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Katrina/Rita Areas:  Substance Use and Mental Health

Table of Contents (TOC)
This site will be updated as further information becomes available.

Before and After Katrina/Rita:

bullet The NSDUH Report:  Impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Substance Use and Mental Health

bulletDetailed tables on substance use and mental health before and after Katrina/Rita (HTML format)    (PDF format)

 Katrina/Rita Areas:  Baseline State and Sub State Estimates of Substance Use from the
2002–2004 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health:

bulletState baseline data  (Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas)

bulletSub State baseline data  (smaller areas as defined by States for treatment planning)

bulletFEMA maps*

bulletBehavioral health program information

bulletSubstance abuse data on other States and metropolitan areas


 State Level Baseline Data and Maps:  Citation of the source is appreciated and for data on all 50 States and D.C.: 

Office of Applied Studies. (2005). State annualized estimates from the 2002-2004 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  Rockville, MD.    

Alabama (AL)

Substance use prevalence data

Sub-State data and maps (HTML)      PDF Format

Definition & map of Alabama sub State treatment areas

FEMA map (PDF format)  

Florida (FL)

Substance Use Prevalence Data

Sub-State Data and Maps (HTML)       PDF Format

Definition & map of Florida sub State treatment areas

FEMA map (PDF format)  

Louisiana (LA)

Substance Use Prevalence Data

Sub-State Data and Maps (HTML)     PDF Format

Definition & map of Louisiana sub State treatment areas

FEMA map (PDF format)  

Mississippi (MS)

Substance Use Prevalence Data

Sub-State Data and Maps (HTML)    PDF Format

Definition & map of Mississippi sub State treatment areas

FEMA map (PDF format)*  

Texas (TX)

Substance Use Prevalence Data

Sub-State Data and Maps (HTML)    PDF Format

Definition & map of Texas sub State treatment areas

FEMA map (PDF format)*

Sub State Baseline Data:

In addition to recent estimates of substance use and abuse for entire States, estimates are available for sub State areas defined by each State for the purpose of allocating the substance abuse treatment block grant funds from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Click here for definitions of each sub State regions identified by each State . Estimates are provided for each of the 331 sub State areas representing collectively the 50 States and the District of Columbia. These estimates are based on combined data from the 1999-2001 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs), formerly called the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). The survey, sponsored by SAMHSA, collects information from residents of households, residents of non institutionalized group quarters (e.g., shelters, rooming houses, dormitories), and civilians living on military bases. We recommend the PDF version for printing sub-State data and maps. Click here for the full report to get data for the sub State regions for all States

Citation of the source is appreciated and for data on all 50 States and D.C.: 

Office of Applied Studies. (2005). Substate estimates from the 1999-2001 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  Rockville, MD.

 *FEMA Maps:

FEMA map of combined States (AL, FL, LA, MS)  *Please check GIS maps Disclaimer and the FEMA site for the latest version.

Behavioral Health Program Information:

Click here for SAMHSA's Behavioral Health Headlines Database for State information.  This site enables you to access a web-based digest of State and National News related to public sector mental health and substance abuse services. Reports are posted bi-weekly on current issues and trends. In addition, you can access a database of abstracts from the past 5 years of Behavioral Health Headlines through today -- searchable by State, by date, by Volume/Issue, or by one, or several, of the 75 keywords. SAMHSA's contractor prepares the reports by abstracting articles from over 250 State and local newspapers, and synthesizing information from various other sources including professional journals and trade association newsletters, national reports, and internet searches of many mental health and substance abuse organizations.

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This page has been accessed 74712 times since October 18, 2005.

This page was last updated on June 1, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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