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Credit Reform Accounting Case Studies

Updated November 1, 2005

The following case studies provide pro forma accounting entries and sample financial statements for various credit reform scenarios.

Direct Loans Case Studies

  • Final Draft Guide for Basic Accounting and Reporting for Direct Loan Programs Without Collateral in Federal Credit Programs

Loan Guarantee Case Studies

  • Final Draft for Basic Accounting and Reporting for Loan Guarantee Programs Without Collateral in Federal Credit Programs

Pre-Credit Reform (Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs Without Collateral)

  • Final Draft for Federal Credit Program Basic Accounting and Reporting Guide for Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs Without Collateral (Pre-Credit Reform)

Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit Reform Programs

  • Final Draft Guide to Basic Accounting and Reporting for Foreclosed Property in Federal Credit Reform Programs

The documents above are available in Portable Document Format (pdf) and/or Word. Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF Files. The Acrobat Reader is free to download and install.

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