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Bilingual Women of NASA

The presence of Hispanics on this continent predates the founding of our Nation, and, as among the first to settle in the New World, Hispanics and their descendants have had a profound and lasting influence on American history, values, and culture. Since the arrival of the earliest Spanish settlers more than 400 years ago, millions of Hispanic men and women have come to the United States from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba and other Caribbean regions, Central America, South America, and Spain in search of peace, freedom, and a more prosperous future. They brought with them a deep commitment to family and community, a strong work ethic, and an unwavering belief in the American Dream.

In order to meet the growing number of Spanish-speaking students in our schools today, the Women of NASA project has a bilingual component. Select Women of NASA profiles will be available in English (profiles) and Spanish (profiles).

These bilingual Webchats will accommodate both English- and Spanish-speaking participants. If a question is asked in English, the response will be in English. If a question is asked in Spanish, the response will be in Spanish. As with our other chats, participants are encouraged to research the featured women by reading their profiles either in English or Spanish to form appropriate questions. Chat directions in Espanol

If you are interested in additional bilingual information, the following list was compiled by Charlie Bauer, a Fourth Grade Dual Language Teacher in Phoenix Elementary School. Nuestra Charla con NASA describes his class's bilingual chat featuring Women of NASA, Fanny Zuniga.

Bilingual Chat Schedule

Bilingual Education Sites

Bilingual Education Materials

ESL Education Sites

ESL Materials

CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) Sites

CALL Materials

NASA also provides General Information and Space Shuttle Mission Chronology in Spanish


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