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MADIS Meeting Weather Solutions with Business in Mind

In late June, Ron Sznaider, Vice President of Business Development for DTN/Meteorlogix, visited ESRL's Global Systems Division to discuss collaborations with the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). DTN/Meteorlogix is the world's largest business weather solutions provider meeting the unique needs of over 20,000 customers in various markets. For example, Meteorlogix helps the Departments of Transportation from several states manage weather-related risks by accessing and providing them with comprehensive products based on quality-controlled MADIS data feeds. This provides a substantial advantage over having to access Road Weather Information System (RWIS) data individually from each state and in various formats. Sznaider believes that Meteorlogix's customers in market sectors including aviation, utilities, recreation, turf, construction, public safety, and the federal intelligence community will benefit from future implementation of MADIS in his services and he looks forward to future collaborations with ESRL on developing that aspect of his business.

MADIS is a data management system developed at ESRL/GSD that ingests, integrates, quality controls, and distributes surface and upper-air datasets to the meteorological community. Among these datasets is an integrated mesonet database containing high-frequency real-time observations from over 29,000 mesonet stations across the country and around the world. The mesonet database includes Road Weather Information System observations from state Departments of Transportation, as well as real-time observations from the Remote Automated Weather Stations network, the Cooperative Mesonets in the Western U.S. network, the WeatherBug network operated by AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc., and many others. Organizations receiving MADIS data feeds include National Weather Service (NWS) forecast offices, the NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and many major universities and commercial weather businesses.

MADIS integrates other-agency and private-network observations with NOAA observations and makes them easily accessible and usable to the greater meteorological community. By doing so, it is serving one of NOAA's main mission goals to "Serve Society's Needs for Weather and Water Information." Additionally, MADIS supplies non-NOAA data providers with quality control and station monitoring information to assist in their maintenance activities and to enhance and promote the mutual benefits of public/private data sharing.

Contact information
Name: Patricia A Miller
Tel: 303-497-6365