Government of Canada

During this testing, the Canada pre-production CA created a cross-certificate to the Prototype FBCA. In order for end-entity certificates to validate correctly, the Canada Pre-Production and Prototype FBCA changed their Entrust KeyIDMode, in order to generate a matching Subject and Authority Key Identifier. This temporary process was necessary because the FBCA Entrust CA had changed its default algorithm to a standard RFC 2459 algorithm, which allows for interoperability with other CA vendor products.

The Government of Canada (GOC) constantly monitored its chaining agreement with the Prototype FBCA Critical Path directory and noticed that the agreement would drop randomly. To solve this issue, the FBCA directory service had to be restarted. Based on these results, testing was conducted using the FBCA new ISODE directory. The GOC Nexor directory successfully chained to the Prototype FBCA ISODE directory. The GOC monitored the chaining for weeks with positive results.

Technical interoperability with the FBCA is complete and policy issues are pending.

Page Last Updated: 10 Nov 2004