Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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Hotlines & Phone Numbers

Hotlines & Phone Numbers
Service Phone Number
County Information858-6000
Auto Bureau Information Line858-7450
Carbon Monoxide Hotline858-6100
Child Support Enforcement Service Center858-8309
Civil Service Exam Line858-8729
Correctional Facility Information Line858-8700
Holding Center Information Line858-7636
Household Hazardous Waste Information858-6800
Library Information Line858-8900
Radon Hotline858-6200
Social Services Information Line858-8000
Welfare Fraud Reporting Line858-1886
Frequently Called Numbers
Auto Bureau (Albany)1-800-225-5368
Board of Elections858-8891
Buffalo Convention and Visitor's Center1-800-BUFFALO
Central Police Services858-6365
Central Referral Services851-5555
Child Assistance Program853-5020
Child Protection Services858-6437
City of Buffalo Information851-4200
Commission on the Status of Women858-8307
Consumer Fraud - N. Y. State1-800-771-7755
Consumer Protection858-8709
County Attorney858-2200
County Clerk858-8785
County Executive858-8500
County Legislature858-7500
Courts - City847-8200
Courts - County858-8452
Courts - Family858-8100
Courts - Supreme851-3291
Courts - Surrogate854-7867
Crisis Services834-3131 (24 hour hotline)
Crisis Services834-1144 (kids helpline)
Disabled, Office for the858-6215
District Attorney858-2424
Erie Community College - City Campus851-1001
Erie Community College - North Campus851-1002
Erie Community College - South Campus851-1003
Erie County Fairgrounds649-3900
Erie County NY Connects: Choices for Long Term Care858-8526
Emergency Aid to Families858-6754
Emergency Services858-6578
Equal Employment Opportunity858-7542
Erie County Home937-5690
Erie County Industrial Development Agency856-6525
Erie County Laboratory898-3114
Erie County Medical Center898-3000
Erie County Water Authority849-8484
Finance Department858-8322
Food Stamps858-8347
Health Department858-7690
Home Energy Assistance Program (age to 60)858-7644
Home Energy Assistance Program (age 60+)858-7870
Highway Department858-8363
Hunting Licenses858-8785
Labor Relations858-8476
Medicare (federal)1-800-772-1213
New York State Information847-3131
Parks, Recreation and Forestry858-8355
Pistol Permits858-6600
Private Industry Council885-9840
Public Service Commission - N. Y. State847-3400
Public Works858-8300
Senior Services858-8526
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic858-7687
Sheriff of Erie County858-7618
Social Security1-800-772-1213
Taxes - County Property Tax858-8333
U.S. Government Information1-800-688-9889
Veterans Services858-6363
Weights & Measures825-1310
Women and Infant858-7715
Youth Services858-6801