TO USERS OF THIS WEB PAGE : EMC's Mesoscale Modeling Branch is creating more comprehensive NAM web graphics at two web sites:
  1. NCEP Operational NAM-12 : Enhanced CONUS/North America/Hawaii Graphics
  2. NCEP Models Graphics (NAM, GFS, NGM)

which are updated about 1-2 hours after the models run. In addition, NCEP's Central Operations creates graphics from all NCEP models at , which are updated in real-time.

For these reasons EMC's Mesoscale Branch is requesting feedback from users on whether 1) it would create any hardship if this web page was turned off and 2) if the other pages cited above would be adequate replacements. Please send your comments to Eric Rogers of the Mesoscale Modeling Branch. If there is no response by 1 September this web page will be turned off and users will be forwarded automatically to the enhanced NAM graphics page (#1 above).


Eric Rogers

Click here to continue to the NAM graphics web page.