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To obtain a list of all species that are presently included in GLANSIS, use the following search criteria defaults:

Genus, Species, Common NameLEAVE BLANK

Spreadsheet version of the full search results table (.xls)

Database Search Terms

Established/Reported/Failed – This feature searches the actual collection records. A species may appear on lists resulting from searches based on both “reported” and “established” search criteria, usually in cases in which early records were considered ‘reports’ and only later collections identified the species as ‘established’. Similarly, a species may appear on lists resulting from searches based on both “established” and “failed” if any location reported a failed introduction (even if established elsewhere in the basin) or if an early introduction failed to establish and a later introduction became established or if an established population was later extirpated at some, but not all, locations.

Freshwater/Marine – Species with a broad salinity tolerance are dual listed as both freshwater and marine.

Exotic/Native Transplant/Cryptogenic – These terms are relative to the whole United States, not to the Great Lakes basin specifically. Species listed as ‘unknown pathway’ are not currently included in the cryptogenic search criterion.

Hybrid – We currently do not list any hybrids separately from the parent species.

Pathways – This feature searches the actual collection records. A species may appear on multiple lists resulting from searches based on differing search criteria. Only the dominant pathways are currently included in this search feature. Several sub-pathways may be joined. For example, the search criterion for shipping returns records for shipping, shipping?, ballast water, solid ballast and hull fouling.

Status of the Database

Over 180 species are presently included in GLANSIS, with individual fact sheets for about 70% of them. Detailed factsheets for about 60 of these species are not yet developed – all are vascular plants, primarily semi-aquatic species along with one virus (Spring viremia of carp). These species are listed but with only minimal information at this time. Because the information for these species is incomplete, the ‘search by lake’ function may fail to find these species for any categories other than ‘all Great Lakes drainages’.

USDA presence/absence records by county for those vascular plants species which are profiled in both GLANSIS and USDA PLANTS databases have been entered into the system (4/2008). Vascular plant maps inset in the fact sheets are accurate to the county level within the Great Lakes basin for vascular plant species except: Carex disticha, Frangula alnus, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Myosoton aquaticum, Pluchea odorata v. succulenta, Polygonum persicaria, Rumex obtusifolius, Salix alba, Salix fragilis, Solanum dulcamara, Sonchus arvensis, Trapa natans, and Veronica beccabunga. Full profiles for the following aquatic plants have recently (7/2008) been added: Marsilea quadrifolia, Lysimachia nummularia, Najas marina, Najas minor, Cabomba caroliniana, Trapa natans, Rorippa sylvestris, & Nasturtium officinale.

Full profiles for the following aquatic plants have recently been added (7/2008): Marsilea quadrifolia, Lysimachia nummularia, Najas marina, Najas minor, Cabomba caroliniana, Trapa natans, Rorippa sylvestris, Nasturtium officinale - (8/2008), Lythrum salicaria, Alopecurus geniculatus, Butomus umbellatus, Lycopus asper, Lycopus europaeus, Agrostis gigantea, Epilobium parviflorum, Carex acutiformis, Impatiens glandulifera, Lupinus polyphyllus, Lysimachia vulgaris, and Mentha aquatica.

We are still trying to develop the ‘search by pathway’ function. The searches which are available work, but do not capture many of the smaller pathways or those associated with plants.

We solicit and encourage reporting of errors and submission of corrections and additions to database information (especially verified collection records). Please contact Rochelle Sturtevant ().

See also:

Search Database