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The Estate Tax and Charitable Giving
  July 2004  

Cover Graphic
© Royalty-free/Vol. 70/Corbis


This paper by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), prepared at the request of the Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee, examines the effect that changing the estate tax would have on donations to charity. Because charitable bequests lower the taxable amount of estates, the tax gives people an incentive to contribute to charity at death rather than leave assets to heirs. Furthermore, the estate tax provides an incentive to make charitable contributions during life. The paper finds that increasing the amount exempted from the estate tax from $675,000 to either $2 million or $3.5 million would reduce charitable giving by less than 3 percent. However, repealing the tax would have a larger impact, decreasing donations to charity by 6 percent to 12 percent.

Robert McClelland and Pamela Greene of CBO's Tax Analysis Division wrote the paper under the direction of Roberton Williams and G. Thomas Woodward. Kurt Seibert and Benjamin Vallis provided research assistance, and Julie Somers, David Weiner, and Arlene Holen provided useful comments. In keeping with CBO's mandate to provide objective analysis, the paper makes no recommendations.

John Skeen edited the manuscript, and Christian Spoor proofread it. Denise Williams prepared early drafts of the text, the tables, and the figure. Maureen Costantino designed the cover and prepared the report for publication. Lenny Skutnik produced the printed copies, and Annette Kalicki prepared the electronic versions for CBO's Web site.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin
July 2004


Characteristics of Contributors
Incentives for Charitable Giving
Effects of Raising the Exemption Level and of Repealing the Estate Tax
Appendix A
How CBO Estimated Changes in Charitable Contributions

1.  Schedule of Tax Rates and Estate Tax Exemptions Under Pre-2001 Law and Current Law
2.  Estimated Effects on Charitable Contributions in 2000 from Changes in the Estate Tax, Under Different Scenarios for the Growth of Assets
3.  Estimated Changes in Individual Income Tax Revenues in 2000 from Changes in the Estate Tax, Under Different Scenarios for the Growth of Assets
4.  Estimated Effects on Charitable Bequests in 2000 from Changes in the Estate Tax
1.  Estimated Changes in Charitable Contributions in 2000 from Changes in the Estate Tax
1.  Families' Wealth and Their Contributions to Charity

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