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"Technical Activities 2004" - Table of Contents

Division home page

Optical Technology Division
The strategy for meeting this goal is to develop and provide national measurement standards and services to advance optical technologies spanning the microwave through the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectral regions.
GOAL: To provide the
foundation of optical
radiation measurements
for our nation.

Strategic Focus Areas:



Optical Radiation Standards  -  to develop and provide optical radiation standards based on the SI units.


Optical Measurement Methods  -  to develop novel optical measurement methods for solving problems in critical and emerging technology areas.


Optical Measurement Services  -  to disseminate optical radiation measurements and standards to industry, government, and academia.

Optical Radiation Standards:

to develop and provide optical radiation standards based on the SI units.


The Optical Technology Division plays a fundamental role in advancing the use of optical technology. Through research and development, we advance the measurement science needed to maintain the Nation's primary SI standards for the candela and kelvin, and associated photometric, colorimetric, pyrometric, and spectral radiometric quantities. These standards affect a host of industries, from aerospace to lighting, by ensuring the accuracy and agreement of measurements between and within organizations.

A significant part of the Division's activities includes participating in international comparisons of measurements with other national metrology institutes. They are organized through the Consultative Committees on Temperature and on Photometry and Radiometry, of the International Committee of Weights and Measures. These comparisons provide an important assessment of measurement quality, and help guarantee the international acceptability of our Nation's optical radiation measurements.

To ensure unsurpassed measurement accuracy, the Division's radiometric scales are increasingly being based on stable, low-noise, highly linear detectors, radiometers, and photometers. Their absolute responsivities are traceable to optical power measurements performed using cryogenic radiometry and a state-of-the-art laser facility, SIRCUS (Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Calibrations with Uniform Sources). Cryogenic radiometry provides the highest accuracy optical power measurements by performing a direct comparison of optical and electrical power. The Division's High-Accuracy Cryogenic Radiometer (HACR), the Nation's standard for optical power, achieves a relative standard uncertainty of better than 0.02 %.

The improvements realized by tying the radiometric measurements to cryogenic radiometry are significant. Recently the Division's spectral irradiance scale, as disseminated by FEL-type lamps, was converted to a detector-based scale traceable to the HACR. The improved scale has led to a reduction of spectral irradiance uncertainties by a factor of two in the ultraviolet and visible, and greater in the infrared. The spectral radiance and radiance temperature scales will also be detector based in the near future.

These advances in detector-based radiometry are complemented by new research in source-based radiometry, i.e., radiometry based on a source of radiation whose spectral output is absolutely known. This research uses synchrotron radiation from an electron storage ring, the recently upgraded NIST Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (SURF III), as a source of continuously tunable, intense, ultraviolet light. The SURF III effort is complemented by programs to develop improved blackbody sources.


  • High-Temperature Radiometric Standards

    To address the lack of high-temperature standards in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), the Division is researching the suitability of blackbody-based standards tied to the fixed points of the phase transitions in metal-carbon and metal-carbide-carbon eutectics. Such fixed points offer the potential for temperature standards as high as 3034 K (using the TiC-C eutectic), over a factor of two greater than the present high-temperature limit of 1358 K (fixed at the Cu freezing point). The availability of high-temperature standards would allow routine measurements to be made between 1358 K and 3034 K by interpolation rather than extrapolation from the 1358 K standard, resulting in a reduction of temperature measurement uncertainties by a factor of five near 3000 K.

    To accurately measure the thermodynamic temperatures of these fixed points, the Division is developing absolute pyrometers calibrated against a cryogenic radiometer using SIRCUS. The first generation of these absolute pyrometers, denoted AP1 and operating at 650 nm, has a noise figure of approximately 2 mK and a one-year stability of approximately 100 mK at 1300 K. Efforts are directed at improving the stability and extending the operating wavelength into the ultraviolet near 365 nm, to achieve reduced uncertainties near 3000 K.

    In assessing the appropriateness of these eutectics for high-temperature standards, the Division recently participated in a measurement comparison with the National Physical Laboratory (UK). The measured phase-transition temperatures were compared for five metal-carbon eutectics (Co-C, 1597 K; Pd-C, 1765 K; Pt-C, 2011 K; Ru-C, 2226 K; and Re-C, 2748 K) relative to the ITS-90 temperature scale. The measured temperatures agreed to within 0.5 K, demonstrating the utility of these eutectics for international temperature standards.

    CONTACT: Dr. Howard Yoon
    (301) 975-2482

  • New Infrared Calibration Facility

      Figure 1

    (© Denease Anderson).

    Figure 1. Spectral irradiance responsivity for an InSb radiometer measured on IR-SIRCUS.

    The increased need for highly accurate infrared radiation measurements for homeland security, national defense, and remote sensing applications has led the Division to develop, with support from the Air Force through the Department of Defense Calibration Coordination Group (CCG), an infrared SIRCUS facility.

    When completed, IR-SIRCUS will extend the visible-to-ultraviolet capabilities of the present SIRCUS into the 1 µm to 20 µm wavelength region of the infrared, including the critical long-wave and mid-wave infrared atmospheric windows, coincident with the peak spectral responsivities of HgCdTe and InSb single-element detectors and focal plane arrays. (See Fig. 1.)

    The facility will allow the characterization and calibration of a variety of infrared imaging and camera systems, including hyperspectral imagers, at a level of detail and accuracy not possible with conventional broadband, blackbody radiation sources.

    Challenging the development of IR-SIRCUS is the lack of availability of commercial high-dynamic-range transfer detectors and broadly and continuously tunable high-power infrared lasers. Therefore, the IR-SIRCUS team has constructed a 1 µm to 5 µm infrared laser system based on optical parametric oscillators [LiB3O5 (LBO-OPO) or periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN-OPO)] pumped by a mode-locked Nd:Vanadate laser. For a transfer-standard detector the team is using a NIST-developed, liquid-helium cooled, electrical-substitution bolometer.

    With this laser system and detector, infrared detectors, radiometers, and focal plane arrays can be calibrated on IR-SIRCUS for spectral power, spectral irradiance, or spectral radiance responsivity between 1 µm and 5 µm with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.5 %.

    CONTACT: Dr. George P. Eppeldauer
    (301) 975-2338

  • Novel LED Sources for Radiometry

        Figure 2

    Figure 2.Solid-state integrating sphere source pumped by light emitting diodes, showing some of the different colors that can be generated by varying the input current to the individual LEDs.

    The Division is developing new radiometric applications for light emitting diodes (LEDs) to take advantage of their unique properties, which include narrow bandwidth, high spectral brightness, compact size, high efficiency, and low cost.

    A prototype LED-illuminated integrating sphere source has been successfully developed using 40 LEDs operating in 10 distinct bands between 380 nm and 780 nm. Varying the light intensity in the individual bands allows variation of the spectral output or color, as shown in Fig. 2. A second-generation LED source, now under development, will use 150 diodes grouped into 40 distinct bands to achieve a source that can match a conventional source within 2 % for luminance and 0.002 in chromaticity.

    A compact 660 nm LED source, consisting of a tube containing 36 diodes illuminating a volume-diffuser output coupler, has also been developed to allow the routine monitoring of the size-of-source error in optical pyrometers. The size-of-source error provides a rapid assessment of the stability of the optical alignment of the pyrometer and the surface cleanliness of the optics. It can be an important correction to the measurement and an important component of the measurement uncertainty, depending upon its magnitude.

    Following a similar design, a compact, blue LED source has been developed to model ocean color for the calibration of instruments measuring ocean optical properties. By matching the spectral output to the ocean waters of interest, many potential sources of calibration error in the instrument under test, such as stray light, can be reduced or eliminated.

    CONTACT: Dr. Steven W. Brown
    (301) 975-5167

First strategic focus   |   Second strategic focus   |   Third strategic focus

"Technical Activities 2004" - Table of Contents