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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Youth at Work

Salim, a Christian Arab, works at a supermarket with some kids from school. When their supervisor isn't around, the kids call Salim a terrorist, and accuse him of being related to Osama bin Laden. They also make negative comments about Muslims because they think Salim is Muslim. Is this workplace discrimination?

  1. No. Salim has not been discriminated against because his employer has not made any negative decisions about his job, such as firing or demoting him or reducing his pay.
  2. Yes. Salim is being harassed by his co-workers because he is Arab, which is illegal under federal law. The grocery store may be held responsible for his co-workers' harassment if it knew about the harassment and did nothing to stop it.
  3. No. Salim has not been discriminated against because his co-workers' comments target Muslims, when, in fact, Salim is Christian.
  4. No. Salim has not been discriminated against because only his co-workers, and not his supervisors, have harassed him.