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ESRL Hosts ISETCSC Students

A small group of students and faculty from North Carolina A&T University and the University of Alaska Southeast spent a few days at ESRL's Global Systems Division (GSD) beginning August 13 to learn about the project they are working on with GSD scientists. Their collaboration through the Interdisciplinary Scientific Environmental Technology Cooperative Science Center (ISETCSC) will provide a flexible way to access and manipulate University of Alaska Southeast sensor data. This will benefit NOAA scientists by eventually providing them with a tool to access a wide variety of data for the purpose of probabilistic forecasting. The visitors were also introduced to other ESRL research through tours and scientific hands-on demos as part of their experience.

The Cooperative Science Centers, including ISETCSC, were established by NOAA to advance scientific research at minority serving institutions (MSIs) and to train their students in coursework directly related to NOAA's mission. One focus of ISETCSC's work is to develop technology and analysis techniques for global data sets for improved understanding of climate change.

ISETCSC is part of NOAA's Educational Partnership Program, which provides financial assistance through competitive processes to MSIs that support research and training of students in NOAA-related sciences. The program's goal is to increase the number of students who are trained and graduate in sciences directly related to NOAA's Mission.

Contact information
Name: MarySue Schultz
Tel: 303-497-6499