List Of Figures:

Annual mean discharge
Annual flow duration
Highest daily mean discharge for period of record
Highest daily mean gage height for period of record

LOCATION.--Lat 46�'35'', long 96�'44", in SW1/4 sec.19, T.137 N., R.48 W., Clay County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 09020104, on right bank 60 ft downstream from bridge on township road and 1 mi southeast of Hickson.
DRAINAGE AREA.--4,300 mi2, approximately.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1975 to current year.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and concrete control. Datum of gage is 877.06 ft above sea level.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 13,300 ft3/s, Apr. 14, 1997, gage height, 35.81 ft; maximum gage height, 37.60 ft, Apr. 16, 1997; no flow Oct. 26, 1977, to Jan. 9, 1978.

Annual mean discharge

Annual mean discharge for 05051522 Red River of the North at Hickson, North Dakota
                              Statistics of monthly and annual mean discharges

                  Maximum                  Minimum                              Mean
           ______________________   ______________________   _____________________________________________

                       Water year                 Water year              Standard     Coeffi-    Percentage
 Month     Discharge       of         Discharge       of       Discharge  deviation    cient of   of annual
            (ft3/s)    occurrence      (ft3/s)    occurrence    (ft3/s)     (ft3/s)    variation   discharge

October      1,560     1994            2.02      1977            397         394         0.99       4.48
November     900       1987            0         1977            332         272         0.82       3.74
December     817       1986            0         1977            291         217         0.75       3.28
January      747       1986            4.95      1977            284         193         0.68       3.20
February     745       1987            14.0      1977            336         207         0.61       3.79
March        2,690     1995            75.9      1977            922         650         0.71       10.4
April        9,860     1997            165       1977            2,200       2,210       1.00       24.8
May          3,920     1997            22.0      1977            1,280       1,080       0.84       14.5
June         2,480     1986            86.4      1977            1,040       696         0.67       11.7
July         2,670     1993            73.4      1977            840         684         0.81       9.46
August       2,670     1993            35.6      1977            511         560         1.10       5.75
September    2,140     1993            12.6      1976            434         521         1.20       4.88
Annual       1,730     1997            53.1      1977            740         466         0.63       100


Annual flow duration

Annual flow duration for 05051522 Red River of the North at Hickson, North Dakota
                              Monthly and annual flow duration, in cubic feet per second

  of days
 discharge      Jan.   Feb.    March    April    May      June     July     Aug.     Sept.    Oct.     Nov.    Dec.   Annual
 equaled or

  95           44.4    75.1    138      210      158      163      76.3     41.8     26.6     35.4     42.5    41.5    55.2
  90           66.1    95.4    203      328      279      204      99.4     76.1     48.9     66.9     69.1    60.7    86.3
  85           89.3    110     247      425      357      242      143      88.4     63.1     84.8     90.0    77.1    117
  80           99.5    132     314      466      409      303      193      121      84.9     112      112     103     154
  75           112     176     372      540      454      408      250      167      114      129      124     118     191
  70           138     212     404      670      520      488      324      214      147      143      138     129     230
  65           172     245     429      767      630      568      378      262      170      172      159     157     271
  60           207     266     454      848      733      654      462      302      196      200      186     202     310
  55           234     287     494      956      807      749      536      336      222      225      206     236     348
  50           256     305     535      1,190    918      849      619      365      247      266      244     261     392
  45           278     323     597      1,470    1,040    974      707      393      273      299      282     277     440
  40           301     344     668      1,770    1,150    1,130    838      427      301      327      313     304     498
  35           337     368     749      2,030    1,320    1,270    961      461      336      356      347     338     604
  30           375     400     822      2,380    1,600    1,410    1,080    542      383      400      380     367     711
  25           413     449     895      2,660    1,850    1,580    1,200    688      486      457      422     399     820
  20           447     513     1,090    3,280    2,180    1,760    1,360    775      606      596      510     438     992
  15           490     610     1,560    4,180    2,430    1,940    1,670    843      769      813      735     482     1,270
  10           549     676     2,080    5,530    2,740    2,210    1,950    1,030    1,030    998      832     583     1,810
  5            690     747     3,380    8,350    3,390    2,590    2,310    1,180    1,960    1,340    929     799     2,510

                            Probability of annual high discharges
                                  [ng, statistic not given]

                                                       Maximum average discharge

             Recurrence     Maximum
Exceedance    interval   instantaneous  3-day period  7-day period  15-day period  30-day period
probability    (years)      (ft3/s)

  0.99         1.01       ng               169          154           120            109
  0.95         1.05       ng               468          420           329            284
  0.90         1.11       ng               769          685           538            454
  0.80         1.25       ng               1,340        1,190         938            771
  0.50         2          ng               3,440        3,050         2,420          1,900
  0.20         5          ng               7,530        6,730         5,380          4,090
  0.10         10         ng               10,700       9,620         7,720          5,780
  0.04         25         ng               14,900       13,600        10,900         8,050
  0.02         50         ng               18,100       16,600        13,400         9,780
  0.01         100        ng               21,200       19,600        15,900         11,500
  0.005        200        ng               24,300       22,600        18,300         13,200
  0.002        500        ng               ng           ng            ng             ng


Highest daily mean discharge for period of record

Highest daily mean discharge for period of record

Highest daily mean gage height for period of record

Highest daily mean gage height for period of record
           Annual peak discharge and corresponding gage height, period of record
                                 [--, no data]

                       Gage     Peak                          Gage     Peak
Water    Date         height  discharge  Water    Date       height  discharge
year                  (feet)   (ft3/s)   year                (feet)   (ft3/s)

          Annual peak discharge, by year, and corresponding gage height

1976    March 31    16.94    2,500      1987    March 26    15.34    2,460
1977    June 27     10.30    408        1988    March 30    10.97    826
1978    April 2     33.54    9,200      1989    April 7     35.81    12,900
1979    April 18    33.03    9,600      1990    April 2     11.26    857
1980    April 4     19.13    3,250      1991    July 5      16.15    2,820
1981    August 4    10.41    544        1992    March 10    13.62    1,750
1982    April 4     23.07    4,200      1993    April 3     28.30    6,400
1983    March 19    11.08    824        1994    April 1     26.43    6,320
1984    March 31    25.58    5,100      1995    March 20    29.63    8,000
1985    June 3      18.71    3,680      1996    April 14    28.26    6,290
1986    April 1     27.27    6,720      1997    April 14  --         13,300

Annual peak discharge, from highest to lowest, and corresponding gage height

1997    April 14  --         13,300     1985    June 3      18.71    3,680
1989    April 7     35.81    12,900     1980    April 4     19.13    3,250
1979    April 18    33.03    9,600      1991    July 5      16.15    2,820
1978    April 2     33.54    9,200      1976    March 31    16.94    2,500
1995    March 20    29.63    8,000      1987    March 26    15.34    2,460
1986    April 1     27.27    6,720      1992    March 10    13.62    1,750
1993    April 3     28.30    6,400      1990    April 2     11.26    857
1994    April 1     26.43    6,320      1988    March 30    10.97    826
1996    April 14    28.26    6,290      1983    March 19    11.08    824
1984    March 31    25.58    5,100      1981    August 4    10.41    544
1982    April 4     23.07    4,200      1977    June 27     10.30    408

                             Monthly and annual mean discharges, in cubic feet per second
                [Data were not rounded in accordance with U.S. Geological Survey publication standards; --, no data]

Year     Oct.    Nov.     Dec.     Jan.     Feb.     March    April    May      June     July     Aug.     Sept.    Annual

1975    --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
1976    368.5    327.7    261.6    228.9    319.3    870.3    880.3    367.8    231.2    120.1    68.4     12.6     337.9
1977    2.02     0        0        4.95     14.0     75.9     165.4    22.0     86.4     73.4     35.6     159.7    53.1
1978    255.6    304.1    378.4    403.5    333.7    1,002    4,165    1,610    1,165    1,404    320.5    120.6    955.0
1979    146.3    118.6    115.4    104.5    102.0    314.4    3,980    2,013    1,760    1,315    875.3    616.4    954.8

1980    415.6    372.1    328.7    375.9    402.6    641.2    1,301    599.8    537.1    193.8    135.6    36.0     443.9
1981    64.9     107.3    105.5    105.8    151.4    245.9    228.8    201.4    228.8    204.5    266.1    56.3     161.4
1982    148.4    195.8    200.5    233.2    251.8    679.3    1,721    933.2    822.7    608.0    339.9    221.0    529.5
1983    424.1    373.4    359.5    334.0    326.3    639.9    514.9    378.1    230.9    403.7    346.1    380.1    393.3
1984    329.9    272.5    261.5    278.2    367.5    1,113    2,132    985.2    1,918    972.1    414.0    186.4    767.5

1985    443.7    561.2    365.2    267.7    307.3    1,199    1,023    1,250    1,863    1,202    1,073    969.2    879.2
1986    851.0    790.4    816.6    746.8    681.0    1,543    3,791    3394     2,485    1,784    852.5    1,496    1,604
1987    1312     900.0    798.0    639.9    744.8    1,337    832.4    651.5    509.4    382.5    180.1    172.9    705.8
1988    147.4    151.7    142.8    148.4    237.0    519.4    470.5    385.4    244.9    85.4     87.2     72.6     224.2
1989    69.1     65.5     52.7     68.4     157.3    378.3    3,832    1,153    819.7    349.9    159.8    219.8    607.4

1990    170.7    126.6    95.1     103.7    118.5    356.5    453.5    520.7    561.6    432.4    243.4    171.7    280.3
1991    127.7    66.8     63.2     63.1     88.2     353.5    548.5    854.5    1,049    1,631    554.3    815.9    520.3
1992    321.1    139.8    147.6    180.9    237.4    734.8    555.6    459.0    537.6    395.5    495.9    309.5    376.9
1993    214      236      204      197      302      791      2,820    1,100    1,610    2,670    2,670    2,140    1,250
1994    1,560    776      432      469      655      2,080    3,010    2,340    1,410    1,610    671      294      1,280

1995    440.0    287.2    403.7    402.3    447.0    2,687    2,820    2,410    1,569    997.6    361.5    281.2    1,096
1996    695.1    854.1    496.8    478.6    493.1    1,838    3,397    2,708    1,415    610.8    348.9    209.5    1,128
1997    235.0    278.3    374.2    422.9    661.2    892.2    9,864    3,925    1,809    1,029    729.4    600.4    1,729


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