These courses are appropriate for newcomers, as well as those wanting a refresher course or to stay up-to-date with changes to regulatory requirements relating to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
The two-day program is led by BIS's professional counseling staff and provides an in-depth examination of the EAR. The program will cover the information exporters need to know to comply with U.S. export control requirements on commercial goods. We will focus on what items and activities are subject to the EAR; steps to take to determine the export licensing requirements for your item; how to determine your export control classification number (ECCN); when you can export or reexport without applying for a license; export clearance procedures and record keeping requirements; an overview of the Export Compliance Management Program (ECMP) concepts; and real life examples in applying this information. Presenters will conduct a number of "hands-on" exercises that will prepare you to apply the regulations to your own company's export activities. This program is well suited for those who need a comprehensive understanding of their obligations under the EAR. Technical, policy, and enforcement professionals from BIS, as well as specialists from other agencies such as the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Bureau of Census will participate in certain programs.
This is an intensive, one-day program that covers the key information you need to know to comply with the EAR. Counseling and other professionals from the Bureau of Industry and Security will cover the major elements of the U.S. export control system for commercial exports. This fast-paced program is ideal for those with busy schedules.
These courses require a general understanding of the EAR. The course descriptions include recommended or required prerequisite courses or related experience. Most of these courses offer a more in-depth examination of a particular regulatory topic. If you are unsure if a course is at the appropriate level for you, please contact BIS’s Office of Exporter Services.
This half-day workshop will provide a detailed look at the step-by-step process for determining the appropriate export control classification number (ECCN) of your item. Knowing your ECCN is the key to determining the license requirements for your item. Technical specialists from BIS will discuss the important steps to a successful item classification, beginning with whether an item is subject to the EAR, the structure of the Commerce Control List (CCL), and how to use the alphabetic and numerical indexes to help narrow your focus during the search for your ECCN. We will walk through examples of this procedure to help you avoid pitfalls that may lead to inaccurate classifications. This hands-on workshop is ideal for those with technical backgrounds. Recommended prerequisite: Essentials of Export Controls or Complying with U.S. Export Controls or equivalent experience.
This full-day program will offer a comprehensive look at how to comply with the U.S. export and reexport controls relating to technology, software and encryption. The morning portion will focus on the regulatory requirements relating to technology and software, including what is considered an export or reexport of technology or software; what technology and software is subject to the EAR; how to determine the Export Control Classification Number; what license exceptions are available; and the unique application requirements of technology and software. BIS technical and policy specialists will also discuss important export control issues that may arise in the employment of foreign nationals and for foreign items incorporating, or produced from, controlled U.S.-origin software and technology. The afternoon portion will also include a discussion of the unique provisions related to encryption under the EAR. Recommended prerequisite: Essentials of Export Controls or Complying with U.S. Export Controls or equivalent experience.
This program has been developed for exporters who have basic knowledge of the EAR and have a solid understanding of how to apply the regulations and to classify technology properly. This highly intensive program will integrate practical exercises and presentations about the appropriate sequence of analysis in assessing deemed export licensing requirements. In addition, time will be spent on discussing the current licensing policies and potential changes to them. Participants will learn how to find and use those sections of the EAR that apply to deemed export transactions. Topics covered will include how to determine when deemed export licenses are necessary and how to prepare supporting documentation that accompanies a license application. This workshop is perfect for an export compliance specialist working in industry, in university administration or in a government research laboratory. Required prerequisite: Essentials of Export Controls or Complying with U.S. Export Controls or equivalent experience.
This program is designed for exporters who have at least one year of Commerce export licensing experience. The program is intended to enhance participants’ understanding of the terms, provisions, applicability and use of all License Exceptions in Part 740 of the EAR. Specific topics covered will include recent changes to License Exceptions provisions; the restrictions that govern the use of all License Exceptions; the distinction between list based and transaction based License Exceptions; and the use of Country Groups designations in determining license exception eligibility. A variety of hands-on exercises will provide participants with the opportunity to evaluate a variety of export transactions to determine the applicability of license exceptions to the transaction. Required prerequisite: Essentials of Export Controls or Complying with U.S. Export Controls or equivalent experience.
This half-day program has been specially designed for exporters who have had at least three years of Commerce export licensing experience and would like to further their knowledge and usage of the EAR. The program will look at the regulations through the practical approach of case studies. Participants will learn how to find and appropriately use those sections of the EAR that apply to their export transactions. Topics covered will include how the regulations are organized and uses of the various Supplements to the EAR. This workshop is perfect for your company's export compliance specialist. Required prerequisite: Three years or more experience working with the EAR.
This in-depth session will focus on the unique provisions related to encryption under the EAR. BIS encryption specialists will cover a variety of topics, including how items with encryption functionality are classified under the EAR; how the provision for >64-bit "mass market" encryption may apply to products that you use, sell or buy; license exception provisions for encryption source code (open source and proprietary); license exception provisions for U.S. subsidiaries, the European Union's "license-free zone," and for U.S.-origin encryption parts and components incorporated into foreign products; encryption notification, review and reporting requirements; Encryption Licensing Arrangements; conditions placed on encryption licenses, and other encryption technology issues. Required prerequisite: Essentials of Export Controls or Complying with U.S. Export Controls or equivalent experience.
Interested in learning about smart export compliance business strategies? Looking for effective solutions to address an export compliance problem? Need guidance on developing or enhancing your export management and compliance program? Join the Director of the Export Management and Compliance Division, Bureau of Industry and Security, and other government Compliance Specialists in this dynamic two-day seminar that answers the question, “Now that you understand WHAT your export regulatory requirements are, just HOW are you going to operate in order to ensure compliance?” Designed to help you create or enhance your company’s export compliance program, this seminar focuses on industry best practices of effective export management and compliance programs that help your company efficiently manage your export compliance requirements by implementing strategies and safeguards that can minimize the risk of an export violation. Agenda topics to be covered include: how to get started developing or enhancing your compliance program; the foundation of an effective compliance program; how to get management buy-in; creating a compliance oriented culture; front-end decision strategies; deciding where the buck stops; investing in your most critical compliance asset; how to achieve compliance peace of mind; how to ensure little problems don’t turn into big problems; what to do when what shouldn’t happen, does happen; telling your compliance story through records management; compliance errors to avoid; compliance innovation in a global environment; smart compliance tips and strategies; and, the power of the written word, developing a strong compliance manual. This seminar includes small group discussion, hands-on exercises, one-on-one counseling opportunities, and compliance peer networking.
Prerequisite: Participants should have a working knowledge of U.S. export regulations. This is not a regulatory seminar and does not cover subjects such as how to classify your product or how to determine whether or not your export requires a license. This workshop is for exporters who are ready to utilize their knowledge of export regulations to build an effective compliance program that addresses their export compliance responsibilities.
Please e-mail your inquiries