tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Golden Triangle Area, Mississippi

Power Supply Upgrade

Update: August 2008

TVA has evaluated 17 alternative line segments for a preferred route for a transmission line and two locations for a switching station site needed to strengthen the transmission system in the Starkville and Columbus areas. The same considerations — environmental, land-use, engineering, and cost — were used to assess each alternative. The reviews were based on available data, aerial photography, onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owners’ input.

Based on these evaluations, TVA’s preferred route consists of alternative route segments 1, 2, 8, 10, 11 and 15 (which has been adjusted from the one presented at the open house). See preferred route map. The preferred switching station site is adjacent to the Lakeside Switching Station. This route and site are expected to have the fewest overall impacts.

TVA will build about 13 miles of transmission line and a new switching station.

  • The line will begin at 4-County EPA’s Catalpa Creek Substation and travel west, 9 miles to TVA’s new Clayton Village Switching Station.
  • The switching station will be build adjacent to the existing Lakeside Switching Station.
  • The remaining 4 miles of the new line will extend west from the new switching station to TVA’s Starkville Switching Station-Starkville Primary transmission line.
  • TVA will also loop the West Point-Midway Transmission Line into the Clayton Village Switching Station.

The width of right-of-way will be 100 feet.

The new facilities are expected to be in service December 2010.

Background: April 2008

TVA is considering building a new transmission line and switching station that would provide a second, backup source of power for several industries that require almost 260 megawatts of electricity to operate.

TVA will hold an open house on April 24 to provide information, answer questions, and accept comments. All comments will be considered by TVA in reaching a decision on the location of the new transmission line and switching station.

A total of 17 alternative line segments are being considered for the line, which will be about 13 miles long. The line would begin at the new Catalpa Creek Substation and extend west to TVA’s Starkville Switching Station-Starkville Primary transmission line. A new Clayton Village Switching Station would be built adjacent to the existing Lakeside Substation, which is along the path of the new transmission line. The 17 alternative line segments form four alternative routes from Clayton Village east to Catalpa Creek plus four alternative routes from Clayton Village west to Starkville Switching Station. See map.

The project would be built in two phases:

  • Phase 1 - Construct the Clayton Village Switching Station and build about nine miles of line from Catalpa Creek Substation to Clayton Village.
  • Phase 2 - Construct about four miles of line from Clayton Village Switching Station to the Starkville Switching Station-Starkville Primary transmission line.

towerThe transmission line would consist of single steel pole structures on a 100-foot right-of-way.

The project is scheduled to be completed by summer 2010.

By continuing to provide affordable, reliable power, TVA and distributors of TVA power will help ensure continued economic health and growth in the area.

Public involvement

TVA’s process for siting new transmission projects is designed to allow public input at all stages. TVA is committed to working with area stakeholders to address concerns during the course of the project. Comments received during the comment period will be used in reaching a decision on the proposed action.

TVA will hold an open house to discuss the proposed transmission line project. Details are as follows:

Thursday, April 24
3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CDT
TVA Customer Service Center Auditorium
310 Research Boulevard
Starkville, Mississippi 39759

TVA representatives will be available at the open house to provide information and answer questions. Large maps showing the proposed transmission line routes will be available.

TVA is interested in receiving comments on the potential of the proposed action to affect the environment or historic properties and would like to identify any other issues associated with this proposal.

If you have special needs, please contact Tanya Adams at least five days prior to the meeting toll-free at 800-362-4355.

If you cannot attend the meeting but have questions or comments, contact Chris Austin (see contact information). All written comments on this proposed action should be sent to TVA no later than May 27, 2008.


The map is a PDF file requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader. Use the zoom tool to view details of the map and allow time for it to reload. If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA.

The map shows the network of alternative routes TVA is considering for the proposed transmission line.

Map of the alternatives (PDF, 647 kb)

Map of the preferred route (PDF, 1.1mb)

Environmental reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act reviews will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA will attempt to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Project schedule

Open house: April 24, 2008
Comments accepted: Through May 27, 2008
Determine preferred route for field surveys: Summer 2008
Begin contacting property owners for permission to survey: Summer 2008
Begin construction: Fall 2009
Project in service: December 2010

Related information

Frequently asked questions about TVA right-of-way

Benefits of planting native shrubs and grasses in utility rights-of-way.

Fact sheet on electric and magnetic fields and their effects.



To obtain more information on this project or submit comments, please contact:

Chris Austin
TVA Siting and Environmental Design
1101 Market St. MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801


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