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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Youth at Work

Daniel filed a job discrimination complaint against Lisa, the owner of the pool he worked at last summer. As part of its investigation, the EEOC spoke to Brian, one of Daniel's co-workers who believed that Lisa was treating Daniel unfairly. After the EEOC determined that Lisa did not discriminate against Daniel, Lisa called Daniel and Brian at home and yelled at them for talking to the EEOC. Lisa told both Daniel and Brian that they cannot use her as a reference, even though she always provided references for summer workers. Has Lisa violated the law?

  1. Yes. Lisa illegally retaliated against Daniel when she refused to provide him a reference because he filed a job discrimination complaint against her. It also was illegal for Lisa to refuse to provide Brian with a reference because Brian spoke to the EEOC.
  2. No. It is reasonable for Lisa to yell at Daniel and Brian because the EEOC determined that Lisa had not treated Daniel unfairly. Lisa has a right to discipline her workers.
  3. No. Lisa has not violated the law because she called Daniel and Brian at home, and discrimination is illegal only if it occurs on the job site.
  4. No. Federal law only protects current employees from discrimination. Because Daniel and Brian were no longer working at the pool when they spoke to the EEOC, Lisa has a right to refuse to provide them with a reference.