Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Coast Guard Personnel Command

Officer Personnel Management Division

Officer Evaluations Branch (CG PC-opm-3)

OER Processing Policy



Find the Article below in the Index of Chapter 10A

Regular OERs 10.A.3.a.1.
Detachment or change of the Reporting Officer 10.A.3.a.2.
Detachment on PCS orders, or separation from the Service of
Promotion of Officers 10.A.3.a.4.
Report for Continuity Purposes 10.A.3.a.5.
Special OERs 10.A.3.c.1.
Concurrent OERs 10.A.3.c.2.
DUINS OERs 10.A.5.

OER Tracking

Individuals can check the status of validated OERs in Direct Access.  Go to "Home > Self Service > Employee > View > My Employee Reviews."  Click the refresh tab, to ensure the most recent information is being displayed.  This will show all the OERs that have been validated and entered into your HQ record.  It will not show up here until it has been validated, so it may have been received and is being processed.  If it has been greater than 90 days since the end of the period, send an email to the OER Manager requesting an update.

OER Documentation While In TAD Status

If the TAD period was greater than 60 days, a Concurrent OER may be submitted by the host command.  A Concurrent OER is always in addition to the Regular OER submitted by the permanent command. 

For further policy guidance refer to PERSMAN Ch.10.A.3.c.2 (pg.32).

Last Modified 9/15/2008