle, some of all of the operational HIRESW forefcasts will be cancelled by NCEP's Central Operations (NCO). This is production HIRESW configuration when the NCEP hurricane model is running as of 11 September 2007:

  • No hurricane runs : Both large and small NMM and ARW domains are run by NCO
  • One hurricane run : Large domain ARW run cancelled by NCO
  • Two or three hurricane runs : Both large domain NMM and ARW runs cancelled by NCO
  • Four hurricane runs : All WRF HIRESW cancelled by NCOs

    Due to computer resource constraints cancelled HIRESW runs will not be rerun by EMC on the NCEP development computer. Go to the HiResWindow log for the status of the HIRESW runs.

  • East/Central U.S.; cycle = 2008092212

    West/Central U.S.; cycle = 2008092106

    Alaska; cycle = 2008091818

    Hawaii; cycle = 2008092212

    Puerto Rico; cycle = 2008092206

    DISCLAIMER : This web page is not "operational" and therefore not subject to 24-h monitoring by NCEP's Central Operations staff.

    For more info on the HiResWindow runs, email Eric Rogers at or Geoff DiMego at
