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 Frequently Asked Questions
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Congressional Budget Office
Ford House Office Building, Room 410
Second and D Streets, SW
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(202) 226-2628

Frequently Asked Questions About the Summer Internship Program

General Questions

  1. How many internship positions are available at CBO?
  2. How long is the internship?
  3. Does CBO have interns during the school year?
  4. What type of work do the interns do?
  5. What is the educational component of the CBO internship?
  6. What is the compensation for the internships?
  7. Does CBO consider interns for regular employment?
  8. When is the deadline for applying for an internship?
  1. Is there an interview for CBO internships?
  2. Can I submit two applications for different divisions?
  3. When and how will I find out if I have been selected for an internship?
  4. If ideal candidates are pursuing graduate degrees, will undergraduate students be considered?
  5. I am from a foreign country--can I still apply?
  6. What are the dates for a CBO internship?
  7. Is housing provided during the internship?

Questions About the Application Process

  1. The screens don't appear in my browser, what can I do?
  2. Why was I logged out of the system after I completed my new user information?
  3. I forgot my user ID. What do I do?
  4. I forgot my password. What do I do?
  5. How secure is my private information?
  6. How do I use the buttons on the left of my screen?
  7. I began, but didn't complete an application. When I logged back in, why wasn't I able to navigate to any of the pages to complete the application?
  8. I am unable to enter the hyphen and/or apostrophe in my name. What should I do?
  9. I was in the middle of working on my application, but when I went to save my work, I was taken to the log-in screen and my changes were lost. Why?
  10. Why do some characters become boxes when I copy and paste text into the "Type and Paste Text" sections of the application?
  11. When I copy and paste text into the "Type and Paste Text" sections of the application, some of the carriage returns don't register. What should I do?
  12. How do I upload a cover letter?
  13. How do I upload a résumé?
  14. How do I upload a transcript?
  15. If my university doesn't have a numerical GPA system, what information should I enter?
  16. What do I do if I only have my transcript on paper?
  17. How do I enter transcript information if my undergraduate and advanced degrees are from the same school?
  18. My undergraduate degree and current graduate school transcripts are on the same document. How do I submit this information?
  19. Do I need to provide all courses that are listed on my transcript or only those that are relevant to my major?
  1. What grade should I enter for my transcript course information if my college grading system doesn't utilize pluses or minuses?
  2. I entered or uploaded my transcript information, but there's no yellow dot in the "Transcript" button on the left. Why?
  3. I previously uploaded a Cover Letter/Résumé/Transcript file and the status button for that section displayed a yellow dot, indicating that it was complete. Now, after logging into the system again, the yellow dot is missing. What happened?
  4. What file formats will the application system accept?
  5. Can I change something after I've already saved it?
  6. If I've already uploaded a file, how can I change it?
  7. I've already clicked the "Transcript(s) Complete" button, but now I need to make changes to the school or course information. Can I do this?
  8. I had completed all five sections of the application, but before submitting it I needed to make changes to one of my transcripts. Now I am unable to submit the application. Why?
  9. How do I know when I've completed all of the required information?
  10. How do I submit my application?
  11. Can I change something in my application after I've submitted it?
  12. I logged back into my application and am unable to edit my information. Why?
  13. How do I know my application was successfully received?
  14. How can I find out the status of my application after submitting it?
  15. How do I delete or withdraw my application?


  1. How many internship positions are available at CBO?
    Summer internships have varied from 10 to 28 positions.

  2. How long is the internship?
    Summer interns spend 10 weeks at CBO. Though CBO has some flexibility with scheduling, interns typically start work at the end of May and finish at the beginning of August.

  3. Does CBO have interns during the school year?
    Though this is not a regular opportunity, CBO occasionally employs interns during the school year. Often those interns continue from the summer program.

  4. What type of work do the interns do?
    Interns work on a variety of projects based on the CBO division and/or unit to which they are assigned and their educational and work experience. Projects are generated from CBO's regular work requirements and can vary widely, from data cleansing to microeconomic simulation modeling. Recent projects have included development of an econometric model of labor supply to assist with the analysis of Social Security solvency, an analysis of unemployment factors, a study of state election reform, and estimating the cost of federal mandates on the private sector and state, local, and tribal governments.

  5. What is the educational component of the CBO internship?
    Our goal is that all interns leave CBO with a solid understanding of the breadth of work the agency does. Given the 10-week schedule, this is accomplished by providing interns with opportunities to meet with analysts and managers from across the organization for seminars on the myriad of work done by the organization. Additionally, CBO interns participate in the Congressional Summer Intern Lecture Series, which presents a variety of speakers. Recent years have seen lectures by former Secretary of State Colin Powell, journalists Cokie Roberts and Sam Donaldson, and Ralph Nader.

  6. What is the compensation for the internships?
    Compensation varies on the basis of each intern's educational and work experience. In the past few years, compensation has ranged from approximately $11 to $22 per hour. Additionally, CBO provides limited benefits to interns, including a commuting subsidy.

  7. Does CBO consider interns for regular employment?
    Yes. CBO has hired a number of interns into full-time positions. We encourage interns who are interested in full-time employment to advise us at the end of the internship and submit application materials for consideration during their last year of school.

  8. When is the deadline for applying for an internship?
    The deadline is March 1.

  9. Is there an interview for CBO internships?
    CBO does not interview internship candidates but may contact candidates by phone to clarify the application information submitted, to discuss potential projects, and to confirm interest and availability.

  10. Can I submit two applications for different divisions?
    You will have the opportunity to select and rank the divisions of interest to you.

  11. When and how will I find out if I have been selected for an internship?
    We will begin contacting candidates in March, but will not complete the process until April. The speed with which we reply will vary based on the positions available. All candidates--successful or not--will be notified of the disposition of their application by e-mail.

  12. If ideal candidates are pursuing graduate degrees, will undergraduate students be considered?
    More than 70 percent of CBO's full-time workforce holds advanced degrees. Logically, internship opportunities reflect a similar educational requirement. Additionally, the projects available each year dictate the academic background necessary to successfully accomplish the internship. College seniors and juniors with exceptional academic experience will be considered for appropriate opportunities.

  13. I am from a foreign country--can I still apply?
    One advantage that CBO has over other federal agencies is that we are permitted to hire candidates who are citizens of certain foreign countries.

    If you are not a U.S. citizen, please review the foreign citizenship requirements on our Web site at Should you be eligible for consideration, we would be pleased to consider you.

  14. What are the dates for a CBO internship?
    Most students begin their internship the Tuesday after Memorial Day. The internship lasts for 10 weeks. When possible, CBO may consider students who are available at other dates but these would be considered on a case by case basis and depend upon the project requirments and availability of the supervisor. Students whose internship begins later during the summer may miss some educational opportunities that are provided during the program.

  15. Is housing provided during the internship?
    CBO does not provide housing during the internship, however, we send a housing resource manual to students who have accepted an internship to assist them in their housing search.

  16. The screens don't appear in my browser, what can I do?
    Older Web browsers may not support some of the newer HTML standards used in the CBO online internship application system. To view the system correctly, make sure you are using an up-to-date browser. Popular browsers such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Firefox can be downloaded for free,, respectively.

  17. Why was I logged out of the system after I completed my new user information?
    After completion of the profile (New User Information), the system requires users to reenter their user ID and password as an extra security precaution.

  18. I forgot my user ID. What do I do?
    If you forgot your user ID, please contact the CBO Human Resources Office at (202) 226-2628 or for assistance. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (E.S.T.), Monday to Friday.

  19. I forgot my password. What do I do?
    You can get a password reminder e-mail message. Just go to the log-in page and, in the lower section of the screen, enter your user ID and click the "Get Password" button. You will be asked for the answer to the Secret Question you provided when you first registered to use the system. Once you have submitted the correct answer, the system will send a message containing your password to the e-mail address you provided when you first registered.

  20. How secure is my private information?
    Any information you provide is stored safely on CBO's secure servers. It is only accessible by you (via your user ID and password) and the staff of CBO's Human Resources Office. To protect your information, it is very important to select a user ID and password that will be difficult for another person to guess. Also, if your computer is a public workstation or can be accessed by other people, make sure to log out of the system whenever you leave the keyboard. This will prevent unauthorized people from viewing your information after you leave.

  21. How do I use the buttons on the left of my screen?
    The navigation bar is on the left of the screen on every page in the application, therefore it's always easy to find your way around.

    CBO's online internship application consists of five main sections:

    • General Information
    • Cover Letter
    • Résumé
    • References
    • Transcript(s)

    You can get to these sections by clicking the appropriate button in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen. These buttons not only connect you to the different sections of your application; they also help you keep track of your progress. An empty circle in the button means that the section is not complete; a yellow dot means the section is complete and that you have uploaded the required materials and/or provided responses to all required questions.

    The navigation bar also offers access to the following additional features of the online internship application system, by clicking on the appropriate button:

    • Home: Click this button to go to the application system's Home page.
    • FAQ: Click this button to view the list of Frequently Asked Questions.
    • Edit Profile: Click this button to edit your user profile, including username, password, e-mail address and other contact information, and eligibility.
    • Send to a Friend: Click this button to have the system send an e-mail to a friend with information on how to apply for the CBO summer internship program.
    • Delete Application: Click this button to delete your entire application and stop receiving e-mail notifications.
    • Log Out: Click this button to sign out of the system.

  22. I began, but didn't complete an application. When I logged back in, why wasn't I able to navigate to any of the pages to complete the application?
    All users must complete the "New User Information" section to begin the application process. Click on the "Edit Profile" button on the left of the Home page to complete your new user information.

  23. I am unable to enter the hyphen and/or apostrophe in my name. What should I do?
    Certain characters interfere with the file saving process. Please enter your name, leaving a blank in place of hyphens and apostrophes.

  24. I was in the middle of working on my application, but when I went to save my work, I was taken to the log-in screen and my changes were lost. Why?
    As a security measure, the system automatically logs users out after 60 minutes of inactivity. If you find yourself unexpectedly at the log-in screen, chances are that your computer was "idle" for at least 60 minutes. To avoid this problem, make sure to save your changes before leaving your keyboard for any length of time. You can always continue to make changes after saving, as long as you have not submitted your application and the deadline has not passed.

  25. Why do some characters become boxes when I copy and paste text into the "Type and Paste Text" sections of the application?
    This is an artifact of certain word processing applications. You can create your cover letter or résumé in Note Pad to avoid this, or you must preview and edit your information for each occurrence.

  26. When I copy and paste text into the "Type and Paste Text" sections of the application, some of the carriage returns don't register. What should I do?
    You should edit your text and manually enter carriage returns in the "Type and Paste Text" field to ensure that your information is saved in a viewable format.

  27. How do I upload a cover letter?
    A cover letter can be a file you created in a text editor or word processing program, or it can be a paper cover letter that you have scanned into an image file. We will accept a cover letter in any of these formats:

    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
    • Tagged Image Format (.tiff, .tif)
    • JPEG Image Format (.lpg, .jpeg)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc)
    • Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • ASCII Text (.txt)
    • HTML (.htm; .html)

    To upload a file, follow these steps:

    1. If you are not already in the "Cover Letter" section, click on the "Cover Letter" button in the navigation bar on the left of your screen.
    2. Click on "Upload a file," or scroll down to the "Upload a file" section of the page.
    3. Click the "Browse" button. From the dialog box that appears, select the file you want to upload and click the "Open" button.
    4. Click "Upload Cover Letter" to begin the upload process.

    Note: Make sure you check the file for viruses before uploading it. If the cover letter file you upload contains a virus, CBO's servers will reject it, and the next time you log into the "Cover Letter" section, the status will be changed to Incomplete.

  28. How do I upload a résumé?
    A résumé can be a file you created in a text editor or word processing program, or it can be a paper résumé that you have scanned into an image file. We will accept a résumé in any of these formats:

    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
    • Tagged Image Format (.tiff, .tif)
    • JPEG Image Format (.lpg, .jpeg)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc)
    • Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • ASCII Text (.txt)
    • HTML (.htm; .html)

    To upload a file, follow these steps:

    1. If you are not already in the "Résumé" section, click on the "Résumé" button in the navigation bar on the left of your screen.
    2. Click on "Upload a file," or scroll down to the "Upload a file" section of the page.
    3. Click the "Browse" button. From the dialog box that appears, select the file you want to upload and click the "Open" button.
    4. Click "Upload Résumé" to begin the upload process.

    Note: Make sure you check the file for viruses before uploading it. If the résumé file you upload contains a virus, CBO's servers will reject it, and the next time you log into the "Résumé" section, the status will be changed to Incomplete.

  29. How do I upload a transcript?
    A transcript can be a file you created in a text editor or word processing program, or it can be a paper transcript that you have scanned into an image file. It can also be an electronic transcript file you received from your school. We will accept transcripts in any of these formats:

    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
    • Tagged Image Format (.tiff, .tif)
    • JPEG Image Format (.lpg, .jpeg)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc)
    • Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • ASCII Text (.txt)
    • HTML (.htm; .html)

    To upload a file, follow these steps:

    1. If you are not already in the "Transcript(s)" section, click on the "Transcript(s)" button in the navigation bar on the left of your screen.
    2. If you have not already done so, click the "Add Transcript" button and enter your school information.
    3. Once you have added your school information, the Transcript(s) page will display a list of the school(s) you added. Click the "Add or Edit Courses" link next to the school name for which you want to upload a file. The Add/Edit/Upload Courses page appears.
    4. Click on "Upload your Transcript," or scroll down to the "Upload Your Transcript" section of the page.
    5. Click the "Browse" button. From the dialog box that appears, select the file you want to upload and click the "Open" button.
    6. Click on "Upload Transcript" to begin the upload process.

    Note: Make sure you check the file for viruses before uploading it. If the transcript file you upload contains a virus, CBO's servers will reject it, and the next time you log into the "Transcript(s)" section, the status will be changed to Incomplete.

  30. If my university doesn't have a numerical GPA system, what information should I enter?
    Please enter 3.50 but be sure to add a page to your transcript or cover letter that explains the artificial GPA and the evaluation system at your university.

  31. What do I do if I only have my transcript on paper?
    If you only have a paper copy of your transcript, then you must do one of the following:

    • Use a scanner to create an electronic file of your transcript, and then upload the file.
    • Manually enter the information from your transcript into the on-line application system.
    • Download CBO's Transcript Form, fill it out with the information from your transcript, and then upload the completed Excel file.

  32. How do I enter transcript information if my undergraduate and advanced degrees are from the same school?
    You will need to enter the school and course information separately for each degree.

  33. My undergraduate degree and current graduate school transcripts are on the same document. How do I submit this information?
    You will need to enter the school and course information separately for each degree. This may entail uploading the same document separately for each transcript that you enter.

  34. Do I need to provide all courses that are listed on my transcript or only those that are relevant to my major?
    Please enter information on all of your coursework for each transcript.

  35. What grade should I enter for my transcript course information if my college grading system doesn't utilize pluses or minuses?
    You should enter the actual grade as it is registered on your transcript.

  36. I entered or uploaded my transcript information, but there's no yellow dot in the "Transcript" button on the left. Why?
    Unlike the other four sections of the application, the "Transcript(s)" section does not automatically change its status to "Complete" after you upload information. The reason for this is that many applicants have multiple transcripts from multiple schools, and there's no way for the system to automatically determine when a particular applicant has finished entering all of the relevant transcript information. Therefore, it is the applicant's responsibility to indicate when the "Transcript(s)" section is complete by clicking the "Transcript(s) Complete" button on the Transcript(s) summary page. Before doing so, make sure that you have provided all the required transcript information, as the system cannot ensure that you have done so. In particular, if you are a first-year graduate student, make sure you have providedbothundergraduate and graduate transcript information.

  37. I previously uploaded a cover letter, résumé, or transcript file and the status button for that section displayed a yellow dot, indicating that it was complete. Now, after logging into the system again, the yellow dot is missing. What happened?
    CBO's servers scan all uploaded files and remove any that contain viruses. Sometimes there is a delay between the time you upload your file and the time the file is removed by the system. This is why the section can appear complete immediately after uploading the file, but is later changed to incomplete after the file is removed. To avoid this problem, use a virus-scanning program to ensure that your files are free of viruses before uploading them.

  38. What file formats will the application system accept?
    The application system will accept documents in the following formats:

    • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
    • Tagged Image Format (.tiff, .tif)
    • JPEG Image Format (.lpg, .jpeg)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc)
    • Corel WordPerfect (.wpd)
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • ASCII Text (.txt)
    • HTML (.htm; .html)

  39. Can I change something after I've already saved it?
    Yes. You can change any portion of your application as long as you have not yet submitted your application and the deadline has not yet passed. To make changes, simply click on a section button in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. If you have already uploaded material or responded to questions in the section, that information will appear in a preview. Follow the onscreen instructions to edit the information you provided.

  40. If I've already uploaded a file, how can I change it?
    You can change an uploaded file by making the desired changes to the file on your computer and then uploading the file again. Any time you upload a new file it will replace a file you previously uploaded.

  41. I've already clicked the "Transcript(s) Complete" button, but now I need to make changes to the school or course information. Can I do this?
    Yes. Like the other four sections of the application, even after completing the "Transcript(s)" section you can go back and make changes, as long as you have not yet submitted your application and as long as the application deadline has not passed. Just click on the "Transcript" button in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen; a summary page displaying all of your previously entered/uploaded transcript information will appear, along with an "Edit" link for each transcript. Click the "Edit" link to edit any information about a transcript, including school and/or course information.

    Note: After marking the "Transcript(s)" section "Complete," if you return and make any changes, the section status is changed to "Incomplete." You will need to click the "Transcript(s) Complete" button again to change the status back to "Complete."

  42. I had completed all five sections of the application, but before submitting it I needed to make changes to one of my transcripts. Now I am unable to submit the application. Why?
    After marking the "Transcript(s)" section "Complete," if you return and make any changes, the section status is changed to "Incomplete." You will need to click the "Transcript(s) Complete" button again to change the status back to "Complete." After you do this, you will again be able to submit your application.

  43. How do I know when I've completed all of the required information?
    The navigation bar on the left helps you keep track of your progress. An empty circle means that the section is not complete; a yellow dot in the circle means that the section is complete. Once all five section buttons display a yellow dot, you have completed all of the information required and the "Submit Application" button becomes enabled.

    Note: Even after all five section buttons display a yellow dot, it is always a good idea to do a final review of each section to be sure the responses you have provided and the materials you have uploaded are correct. In particular, make sure you have completed all the required transcript information in the "Transcript(s)" section, since the system is unable to determine if you provided information on all your coursework.

  44. How do I submit my application?
    Once you have completed all five sections of the application, the "Submit Application" button in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen will become enabled. Click it and follow the onscreen instructions to submit your application to CBO for review.

    Note: Once you submit your application, you will no longer be able to make any changes in the materials or responses you provided. Therefore, it is always a good idea to do a final review of each section to be sure the responses you have provided and the materials you have uploaded are correct. In particular, make sure you have completed all the required transcript information in the "Transcript(s)" section, since the system is unable to determine if you provided information on all your coursework.

  45. Can I change something in my application after I've submitted it?
    No. The system will not allow you to make any changes to your application once you have submitted it to CBO for review. Therefore, it is always a good idea to do a final review of each section to be sure the responses you have provided and the materials you have uploaded are correct. In particular, make sure you have completed all the required transcript information in the "Transcript(s)" section, since the system is unable to determine if you provided information on all your coursework.

  46. I logged back into my application and am unable to edit my information. Why?
    You may only view information on applications that have been submitted. Applications have been submitted if each status button has a yellow dot and the "Submit Application" button is greyed out.

  47. How do I know my application was successfully received?
    After submitting your application, you will receive an e-mail message confirming that the application was received by CBO.

  48. How can I find out the status of my application after submitting it?
    Each candidate will receive an e-mail notification on the status of his or her application in April.

  49. How do I delete or withdraw my application?
    If you began the application process, but have not yet submitted the application to CBO for review, then simply click on "Delete Application" and follow the onscreen instructions to delete all of the materials and responses you have provided. Your user profile will remain intact, so you can still log-in to the system and start the application process again, if you wish.

    If you have already submitted your application to CBO for review, you will need to contact the Human Resources Office by phone, (202) 226-2628, or e-mail,, to withdraw or delete your application.