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Welcome to HHS HealthBeat. Launched on July 11, 2005, this service provides health promotion and disease prevention tips 5 days a week in audio and text formats. - Consumers—choose a HealthBeat tip below to listen. Be sure to visit the Take the Next Step link, too, because it provides more information to help you take action to improve your health.
- Radio stations and other media—you can download tips for broadcast use. Please attribute HealthBeat tips to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For audio clips from Secretary Leavitt and other HHS officials, visit the Broadcast News Service.
You will need an audio player to listen to the tip. Each MP3 audio file is 59 seconds long and about 1 megabyte in size. Documents in PDF format require the Adobe Acrobat Reader®. If you experience problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®. September 15, 2008 - "Better fed babies, better thinking adults" [read tip]
September 12, 2008 - "Bad signs early" [read tip]
September 11, 2008 - "Time to plan" [read tip]
September 10, 2008 - "Sleeping on bad memories" [read tip]
September 09, 2008 - "Sound advice" [read tip]
September 08, 2008 - "Abused men" [read tip]
September 05, 2008 - "Hardly working; working hard" [read tip]
September 04, 2008 - "No Smoking: Baby Zone" [read tip]
September 03, 2008 - "Teens’ withdrawal" [read tip]
September 02, 2008 - "Beating chickenpox" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Jane Seward of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says
September 01, 2008 - "Meningitis 101" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Meningitis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) -
August 29, 2008 - "A larger hole" [read tip]
August 28, 2008 - "Heavy sleepers" [read tip]
August 27, 2008 - "Stroke and the healthy five" [read tip]
August 26, 2008 - "Mom’s beer" [read tip]
August 25, 2008 - "Get up and play an hour a day?" [read tip]
August 22, 2008 - "Weighty weekends" [read tip]
August 21, 2008 - "Tracking blood pressure online" [read tip]
August 20, 2008 - "Protective acids" [read tip]
August 19, 2008 - "Two years less" [read tip]
August 18, 2008 - "The stroke they didn’t know they had" [read tip]
August 15, 2008 - "Not-so-good night" [read tip]
August 14, 2008 - "Tai chi lullaby" [read tip]
August 13, 2008 - "Twenty-twenty vision, for now" [read tip]
August 12, 2008 - "A friend for the brain" [read tip]
August 11, 2008 - " Found a health center?" [read tip]
August 08, 2008 - "The high and the heart attack" [read tip]
August 07, 2008 - "See how you fit" [read tip]
August 06, 2008 - "Not dying for coffee" [read tip]
August 05, 2008 - "Less trouble" [read tip]
August 04, 2008 - "Holding a wide line" [read tip]
August 01, 2008 - "Exercise against arthritis" [read tip]
July 31, 2008 - "Carbon monoxide and tuberculosis" [read tip]
July 30, 2008 - "Closer ties, stronger memories" [read tip]
July 29, 2008 - "Forget hot flashes?" [read tip]
July 28, 2008 - "Hearing loss from diabetes" [read tip]
July 25, 2008 - "Safe in the water" [read tip]
July 24, 2008 - "Beta cells going bad" [read tip]
July 23, 2008 - "Best pregnancy weight" [read tip]
July 22, 2008 - "Bad starts" [read tip]
July 21, 2008 - "Another reason to stay in school" [read tip]
July 18, 2008 - "What the well-dressed boater wears" [read tip]
July 17, 2008 - "Weight and death" [read tip]
July 16, 2008 - "What experience didn’t teach" [read tip]
July 15, 2008 - "Wort and ADHD" [read tip]
July 14, 2008 - "What happens when parents tell teens to diet" [read tip]
July 11, 2008 - "Who gave them the alcohol?" [read tip]
July 10, 2008 - "Women drinking more" [read tip]
July 09, 2008 - "Health 101" [read tip]
July 08, 2008 - "Fatty livers and kids’ hearts" [read tip]
July 07, 2008 - "Batter up and look out" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Sports Injuries (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) -
July 04, 2008 - "Fun and games -- and risks -- outdoors" [read tip]
July 03, 2008 - "The rising tide of diabetes" [read tip]
July 02, 2008 - "What’s in the pool?" [read tip]
July 01, 2008 - "Tropical troubles" [read tip]
June 30, 2008 - "Blood sugar, heart attacks, and strokes" [read tip]
June 27, 2008 - "Danger in the waterpipe" [read tip]
June 26, 2008 - "Actively avoiding breast cancer" [read tip]
June 25, 2008 - "Up three million" [read tip]
June 24, 2008 - "Prudent diet, longer life" [read tip]
June 23, 2008 - "Not inevitable weight" [read tip]
June 20, 2008 - "More breastfeeding" [read tip]
June 19, 2008 - "Unbundling the joy" [read tip]
June 18, 2008 - "The flu versus the flu vaccine" [read tip]
June 17, 2008 - "Blood sugar, heart attacks, and strokes" [read tip]
June 16, 2008 - "Diabetes or not" [read tip]
June 13, 2008 - "Quitting for the better" [read tip]
June 12, 2008 - "Health and lost sleep" [read tip]
June 11, 2008 - "Death by overdose" [read tip]
June 10, 2008 - "Obese, pregnant and needing help" [read tip]
June 09, 2008 - "Sick bellies" [read tip]
June 06, 2008 - "Teens’ troubles with diabetes" [read tip]
June 05, 2008 - "Nibble tuck" [read tip]
June 04, 2008 - "Big kids and flu" [read tip]
June 03, 2008 - "Knowing when to call for help" [read tip]
June 02, 2008 - "Sweetness and kids " [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Claire Wang of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health says
May 30, 2008 - "Hearing what you can do about breast cancer?" [read tip]
May 29, 2008 - "Somewhat gone" [read tip]
May 28, 2008 - "Quitting smoking in packs" [read tip]
May 27, 2008 - "Should real men wear gowns?" [read tip]
May 26, 2008 - "Surprised by diabetes" [read tip]
May 23, 2008 - "How diabetes and arthritis get in each other’s way" [read tip]
May 22, 2008 - "The pill card" [read tip]
May 21, 2008 - "Start talking" [read tip]
May 20, 2008 - "Incoming measles" [read tip]
May 19, 2008 - "Exercise for the brain" [read tip]
May 16, 2008 - "Muscling up protein" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Protein (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) -
May 15, 2008 - "Overpower underage drinking" [read tip]
May 14, 2008 - "Making the grade" [read tip]
May 13, 2008 - "Staying sharp" [read tip]
May 12, 2008 - "Older and sober" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Find Treatment (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) -
May 09, 2008 - "Step it up" [read tip]
May 08, 2008 - "Diet debate" [read tip]
May 07, 2008 - "Break the fast" [read tip]
May 06, 2008 - "Depression, anxiety, weight and smoking" [read tip]
May 05, 2008 - "DASHing toward heart health" [read tip]
May 02, 2008 - "Living with asthma" [read tip]
May 01, 2008 - "Cheers!" [read tip]
April 30, 2008 - "That’s not love" [read tip]
April 29, 2008 - "Seniors on the tanning beds" [read tip]
April 28, 2008 - "Location, location, location" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Stroke (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) -
April 25, 2008 - "Shopping around" [read tip]
April 24, 2008 - "Broccoli benefit" [read tip]
April 23, 2008 - "Alcohol and estrogen" [read tip]
April 22, 2008 - "Cigarettes and colon cancer" [read tip]
April 21, 2008 - "Turning off the kids’ screens" [read tip]
April 18, 2008 - "Play fair" [read tip]
April 17, 2008 - "Less time for family ties" [read tip]
April 16, 2008 - "Aroma? Therapy?" [read tip]
April 15, 2008 - "The buzz on senior drinking" [read tip]
April 14, 2008 - "Deep sleep" [read tip]
April 11, 2008 - "Add a personal touch" [read tip]
April 10, 2008 - "Schoolwork, school workout" [read tip]
April 09, 2008 - "One cigarette, two hearts" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Smoking (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) -
April 08, 2008 - "Tough gymnastics" [read tip]
April 07, 2008 - "Teens and bedroom TV" [read tip]
April 04, 2008 - "Overweight teen trouble" [read tip]
April 03, 2008 - "The choking game" [read tip]
April 02, 2008 - "Safety and thimerosal" [read tip]
April 01, 2008 - "Red or green" [read tip]
March 31, 2008 - "Screen time" [read tip]
March 28, 2008 - "Living long sick" [read tip]
March 27, 2008 - "More screening" [read tip]
March 26, 2008 - "Sleeping duty" [read tip]
March 25, 2008 - "Keeping it low" [read tip]
March 24, 2008 - "Caring hearts" [read tip]
March 21, 2008 - "This pet may protect" [read tip]
March 20, 2008 - "The record of the hearts" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
We Can! (National Institutes of Health) -
March 19, 2008 - "Time together" [read tip]
March 18, 2008 - "Walk it out" [read tip]
March 17, 2008 - "Terrible twosome" [read tip]
March 14, 2008 - "Whole grains, better bellies" [read tip]
March 13, 2008 - "Larger women, higher risk" [read tip]
March 12, 2008 - "Healthy over 90" [read tip]
March 11, 2008 - "More painful" [read tip]
March 10, 2008 - "Turtle talk" [read tip]
March 07, 2008 - "Smoke and genes" [read tip]
March 06, 2008 - "Dengue on the border" [read tip]
March 05, 2008 - "CMV and your baby" [read tip]
March 04, 2008 - "Killings in schools" [read tip]
March 03, 2008 - "Breastfed babies and teen weight" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Jessica Woo of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and Elizabeth Goodman of Tufts-New England Medical Center says
February 29, 2008 - "Snug but safe" [read tip]
February 28, 2008 - "Making a match" [read tip]
February 27, 2008 - "Not a stroke, but still trouble" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Stroke (National Library of Medicine) - George Howard of the University of Alabama at Birmingham says
February 26, 2008 - "Walk this way" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Steven Hooker of the University of South Carolina says
February 25, 2008 - "Seniors and clinical trials" [read tip]
February 22, 2008 - "The risk on dozing off" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Bernadette Boden-Albala of Columbia University Medical Center says
February 21, 2008 - "Watch out " [read tip]
February 20, 2008 - "Mutual Respect" [read tip]
February 19, 2008 - "Secondhand smoke and cystic fibrosis" [read tip]
February 18, 2008 - "Middle aged, obese and depressed" [read tip]
February 15, 2008 - "Can you believe this?" [read tip]
February 14, 2008 - "Older, active and vitamin E" [read tip]
February 13, 2008 - "Either or both" [read tip]
February 12, 2008 - "The states of blood pressure" [read tip]
February 11, 2008 - "Kids and the cough medicine" [read tip]
February 08, 2008 - "Better with walking " [read tip]
February 07, 2008 - "Which half " [read tip]
February 06, 2008 - "Vaccinations for grown-ups" [read tip]
February 05, 2008 - "When the other kids drink " [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
The Cool Spot (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) -
February 04, 2008 - "Alcohol, kids and violence" [read tip]
February 01, 2008 - "A program to live with" [read tip]
January 31, 2008 - "Fitness and fatness" [read tip]
January 30, 2008 - "What the teens said about drugs" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Drug Abuse (National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center) -
January 29, 2008 - "Cereal for breakfast?" [read tip]
January 28, 2008 - "What to do about COPD" [read tip]
January 25, 2008 - "Electronic aggression" [read tip]
January 24, 2008 - "Burger, fries and a soda" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Lyn Steffen of the University of Minnesota says
January 23, 2008 - "More to love" [read tip]
January 22, 2008 - "The case of the dangerous stray" [read tip]
January 21, 2008 - "Family meals and teenage girls" [read tip]
January 18, 2008 - "Keeping track" [read tip]
January 17, 2008 - "We Can! After the holidays" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
We Can! (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) -
January 16, 2008 - "Campus tans" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
Tanning (Center for Devices and Radiological Health) -
January 15, 2008 - "Teens, grownups, and heart trouble" [read tip]
January 14, 2008 - "A good breakfast and a good heart " [read tip]
January 11, 2008 - "Flu and asthma" [read tip]
January 10, 2008 - "A sign of trouble" [read tip]
January 09, 2008 - "Not really overweight" [read tip]
January 08, 2008 - "Vitamin D and hearts" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Thomas Wang of Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital says
January 07, 2008 - "Kids, smoking and movies (Pediatrics)" [read tip]
- Take the Next Step:
- Researcher Linda Titus-Ernstoff of Dartmouth Medical School says
January 04, 2008 - "Protecting babies from the flu " [read tip]
January 03, 2008 - "Where’s the sunshine vitamin?" [read tip]
January 02, 2008 - "Untested " [read tip]
January 01, 2008 - "The rest of 2008" [read tip]
Last revised: September 15, 2008 |