Photos : 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-303
 Rear view of the Muse of Aviation trophy as displayed on a table in Orville's home, Hawthorn Hill; Dayton, Ohio

Title: Rear view of the Muse of Aviation trophy as displayed on a table in Orville's home, Hawthorn Hill; Dayton, Ohio


 Front view of the Muse of Aviation trophy as displayed on a table in Orville's home, Hawthorn Hill; Dayton, Ohio

Title: Front view of the Muse of Aviation trophy as displayed on a table in Orville's home, Hawthorn Hill; Dayton, Ohio


 Orville Wright, Major John F. Curry, and Colonel Charles Lindbergh, who came to pay Orville a personal call at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, June 22, 1927

Title: Orville Wright, Major John F. Curry, and Colonel Charles Lindbergh, who came to pay Orville a personal call at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, June 22, 1927


 Launching track on Big Hill, and north slope of Kill Devil Hill; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Launching track on Big Hill, and north slope of Kill Devil Hill; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Wilbur in prone position in damaged machine on ground after unsuccessful trial of December 14, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Wilbur in prone position in damaged machine on ground after unsuccessful trial of December 14, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Building at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Building at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Wilbur in prone position in damaged machine on ground afterunsuccessful trial of December 14, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Wilbur in prone position in damaged machine on ground afterunsuccessful trial of December 14, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 1903 machine on the launching track at Big Kill Devil Hill, prior to the December 14th trial. Four men from the Kill Devil Hill Lifesaving Station helped move it from the shed to the hill, accompanied by two small boys and a dog.

Title: 1903 machine on the launching track at Big Kill Devil Hill, prior to the December 14th trial. Four men from the Kill Devil Hill Lifesaving Station helped move it from the shed to the hill, accompanied by two small boys and a dog.


 1903 machine on the launching track at Big Kill Devil Hill, prior to the December 14th trial. Four men from the Kill Devil Hill Lifesaving Station helped move it from the shed to the hill, accompanied by two small boys and a dog.

Title: 1903 machine on the launching track at Big Kill Devil Hill, prior to the December 14th trial. Four men from the Kill Devil Hill Lifesaving Station helped move it from the shed to the hill, accompanied by two small boys and a dog.


 Close-up view of damaged 1903 machine, rudder frame broken in landing, on ground at end of last flight.

Title: Close-up view of damaged 1903 machine, rudder frame broken in landing, on ground at end of last flight.


 1903 machine, front view

Title: 1903 machine, front view


 Flight 85: Orville in flight over tree tops, covering a distance of approximately 1,760 feet in 40 1/5 seconds; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Flight 85: Orville in flight over tree tops, covering a distance of approximately 1,760 feet in 40 1/5 seconds; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


 Flight 19: Orville piloting, covering a distance of 356 feet, machine close to the ground; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Flight 19: Orville piloting, covering a distance of 356 feet, machine close to the ground; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


 Close-up view of machine on launching track at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Close-up view of machine on launching track at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


 Long-range view of machine on launching track, showing hangar nearby and hummocky ground of former swamp at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Long-range view of machine on launching track, showing hangar nearby and hummocky ground of former swamp at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


 Damaged machine to the right of the launching track at the end of flight 31, piloted by Orville. The tall, white-shirted man in the foreground may be Charles E. Taylor, Wrights' mechanic; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio.

Title: Damaged machine to the right of the launching track at the end of flight 31, piloted by Orville. The tall, white-shirted man in the foreground may be Charles E. Taylor, Wrights' mechanic; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio.


 Left view of Wilbur gliding, Kitty Hawk Lifesaving Station and Weather Bureau buildings in distance; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Left view of Wilbur gliding, Kitty Hawk Lifesaving Station and Weather Bureau buildings in distance; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Wilbur and Orville Wright with their second powered machine; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


 The Wright home, 7 Hawthorn Street; Dayton, Ohio

Title: The Wright home, 7 Hawthorn Street; Dayton, Ohio


 The Wright home, 7 Hawthorn Street, Dayton, Ohio

Title: The Wright home, 7 Hawthorn Street, Dayton, Ohio


 Albemarle Sound, taken on the Wrights' return to Dayton from Kitty Hawk

Title: Albemarle Sound, taken on the Wrights' return to Dayton from Kitty Hawk


 Three-quarter right front view of Wright glider descending from Big Hill. One of four photographs of gliding activities taken on October 27, 1903, when Wilbur and Orville each made two glides.

Title: Three-quarter right front view of Wright glider descending from Big Hill. One of four photographs of gliding activities taken on October 27, 1903, when Wilbur and Orville each made two glides.


 TITLE: First flight, December 17, 1903

Title: First flight, December 17, 1903


 Powered 1903 machine in the shop

Title: Powered 1903 machine in the shop


 Orville piloting the third flight of December 17, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Orville piloting the third flight of December 17, 1903; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Distant view of the Wright airplane just after landing, taken from the starting point, with wing-rest in center of picture and launching rail at right. This flight, the fourth and final of December 17, 1903, was the longest: 852 feet covered in 59 seconds.

Title: Distant view of the Wright airplane just after landing, taken from the starting point, with wing-rest in center of picture and launching rail at right. This flight, the fourth and final of December 17, 1903, was the longest: 852 feet covered in 59 seconds.


 A glide with the double-rudder machine moving to the left, north slope of Big Kill Devil Hill.

Title: A glide with the double-rudder machine moving to the left, north slope of Big Kill Devil Hill.


 Gliding; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Title: Gliding; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina


 Side view of Dan Tate, left, and Wilbur, right, flying the 1902 glider as a kite.

Title: Side view of Dan Tate, left, and Wilbur, right, flying the 1902 glider as a kite.


 Flight 41: Orville flying to the left at a height of about 60feet; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio

Title: Flight 41: Orville flying to the left at a height of about 60 feet; Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio


Photos : 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-303