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2001 AHS Data

Download the 2001 National AHS dataSAS version (revised 12/10/02). (*.exe, 13 MB)

Download the 2001 National AHS data ASCII version (revised 12/10/02). (*.exe, 15 MB)

Q Code for the 2001 AHS, providing the background computer code for the Survey (*.exe, 296 KB).

Download the 2001 National AHS documentation (revised 4/16/03). (*.exe, 574 KB).

Table Specifications for the 2001 AHS (*.wpd, 375 KB).

AHS 2001 Value Labels File (revised 01/16/04). This file adds value labels to the character variables in the SAS version of the 2001 AHS dataset. (*.zip, 37 KB).

Income limits, poverty levels, fair market rents, and median incomes for the units in the 2001 AHS (revised 02/05/03). (*.exe, 1,077 KB).

Use of 1990 Geography Weights in the 2001 American Housing Survey (revised 15/07/03).
(*.doc, 39 KB)

AHS 2001 weights based on 2000 decennial census controls. These weights are useful when comparing 2001 AHS estimates to 2003 and later AHS estimates. (*.exe, 570 KB).

Summary tables are available from Census

Major Changes in the 2001 AHS:

New Variables:

HELUMP: 'Do you have a lump-sum home-equity loan, that is, a home equity loan that is paid out in a one-time lump sum amount and that must be repaid over a period of time?
     1 = yes
     2 = no
HELUMN: 'How many lump-sum home-equity loans do you have?'
     1 to 10 = number of loans
HELC: 'Do you have a home-equity line-of-credit, that is a home-equity loan that allows you to borrow against it as often as you wish up to a fixed limit?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
HELCN: 'How many home equity lines-of-credit do you have?'
     1 to 10 = number of loans
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
ADDTNS: "What percentage was used for additions, improvements or repairs to the home?' This question was asked only for refinanced primary mortgages where the borrower received cash as a result of the refinance.
     0 to 100 = percentage
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
ADDTN2: 'What percentage was used for additions, improvements or repairs to the home?' This question was asked only for refinanced secondary mortgages where the borrower received cash as a result of the refinance.
     0 to 100 = percentage
     D= don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
CASH: 'How much did you received?' This question was asked only for refinanced primary mortgages where 'To received cash or increase the outstanding balance of the loan' was a reason for the refinance.'
     1 to 999,998 = amount received
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing allowable
CASH2: 'How much did you receive?' This question was asked only for refinanced secondary mortgages where "To receive cash or increase the outstanding balance of the loan' was a reason given for the refinance.
     1 to 999,998 = amount received
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing allowable
EXTLON: Primary mortgage was refinanced 'To renew or extend a loan that has fallen due.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
EXTLN2: Secondary mortgage was refinanced 'To renew or extend a loan that has fallen due.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
GTCASH: Primary mortgage was refinanced 'To receive cash or increase the outstanding balance of the loan.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
GTCAS2: Secondary mortgage was refinanced 'To receive cash or increase the outstanding balance of the loan.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R =refused
     missing is allowable
IMPROV: 'Did you use any of the funds for additions, improvements or repairs to this home?' was asked of the first home-equity line-of-credit loan that had an outstanding balance.
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
IMPRV2: 'Did you use any of the funds for additions, improvements or repairs to this home?' was asked of the second home-equity line-of-credit loan that had an outstanding balance.
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
INCPER: Primary mortgage was refinanced 'To increase the payment period for the mortgage.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing allowable
INCPR2: Secondary mortgage was refinanced 'To increase the payment period for the mortgage.'
     X = reason applies
     D =don't know
     R =refused
     missing allowable
LOWINT: Primary mortgage refinanced 'To get a lower interest rate.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing allowable
LOWIN2: Secondary mortgage refinanced 'To get a lower interest rate.'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing allowable
MRTYP1: Type of first mortgage
     1 = regular
     2 = lump-sum home-equity loan
MRTYP2: Type of second mortgage
     1 = regular
     2 = lump-sum home-equity loan
OTHREF: Primary mortgage was refinanced for 'Other reason'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
OTHREF2: Secondary mortgage was refinanced for 'Other reason'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PERUS1: 'What percentage of this loan (if the primary mortgage was not a refinance) was used for the purchase of the home or additions, improvements or repairs to this home?'
     0 to 100 = percentage
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PERUS2: 'What percentage of this loan (if the secondary mortgage was not a refinance) was used for the purchase of the home or additions, improvements or repairs to this home?'
     0 to 100 = percentage
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PMIAMT: 'How much was the private mortgage insurance payment last year?' Question asked for all primary mortgages if private mortgage insurance was included in monthly mortgage payment.
     1 to 999,998 = amount of payment
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PMAMT2: 'How much was the private mortgage insurance payment last year?' Question asked for all secondary mortgages if private mortgage insurance was included in monthly mortgage payment.
     1 to 999,998 = amount of payment
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PMIPMT: Primary mortgage monthly payment includes 'Private Mortgage Insurance'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
PMPMT2: Secondary mortgage monthly payment includes 'Private Mortgage Insurance'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
REDPAY: Primary mortgage was refinanced 'To reduce the payment period for the mortgage'
     X = reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
REDPA2: Secondary mortgage was refinanced 'To reduce the payment period for the mortgage'
     X =reason applies
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
REFI: 'Was this mortgage (primary mortgage) a refinancing of a previous mortgage?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
REFI2: 'Was this mortgage (secondary mortgage) a refinancing of the previous mortgage?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
ELEVWK: the variable ELEV (presence of working passenger to floor of sample unit) is now actually a recode rather than the responses to a single question; the information on elevators was broken into 2 questions in 2001 (ELEVQ --'Is there a passenger elevator to your floor?' and ELEVWK--'Is at least one of those elevators in working order?'); however the meaning of the codes in ELEV is unchanged (1 = no elevator; 2 = at least one working elevator; 3 = all elevators not working); this information is now derived from ELEVQ and ELEVWK; the latter variable is shown on the PUF and the allowable codes are: 1 = at least one working elevator, 2 = all elevators not working, D, and R GATED: 'Is your community surrounded by walls or fences preventing access by persons other than residents?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
ACCESSC: 'Does access to your community require a special entry system such as entry codes, key cards, or security guard approval?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
ACCESSB: 'Does access to your building require a special entry system such as entry codes, key cards, or security guard approval?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
AGERES: 'You mentioned that one or more members of your household are 55 or older. Some communities are age-restricted, meaning that at least one member of the family must be at least 55 or older. Is your development age-restricted?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
NORC: 'Sometimes communities that are not age-restricted still attract certain age groups. Do you believe the majority of your neighbors are 55 or over?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable
COMMREC: recode for the answer categories 'community center or clubhouse' or 'golf course' or 'walking/jogging trails' or 'private or restricted-access beach, park or shoreline'; the original question is: 'Are any of the following features included in your community?' COMMSERV: recode for the answer categories 'shuttle bus' or 'day care center'; the original question is: 'Are any of the following features included in your community?'
CITSHP: recode for new questions for each household member on citizenship status, items are based on current CPS questions; there is an associated edit flag for this variable, it is called JITSHP
     1 = native, born in US
     2 = native, born in Puerto Rico or US Outlying Area
     3 = native, born abroad of US parent(s)
     4 = foreign born, US citizen by naturalization
     5 = foreign born, not a US citizen
NATVTY: recode for answer categories for country of birth, asked for each household member; there is an associated edit flag for this variable, it is called JATVTY
     57 = US
     72 = Puerto Rico
     96 = Outlying areas of the US
     301 = Canada
     311 = Costa Rica
     312 = El Salvador
     313 = Guatemala
     314 = Honduras
     315 = Mexico
     316 = Nicaragua
     610 = Other North and Central America
     337 = Cuba
     339 = Dominican Republic
     342 = Haiti
     343 = Jamaica
     351 = Trinidad & Tobago
     611 = Other Caribbean
     375 = Argentina
     377 = Brazil
     379 = Columbia
     380 = Ecuador
     383 = Guyana
     385 = Peru
     620 = Other South America
     440 = Nigeria
     641 = North Africa
     640 = Other Africa
     109 = France
     110 = Germany
     117= Hungary
     119 = Ireland/Eire
     120 = Italy
     128 = Poland
     147 = Yugoslavia
     185 = Armenia
     192 = Russia
     195 = Ukraine
     651 = Portugal with the Azores
     652 = Great Britain
     653 = Scandinavia
     654 = Other Northern Europe
     650 = Other Europe
     202 = Bangladesh
     206 = Cambodia
     207 = China
     209 = Hong Kong
     210 = India
     211 = Indonesia
     212 = Iran
     213 = Iraq
     214 = Israel
     215 = Japan
     218 = Korea/South Korea
     221 = Laos
     222 = Lebanon
     229 = Pakistan
     231 = Philippines
     238 = Taiwan
     239 = Thailand
     242 = Vietnam
     660 = Other Asia
     661 = Other Middle East
     670 = Australia/Oceania
     555 = Elsewhere
INUSYR: 'When did . . . come to live in the United States?' 1911 = 1911 or earlier then each year represents itself, up to 2001; there is an associated edit flag for this variable, it is called JNUSYR EVRTRN: 'Does . . . ever use public transportation?'
     1 = yes
     2 = no
     D = don't know
     R = refused
     missing is allowable

Changes in Existing Variables:

Several variables were updated to account for the passage of time, that is, the highest value is now '2001' rather than '1999'; these include:
     BUILT (year built)
     WHNGET (year unit acquired)
     MOVE (year moved to unit)
     and probably some variables in the mortgage module
Several continuous variables were updated to allow larger entries, these were changed from an allowable 6-digit field to an allowable 7-digit field; due to topcoding there may be no 7-digit responses on the PUF but it is now possible to collect such figures; these variables include:
     AMMORT (amount borrowed by primary mortgage)
     RESMOR (amount of primary mortgage applying only to home)
     AMTM (amount other charges part of primary mortgage payment)
     AMMRT2 (amount borrowed by secondary mortgage)
     RESMR2 (amount of secondary mortgge applying only to home)
     AMTM2 (amount other charges part of secondary mortgge payment)
     AMMRT3 (amount borrow by third mortgage)
     AMMRT4 (amount borrow by fourth and remaining mortgages)
     VALUE (value of unit and lot)
     LPRICE (purchase price)
     CPRICE (construction cost)
     LVALUE (value of land -- manufactured housing on owned land only)
     PVALUE (value of entire property -- non-specified units)
     SAL (wage and salary income)
     VOTHER (amount of non-wage income)
     ZINC (family income)
     ZINC2 (household income)
     ZINCN (expected income in next 12 months)
     and probably some variables in the mortgage module
The variable NUNIT2 (structure type) has been collapsed to 4 categories. Categories 4 (1-unit manufactured home) and 5 (unit in multiunit manufactured home) were combined. The codes for 2001 are:
     1 = 1 unit, detached
     2 = 1 unit, attached
     3 = unit in multiunit structure
     4 = manufactured (mobile) home
The variable OTHFN (number of other finished rooms) has increased the maximum allowable entry from 5 to 10.
The variable SCHHO was created to provide a new answer category for the question 'Does . . . attend a public school or a private school?' The answer codes are:
     X = schooled at home
     B = non-applicable
     missing is allowable
The SCHNO variable now means 'not in school'; in previous years either answer would have been coded to SCHNO.

American Housing Survey


Content updated on 03/31/05   Back to Top Back to Top

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