System name:

Job Corps Student Records (April 8, 2002, 67 FR 16815).

Security classification:


System location:

Screening contractors; Job Corps centers and operators (which includes contract and agency centers); Job Corps National Office; Job Corps Regional Offices; Federal Records Centers.

Categories of individuals covered by the system:

Job Corps applicants, students, and terminees.

Categories of records in the system:

Records contain information kept on the students, such as separate running accounts of the students' general biographical data; educational training, vocational training; counseling; recreational activities; dormitory logs; health (dental, medical, mental health, and drug testing records); administrative records covering data pertaining to enrollment allowances and allotments; leave records; Student Profile (ETA-640); and Center Standards Officer's disciplinary records.

Authority for maintenance of the system:

Subtitle C of Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 U.S.C. 2881 et seq.


These records are maintained to ensure that all appropriate documents of the student's stay in Job Corps (covering application to placement and/or termination) are retained and are available to those officials who have a legitimate need for the information in performing their duties and to serve the interests and needs of the students in accordance with 29 U.S.C. 2881 et seq.

Routine uses of records maintained in the system, including categories of users and the purposes of such uses:

These records and information in these records may be used when relevant, necessary, and appropriate:

(1) To disclose photographs and student identities, with appropriate consent, to the news media, for the purpose of promoting the merits of the program.

(2) To disclose information, giving the summary of a student's academic and vocational achievement and general biographical information, to placement and welfare agencies, prospective employers, school or training institutions to assist in the employment of a student.

(3) To disclose information to State and Federal law enforcement agencies or other government investigators to assist them in locating a student and/or his or her family.

(4) To disclose information to appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies which have law enforcement jurisdiction over students (which includes probation or parole officers); and/or the property on which the center is located.

(5) To disclose all or any information to parents/guardians regarding students under the age of 18 for performance of parental rights and responsibilities.

(6) To disclose information to Job Corps health consultants; Job

Corps Center Review Board members (in appropriate disciplinary cases); State, county, and local health services personnel; family planning agencies; and physicians (public or private) to whom a student is referred for diagnosis or to receive treatment to assure continuance of proper health care, or notification and contact tracking for communicable disease control.

(7) To disclose to State and local health departments all cases of infection or disease that are required to be reported to them in accordance with state and local laws. This disclosure shall be made by the Center Director.

Note: Center physicians shall deal with all cases of communicable diseases in accordance with Job Corps directives based on current recommendations of the Center for Disease Control of the Department of Health and Human Services.

(8) To disclose information to State and local health departments regarding infected persons who are unwilling to notify their contacts at the center for the purpose of enabling the counseling of contacts.

(9) To disclose information to medical laboratories necessary in identifying specimens for the purpose of testing.

(10) To disclose information to social service agencies in cases of a student's termination in order to provide services such as Medicaid, housing, finance, and placement.

(11) To disclose information to the Army Finance Center, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, to pay student allowances and maintain and dispose of their pay records.

(12) To disclose information to Federal, State, and local agencies and to community-based organizations for the operation of experimental, research, demonstration, and pilot projects authorized under sections 156, 171, or 172 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 U.S.C. 2856, 2916, or 2917, except that in the case of a research project, the researcher shall guarantee to protect the anonymity of all staff and students involved in any presentation of the results of such study.

(13) To disclose information to contractors and agencies that operate centers or have Outreach Admissions and Placement (OA&P) issues which demonstrate a legitimate need for the information to enable them to properly administer their responsibilities in the Job Corps program.

(14) To disclose to the Selective Service system names, social security number, date of birth, and address of students, to insure registration compliance for eligible applicants applying for Job Corps training benefits.

Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies:


Policies and practices for storing, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of records in the system:


Students' files are maintained in locked file cabinets; files are maintained on magnetic tapes, computer data base, and discs; printouts from army terminals which include payroll statistical reports.


Records are retrieved by name, social security number, and date of student entry.


Records are maintained in file folders during center use; health records are placed in sealed envelopes after termination; on magnetic tapes, computer data base, or discs; and are stored in locked filing cabinets with access to those whose official duties require access.

Retention and disposal:

Job Corps centers will maintain records of terminated students for a period of 3 years unless custodianship is extended or terminated, for administrative reasons, by the regional office. Counseling records are retained on the Job Corps center for 6 months after student's termination, after which they are destroyed. After termination, a summary or copy of the counseling record is placed in the health record.

After 3 years, centers will retire the records to the appropriate Federal Records center. Students' records are subject to destruction 75 years from the birth date of the youngest student's record contained in a GSA records retirement box, with the disposal authority being NC 369-76-2, item 59. [Note: Centers will send a copy of the SF 135-135 A (transmittal and receipt form) to the appropriate Job Corps regional office, after they have received the accession number from the appropriate Federal Records Center. In the event of a student's death, the student's entire personnel record shall be sent to the U.S. Department of Labor Job Corps National Health Office within 10 days of date of student's death.]

System manager(s) and address:

Director, Office of Job Corps, U.S. DOL/ETA, Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.

Notification procedures:

Requests for access of terminated student's records are to be directed to the appropriate U.S. DOL Regional Job Corps Office, or to the System Manager at the above address. Requests for current records can be directed to the appropriate center director or screening contractor.

Record access procedures:

A request for access to a record from this system shall be made in writing to the System Manager or appropriate center director, Regional Job Corps Director, or screening contractor, in accordance with rules and regulations of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, with the envelope and the letter clearly marked ``Privacy Act Request'', and the record sufficiently described in the letter for identification.

Contesting record procedures:

Individuals desiring to contest or amend information maintained in this system should direct their request to the System Manager listed above, or appropriate center director, Regional Job Corps Director, or screening contractor, stating clearly and concisely what information is contested, the reasons for contesting the information, and the proposed amendment to the information sought. Details required for records identification are: (a) Full Name(s) (i.e., name during enrollment); (b) Center(s) where enrolled; and (d) Date enrolled.

Record source categories:

Outreach/screening and placement contractors; Job Corps centers; Job Corps students; employment services; parole officers; State and local law enforcement agencies.

Systems exempted from certain provisions of the act:
