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Last Updated: September 16, 2008

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You are here:Home Grants & Financing Annual Apportionments Current FY Apportionments & Notices of Funding Availability FY 2008 Notices of Funding Availability

FY 2008 Notices of Funding Availability

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Current Notices of Funding Availability

  • September 16, 2008. Cooperative Agreement - Request for Applications (RFA) - Transit Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Compendium (D2008-GHG-TRI). Proposals must be sumitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by November 3, 2008.

    Protect the Environment and Promote Energy Independence is one of FTA’s five Strategic Research Goals. Under this goal, FTA has set forth objectives to provide leadership in responding to the impact of climate change and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation.  FTA seeks applications to create a compendium of strategies for transit agencies to reduce the GHG intensity of their services.  The compendium will serve as a central information point, as well as a useful handbook to transit managers in planning and decision-making.

    Technical, program management and administrative questions should be directed to Jarrett Stoltzfus, Office of Technology (TRI-20), Room E43-436, Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590; email address: Jarrett.Stoltzfus@dot.gov, or by phone at 202-493-0361. 

    Proposals must be submitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by November 3, 2008. All potential applicants are advised to begin the registration process immediately, if they have not previously submitted Federal assistance applications through http://www.grants.gov/, in order to be able to meet the deadline. FTA expects to award funds through a Cooperative Agreement in December 2008. This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-GHG-TRI.

Protect the Environment and Promote Energy Independence is one of FTA’s five Strategic Research Goals.  Under this goal, FTA has set forth objectives to identify, analyze and demonstrate cost-effective energy conservation technologies for rail transit systems. A technology area with substantial promise is regenerative braking combined with efficient energy storage.  Rail systems have the potential for recovering lost kinetic energy through regenerative braking of rail cars.  Recovered energy can be directed to the third rail or catenary to be used by nearby trains, or stored in on-board or wayside energy storage devices.  Regenerative braking combined with energy storage technologies could increase the efficiency of rail propulsion systems by substantially reducing energy losses.  This RFA seeks applications to demonstrate regenerative braking and energy storage technologies (on-board or/and wayside) for rail transit propulsion systems. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requests proposals that may result in the award of one cooperative agreement to demonstrate regenerative braking and energy storage technologies (on-board or/and wayside) for rail transit propulsion systems. The total available funding for this agreement is $300,000. This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-ENR-TRV-TRI.

Expired Notices of Funding Availability

  • August 1, 2008.  Cooperative Agreement: Request for Proposals for Technical Support to the FTA Office of Civil Rights to Organize Stakeholder Outreach Events (D2008-ADA-TCR-02). Proposals must be sumitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 31, 2008.

    This solicitation is for proposals for one cooperative agreement to organize between three and five workshops for recipients and subrecipients of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding. The workshops, which will be held in FTA regions over an eighteen month period, will inform FTA grantees, FTA regional staff, and other stakeholders of recent changes to Department of Transportation (DOT) and FTA civil rights policies and help FTA grantees comply with existing and updated requirements. In addition, the workshops will be used to research promising and effective practices that recipients have adopted to comply with civil rights requirements. The total available funding for this agreement is $250,000. This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-ADA-TCR-02.

    Applicants must submit their proposal electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 31, 2008 for consideration. The applicant should also e-mail an electronic copy of the proposal to the FTA Project Manager. The FTA Project Manager for this project is Ms. Sandra McCrea, Chief, External Operations Division, Office of Civil Rights, Federal Transit Administration. Questions should be directed to Ms. Sandra McCrea, Office of Civil Rights, phone at 202-366-4018 or e-mail to sandra.mccrea@dot.gov.

  • July 31, 2008.  Funding Opportunity Notice for Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) Before/After Cost Effectiveness Study (D2008-CBTC-TRI-07). Proposals must be sumitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 31, 2008.

    FTA is seeking research proposals for Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) Before/After Effectiveness Study.  Improving Capital and Operating Efficiencies is one of FTA’s five Strategic Research Goals.  Under this goal, FTA has set forth objectives to identify practices and technologies to identify methods and technologies to improve transit operational efficiency.  The selected organization will evaluate the state of CBTC in areas of technology maturity, operational integration, CBTC/vehicle integration, project management, maintainability and cost effectivenes. This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-CBTC-TRI-07.


  • July 31, 2008. Funding Opportunity Notice for Rail Capacity Improvement Study (D2008-RCIS-TRI-08). Proposals must be sumitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 31, 2008.

    FTA is seeking research proposals for a Rail Capacity Improvement Study.  Improving Capital and Operating Efficiencies is one of FTA’s five Strategic Research Goals.  Under this goal, FTA has set forth objectives to identify practices and technologies to identify methods and technologies to improve transit operational efficiency.  The selected organization will evaluate and examine various infrastructure improvements such as (CBTC, automated operations, additional vehicles, substations, track structure improvements, etc). This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-CBTC-TRI-08.


The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), hereby requests proposals from public entities that will ultimately result in the award of one or more cooperative agreements to demonstrate, in revenue service, small transit vehicles employing a hybrid propulsion system.  For this project, small transit vehicles are defined as less than 30’ in length.  The demonstration project will support the development and analysis of advanced propulsion technologies for small transit vehicles.  Due to legislative restraints, in addition to the national goals, the project must benefit the state of California specifically.  This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-HEV-STV-TRI.

  • July 2, 2008. Funding Opportunity Notice and Request for Applications (RFA) for Passenger Protection In Rail Transit Vehicles (D2008-CEM-TRV-TRI) .  Proposals must be sumitted electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 11, 2008.

    The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requests proposals from public entities that will ultimately result in the award of one or more cooperative agreements to improve passenger protection in rail transit vehicle collisions and identify interior feature designs or configurations that minimize passenger injuries in secondary impact scenarios.  (Secondary impact refers to an occupant striking part of the vehicle interior surfaces or other occupants during a collision, derailment or sudden stop). FTA seeks applications for research defining the problem of collision-related rail transit passenger injuries and identifying designs or solutions to prevent or mitigate injuries. This opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-CEM-TRV-TRI.

    Applicants must submit a proposal electronically to http://www.grants.gov/ by August 11, 2008 for consideration. All potential applicants are advised to begin the http://www.grants.gov/ registration process immediately, if they have not previously submitted Federal assistance applications through http://www.grants.gov/, in order to be able to meet the deadline. FTA expects to award funds through a cooperative agreement in October 2008. The FTA Project Manager for this project is Mr. Roy Chen, Engineer, Office of Technology, Federal Transit Administration.

  • May 21, 2008 (Federal Register, Vol 73, No. 99) Notice of Funding Availability: Solicitation of Grant Applications for FY 2008 Tribal Transit Program Funds. [TEXT] [PDF] Submit completed applications by August 19, 2008.
This notice announces the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 funds for the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program. This notice includes a national solicitation for Grant Applications for FY 2008 Tribal Transit Program (TTP) funds to be selected on a competitive basis; the grant terms and conditions that apply to this program; and grant application procedures and selection criteria for FY 2008 projects. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) expects to have a total of $12 million for FY 2008. This grant opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-FTA-TRTR-TPM.
Applicants for Tribal Transit Program grants must submit completed applications by August 19, 2008 in one of three ways: delivering five hard copies to Federal Transit Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC, 20590 Attention: Lorna R. Wilson; sending applications by e-mail to fta.tribalprogram@dot.gov, or filing electronically through the grants.gov Web site at http://www.grants.gov/. Applicants applying by e-mail must fax signature documents to 202-366-7951, Attention: Lorna Wilson. FTA will announce final selections on the Web site and in the Federal Register. Please refer to the full announcement in the Federal Register for detailed description and instructions. [FR Notice Text] [FR Notice in PDF]


  • May 22, 2008 (Federal Register, Vol.73, No.100) Availability of Fiscal Year 2008 Clean Fuels Grant Program Funds: Solicitation of Project Proposals. [TEXT] [PDF] Complete proposals must be submitted by July 21, 2008.
The Clean Fuels Grant Program makes funds available to assist non-attainment or maintenance areas in achieving or maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone or carbon monoxide (CO). Additionally, the program supports emerging clean fuel and advanced propulsion technologies for transit buses and markets for those technologies. The authorizing legislation allows for the Secretary of Transportation to make awards under this program at her discretion in non-attainment or maintenance areas for ozone or CO. This grant opportunity can be found in Grants.gov as Funding Opportunity D2008-FTA-CLNF-TPM. In FY 2008, $49,000,000 was available for the discretionary Clean Fuels Grant program; $20,247,000 of the available funding was earmarked to specific projects authorized in SAFETEA-LU. The $28,753,000 of Clean Fuels Grant program funding that was unallocated in FY 2008 remains available for discretionary award. Complete proposals must be submitted by July 21, 2008. Grant proposals for Funding Opportunity D2008-FTA-CLNF-TPM may be submitted electronically through the GRANTS.GOV Web site. Please refer to the full announcement in the Federal Register for detailed description and instructions [TEXT] [PDF].
  • May 27, 2008. Notice for Request for Applications (RFA D2008-STA-TRI) and research proposals for Safe transit in Shared Track Sites and Analysis Research had to be submitted by June 30, 2008 for consideration.
In this notice, FTA was seeking research proposals for Safe transit in Shared Track Sites and Analysis Research.  FTA’s research activities are authorized by 49 USC 5312, Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Projects.  Improving Capital and Operating Efficiencies is one of FTA’s five Strategic Research Goals.  Under this goal, FTA has set forth objectives to identify practices and technologies to control capital costs and identify methods and technologies to improve transit operational efficiency.  Rail transit operations (commuter, heavy and light rail) comprise over 50% of transit service and represent a much larger component of capital expenditures and operating costs.  FTA seeks applications for research proposals that will support the achievement of these goals and objectives.  FTA expects to award funds through a cooperative agreement in August 2008.  Technical, program management and administrative questions should be directed to Terrell Williams, Office of Technology (TRI-20), E43-469, Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590; email address: Terrell.Williams@dot.gov, or by phone at 202-366-0232.
  • Feb. 26, 2008 (Federal Register,  Vol. 73, No.38) National Rural Transportation Assistance Program Request for Proposals (RFP) [TEXT] [PDF]
  • Mar 10, 2008 FR 12795 National Rural Transportation Assistance Program Request for Proposal (RFP); Correction [TEXT] [PDF]
This solicitation was for proposals from not-for-profit entities with rural transit and technical assistance expertise for a cooperative agreement to develop and implement a National Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP). As stated in March 10 Federal Register correction notice, proposals in response to funding opportunity  D2008-RTAP-TPM were to be submitted electronically by April 11, 2008, via Grants.gov.

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