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Money Smart News - Summer 2004

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My name is Nicola Waldron. I am a graduate of the Money Smart financial education program at Project Empowerment of the D.C. Department of Employment Services.

I am proud to be able to give testimony about what the Money Smart training program means to me, and to thank a man who through Money Smart has made a big difference in my life - Don Powell, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Before taking the Money Smart training program, I used to take my check to the liquor store next door to my place of employment, and they would take out a lot of money every time just to cash my check. Since receiving the Money Smart training, I have opened a direct deposit bank account with a real bank. My whole paycheck is now mine to keep. While I was already aware of some of what I learned in the Money Smart training, I think the training really made me see the benefit of managing my money better, and gave me the incentive to take steps to open a bank account and save my money.

I share what I learned with my four children as well, especially about saving money. I'd like to thank the man responsible for making this financial education available to me and my family, Mr. Don Powell, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC for short.

Not only did he make this training possible, but Mr. Powell and his staff at FDIC make sure that my savings at my bank are safe. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate his work with financial education!

Chairman Don Powell being introduced by recent Money Smart graduate -- and new bank accountholder -- Nicola Waldron.

I am Lan Fang Liang, a student of the first Chinese- language Money Smart Workshop series. I immigrated to U.S. 5 years ago….Learning new knowledge is very important to someone like me, who is new to this country.

Up until this point, I did not have much knowledge about banking, financial management and personal finance. Before I came to the Money Smart workshops, I didn't know what some words meant, such as deposit, withdrawal, checks, cash, amount, total, balance and interest. I did not know how to write a check, deposit slip, or withdrawal slip by myself. I always had to ask the banks' staff to help me fill out all the forms. Although I had a checking account, I never used it because I didn't know how to write a check.

I truly learned a lot from attending the Money Smart workshops; the word SMART is essential. I knew the importance of taking care of my personal financial matters smartly. For example, after the workshops, I realized that I could get what I need by using ATM machine, credit card or other forms of financing. When a person needs cash urgently at midnight, and if all the financing institutions are closed, this person can get cash from a 24-hour ATM machine to solve his or her problem.

After I attended the Money Smart workshops, I recognized that personal and family financial management are connected to our daily living. These workshops are a way to increase our knowledge, adapt to the U.S. and give back to the community.

Ms. Lan Fang Liang talks to reporters and members of the Chinatown community about her experience with the Money Smart program.
Ms. Lan Fang Liang talks to reporters and members of the Chinatown community about her experience with the Money Smart program.

I plan to improve my English in order to understand more about financial knowledge and grasp the techniques to manage our money smartly. It not only benefits my family and myself but also contributes to the community.

I would like to say thank you to those government departments, community organizations and financial institutions who provide such a wonderful opportunity for me to learn and allow me to speak today. Thank you very much.

Last Updated 08/31/2004 supervision@fdic.gov

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