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Women of the World

The Women of NASA project is proud to sponsor this newest educational initiative, " Women of the World." Through this program, the Women of NASA will sponsor quarterly online chats with the nation's most successful females in a wide range of professions, offering young people anywhere opportunities and experiences to gain insight into their own future choices. This project supports students, parents, and schools in an important learning opportunity to dialogue with our nation's most successful female leaders via the World Wide Web and provides a way in which they can dialogue with women typically not accessible to the public.

Tipper Gore, one of our featured Women of the World supports our project:

"I believe women have been and continue to be our country's traditional caregivers and, as such, need to struggle with basic questions of family and community. We juggle our careers with the many concerns of family life, while also trying to remember that we are part of a larger community.

"In my life, I take pride in my role as a homemaker who also had the opportunity to pursue personal interests such as photography and working on mental health and homelessness issues. This is an exciting time when a woman can achieve anything she sets out to do. Set your goals high and remain true to your vision and your heart."

To see the complete list of women currently involved in the project please see the Women of the World Profiles page. A schedule for the chats is also available. Archives of live events featuring Women of the World


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