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Women of NASA presents'

Global Science and Technology Week

May 7-13, 2000

international space station


The President of the United States has proclaimed May 7-13, 2000 as "Global Science and Technology Week." NASA Quest's Women of NASA project, will produce a week-long series of interactive online events to celebrate NASA women working on international scientific collaborations and the international diversity of our female scientists. We invite students, parents and schools worldwide to join us in fostering an appreciation for international perspectives that will better prepare them to participate in the world's interdependent high-tech economy and the global scientific community.

Participants may engage in conversations with the women by live Webchats or a Forum. The chats will feature select women for one hour, online question & answer sessions. These chats require preregistration. The online Forum is open throughout the week. Registration is not necessary and you may join in at any time. An observation room is also available for both the Chat and Forum. All dialogue will be archived and available as a link from the featured womens' profiles and the schedule page.

The online, interactive events that encompass Global Science and Technology Week are comprised of four interrelated components:

  • Research
    Profiles and biographies of the featured women are available for research prior to the event and can be found by linking from the featured woman's name on the schedule or on the profiles page. You are strongly encouraged to research the featured women prior to the chats in order to form appropriate questions that cannot be answered by another source. Archives and links to additional interactive events and resources are also included in their profiles.
  • Preregistration
    Preregistration for the chats is essential. Although an unlimited number of participants can take part in the chats as observers, the number of students able to submit questions live during the chat is limited. Therefore, once you have researched the featured women and have decided which chat(s) you wish to participate in, you must preregister from the schedule page. The registration is done by filling out a web-based form and takes approximately 3 minutes. If you have participated in our Questchats before and remember your user name and password the process is expedited. There are specific chat directions that you should become familiar with prior to the chats.
  • Interacting
    To chat, enter the URL, user name and password you were given when you preregistered for the chat at the specified time. To observe, link to the observe room from the schedule page at any time. To participate in the Forum, link to the Forum room from the schedule page at any point throughout the week to post or read answers.
  • Follow-up
    All contents and information from these pages and this event will be archived and available as a link from the Women of NASA archives page. The archived chats and profiles are a rich source of information when studying careers, gender equity, women's issues, and information specific to each woman's profession. Teaching tips on how you may use this event and the Women of NASA project are available on our teaching tips page.
  • Visit our other NASA Quest projects that feature additional diverse women
    working on international scientific collaborations:


Credits and Contacts


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