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Female Frontiers banner

Eileen Collins Answers Your Questions on Orbit

quest pennant A combined project of:

Space Team Online

Women of NASA

Learning Technologies Channel

Female Frontiers is part of NASA Quest, which brings NASA people and science into classrooms through the Internet.

As Eileen Collins becomes the First Woman Shuttle Commander on Shuttle mission STS-93, she sets an example that can inspire today's young women to excellence. In celebration, three young women will travel to the Kennedy Space Center to experience the excitement surrounding a launch. During their time there, these so-called "Student Ambassadors" will share their experiences with an online audience, through live Internet events, stories and photos.

This site features:

  • Special Events
    Our featured women will meet online with students, parents and schools worldwide to celebrate accomplishments and discuss opportunities. As the launch approaches additional interactive events will be planned.
  • Student Ambassadors experience a launch
    Three young women share their adventures and emotions of visiting the Kennedy Space Center witness the launch of STS-93 at the Kennedy Space Center.
  • Profiles of Student Ambassadors
    Representing students everywhere, these select young women have been sponsored to attend the launch of STS-93 and report to their constituents through journals and webcasts.
  • Profiles of Frontier Women
    Representing a variety of careers, this select group of "women firsts" were chosen based on their unique backgrounds and professions. Additional women will be added through the STS-93 launch in July as we confirm participation.
  • Instructional Materials
    Activities are cross-curricular (social studies, science, language arts and mathematics) in nature and correlate to the STS-93 space shuttle mission.

  • Link to Chandra, the main STS-93 payload

  • photo of front of calendar depicting women in aviation Gift idea: Women in Aviation Calendar

    Featuring Women's Firsts

    Ordering information is at: http://www.womeninaviation.com/calendar.html


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