Our records are filed by Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and not by names. When a Social Security Number cannot be provided we can still search for a person's records by using the individual's full name, date and place of birth, and parents' names (including mother's maiden name).
If you can provide this information we will search our records to determine whether or not we can be of assistance. The Social Security Administration did not begin keeping records until 1936; therefore, we have no records about people who died before then. We cannot search for records of people born before 1865 unless you provide the SSN.
Generally, we can provide a copy of the Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5). This document contains the person's name, date and place of birth, and parents' names that were given when he or she applied for the number. However, we cannot make a decision on disclosure until we locate any records that we may have.
Please understand that our records are confidential and we do not disclose information about individuals unless they are deceased or we have their consent to do so.
Before searching our records, you should know that we must charge a fee for this service. The following is our fee schedule:
- Searching for the SS-5 application and you know and provide to SSA the person's Social Security number (SSN): $27.00
- Searching for the SS-5 application and you do not know the person's SSN but can provide other identifying information: $29.00
- Searching for a claims file and you know and provide to SSA the person's SSN: $14.00 (Claims files are usually destroyed within a few years of the final decision on a claim.)
- Cost per page for photocopying material from the claim file: $.10
- Cost of the actual postage (To be determined)
If you are requesting the claim file of a deceased individual, please send that request to:
Social Security Administration
Freedom of Information Officer
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21235
The search fee will be charged even if we are unable to locate or disclose any information. If you want us to search for these records, please send a written request along with a check or money order payable to the Social Security Administration.
We also will accept the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard or Discover. Please include the appropriate credit card number, along with the expiration date of the credit card. We will advise you of any additional charges if appropriate.
There is a form available to request copies of applications for a Social Security Number (Form SS-5) for people who are deceased. Form SSA-711 (Adobe reader required to view) may be used for this purpose; however, you do not need to use the form. Address your request to:
Social Security Administration
OEO FOIA Workgroup
300 N. Green Street
P.O. Box 33022
Baltimore, Maryland 21290-3022
Requesting Earnings Information on a Deceased Person
You may request detailed earnings information for a deceased person under certain circumstances. Please see Form SSA-7050 for details, fees and evidence requirements.