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Last Updated: July 29, 2008

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You are here:Home Grants & Financing Grant Programs Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands (5320)

Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands (5320)

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Congestion in and around popular national parks, wildlife refuges, national forests, and other federal lands causes traffic delays and noise and air pollution that substantially detract from the visitor’s experience and the protection of natural resources. Congress established the Alternative Transportation in the Parks and Public Lands program to enhance the protection of national parks and federal lands and increase the enjoyment of those visiting them. Administered by the Federal Transit Administration in partnership with the Department of the Interior and the Forest Service, the program funds capital and planning expenses for alternative transportation systems1 such as shuttle buses and bicycle trails in national parks and public lands. The goals of the program are to conserve natural, historical, and cultural resources; reduce congestion and pollution; improve visitor mobility and accessibility; enhance visitor experience; and ensure access to all, including persons with disabilities.

Historic red bus in Glacier National Park

Fiscal Year 2008 Solicitation for Project Proposals

  • Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) & Solicitation of Project Proposals (Federal Register, December 13, 2007) [HTML] [PDF]

Proposal Forms

Web-based Seminar (Webinar)

The Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands (ATPPL) Program conducted a webinar conference on January 16, 2007 and February 13, 2008.  Individuals and organizations were invited to participate both in the teleconference (audio) portion or by participating and viewing the presentation in real time on the web. The webinar was intended to focus particularly on the project application procedure. Participants included federal lands management agency staff, state, local, and tribal governments, transit agencies, and professional organizations. At the conclusion of the presentation, Q&A session was conducted.

Fiscal Year 2007 Solicitation for Projects

  • FY07 - FRN: Announcement of Project Selection (Federal Register Notice, October 15, 2007)[HTML] [PDF]
  • Solicitation for Project Proposals (Federal Register Notice, December 5, 2006) [HTML] [PDF]

Fiscal Year 2006 Projects


  • Requirements for Recipients of FY 2006 Funding, July 2006
  • Sample Quarterly Report [PDF] for Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands Program (ATPPL) funding recipients who are Federal Land Management Agencies. Funding recipients who are State, local or tribal government entities will submit reports through FTA’s electronic grants management system. This document describes the information to be included in quarterly reports and provides an example of a quarterly report.

Links to program partners


Federal Lands Alternative Transportation Systems Study: Summary of National ATS Needs
Section 3039 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) required the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with the Secretary of the Interior, to “undertake a comprehensive study of alternative transportation needs in national parks and related Federal Lands.” This report study identified significant alternative transportation needs at sites managed by the National Park Service (NPS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Federal Lands Alternative Transportation Systems Study: Summary of Forest Service ATS Needs
This supplement to the Section 3039 study identified significant alternative transportation needs in National Forests.

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Links to other resources

1Alternative transportation means transportation by bus, rail, or any other publicly or privately owned conveyance that provides to the public general or special service on a regular basis, including sightseeing service. Such term also includes a nonmotorized transportation system (including the provision of facilities for pedestrians, bicycles, and nonmotorized watercraft).

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