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Welcome to the Michigan DD Council's web site. We think you'll find it a very valuable resource and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Use the links at the right of this page to learn more about the council and its activities.

The Michigan DD Council is a group of citizens from across the state. Its membership is made up of:

  • people with developmental disabilities; 
  • people from families who have, among their members, people with developmental disabilities; and 
  • professionals from state and local agencies charged with assisting people with developmental disabilities.

Our Vision

The Vision of the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council is that all citizens of Michigan have the opportunities and supports to achieve their full potential. 
(adopted June 9, 1998)

Mission Statement

To support people with developmental disabilities to achieve life dreams.

A Brief Council Overview

The Developmental Disabilities Council is a vehicle for change. Its members each recognize that persons with disabilities must be included in the mainstream of American society, a complete philosophical change from only a few decades ago. Complete inclusion is the primary objective of council members and staff.

The Americans with Disabilities Act and more than $2 million of annual federal money are the tools that give the council leverage in promoting changing support programs and in actively advocating for changes across the state. The money is distributed in the form of grants to local agencies throughout Michigan.

The agencies' newest creative and aggressive programs for inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities are encouraged and monitored by a council staff of experienced advocates. Council members are appointed by the governor. They insure that the council's goals and objectives run concurrent with state health activities. Organizationally, the council is a part of the Michigan Department of Community Health, an entity with whom the council shares many goals.

That persons with developmental disabilities should be included in society has had very little history or voice in America; it is a relatively new idea. It has not been too long since advocates and consumers have gone on the offensive. The remarkable changes being wrought by organizations such as the council, in concert with the very vocal and active people they represent, are just the beginning. Just being included and accepted as a part of everyday society has many facets that are constantly weighed, considered and advocated for by council members and staff. They include employment, education, housing, and the myriad of social activities that make up American life.


We welcome your input. Please contact us through these media. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We observe State of Michigan holidays.

Mail - 1033 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, MI 48910
E-mail -
Phone - voice - 517/334-6123
           - fax - 517/334-7353
           - TDD - 517/334-7354

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Related Content
 •  Schedule of Council-related Events
 •  Toll-Free Resource Telephone Numbers
 •  Grants
 •  Publications
 •  Committees
 •  Council, Committee & Work Group Meeting Schedules for 2007
 •  Links
 •  Background and Operations
 •  Council Members
 •  Work Groups
 •  RICCs
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