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1998 Releases

#98-124 TOPEX/Poseidon autonomous navigation success
#98-123 AIRSAR completes commercial applications mission
#98-122 Future missions study Earth's dynamic systems
#98-121 O'Neil named manager of '03, '05 Mars missions
#98-120 Doyle to head JPL's information technologies
#98-119 NASA to have access to Pentium chip
#98-118 Laser provides 3-D view of Mars' north pole
#98-117 Galileo shows closeup view of Europa fault
#98-116 TOPEX/Poseidon team to receive Pecora award
#98-115 TOPEX/Poseidon finds global sea level change
#98-114 Contest to name Mars microprobes
#98-113 Galileo mission featured in lecture
#98-112 Toys teach children about space exploration
#98-111 Deep Space 1 ion propulsion system starts up
#98-110 Mars missions featured in lectures
#98-109 Stardust arrives at Kennedy Space Center
#98-108 Mars images show lava flow plates, active dunes
#98-107 Metropolitan L.A. under a slow squeeze
#98-106 Astronaut crew named for Earth-mapping mission
#98-105 Asteroid named for journalist John Holliman
#98-104 Callisto may hide salty ocean
#98-103 New appointments at JPL for Zurek, McCleese
#98-102 Jupiter's "white ovals" take scientists by storm
#98-101 Stetson to manage solar system exploration office
#98-100 Stardust educator fellowships available
#98-099 Mars Polar lander arrives at KSC
#98-098 Stardust mission discussed at evening lecture
#98-097 Ulysses captures gamma-ray flare from star
#98-096 Caltech, NASA sign contract for operation of JPL
#98-095 Larger than Earth telescope reveals ancient quasars
#98-094 Sidewalk astronomer hits the streets
#98-093 National Geographic gives schools updated maps
#98-092 Jupiter's rings formed by dust blasted off moons
#98-091 Martian moon Phobos hip-deep in powder
#98-090 JPL talk explores robotic technology
#98-089 Space program, entertainment worlds collide at JPL
#98-088 Contractors chosen for Space Interferometry mission
#98-087 Ford licenses JPL chip
#98-086 JPL to develop mini-robots for soldiers
#98-085 JPL assessment available for public review
#98-084 Latino student's drawings turn into NASA reality
#98-083 Aquarium, JPL test life seeking probe
#98-082 Shirley to retire
#98-081 Babylon 5 producers tap JPL for new series
#98-080 JPL, Jacobs Engineering sign MOU
#98-079 Lecture highlights next solar system mission
#98-078 Surveyor antenna deployment may be postponed
#98-077 Stardust name campaign zooms past million mark
#98-076 Web pages bring earthquake research to students
#98-075 Asteroid search nets two impressive finds
#98-074 JPL selected for Near-Earth Object program office
#98-073 Cal Poly Pomona selected as business incubator
#98-072 Lecture on how to fly to another planet
#98-071 JPL scientists selected as astronaut candidates
#98-070 Galileo sees volcanic fireworks on Io
#98-069 Names on Vietnam Memorial to fly in space
#98-068 Former Pathfinder manager retires from JPL
#98-067 Latest findings a year after Mars Pathfinder
#98-066 El Niño in retreat, Pacific in transition
#98-065 Diarra named goodwill ambassador to Africa
#98-064 Asteroid finder named to hall of fame
#98-063 Former Galileo manager receives award
#98-062 Radar system will unveil cloud structures
#98-061 New Technology gives motorists early warnings
#98-060 200,000+ names collected for trip to comet
#98-059 Pathfinder leaders take their place among stars
#98-058 Center provides leadership in technologies
#98-057 SeaWinds instrument shipped for integration
#98-056 Hubble pictures focus of JPL lecture
#98-055 Deep Space 1 trajectory includes asteroid flyby
#98-054 Galileo finds strange interior of Jovian moon
#98-053 New managers appointed for Cassini, Galileo missions
#98-052 Cassini program manager to retire
#98-051 Data reveal clues about El Niño's influence
#98-050 Surveyor reveals evidence of water, thermal activity
#98-049 JPL partners with Mattel for Galileo toy
#98-048 Computers boost asteroid tracking efforts
#98-047 Europa Day highlights water world in space
#98-046 Alyeska, JPL develop oil spill detection technologies
#98-045 Lecture highlights icy, fiery space destinations
#98-044 Excellence award goes to three JPL contractors
#98-043 Educators, community members onboard missions
#98-042 JPL sponsored team competes in science bowl
#98-041 JPL hosts 1998 open house
#98-040 Astronomers find planet construction zone
#98-039 Ulysses completes first solar orbit
#98-038 Deep Space 1 launch rescheduled
#98-037 Flying laboratory conducts Earth science mission
#98-036 McNamee heads outer planets/solar probe projects
#98-035 Science team chosen for Deep Space 2
#98-034 Lecture highlights Earth exploration
#98-033 Dust ring discovered around Jupiter
#98-032 NASA dedicates science and technology center
#98-031 Mars imaging schedule announced
#98-030 NASA program spawns pilot safety software
#98-029 Global Surveyor imaging announced
#98-028 NASA starts work on SIRTF
#98-027 JPL hosts training for Galileo educators
#98-026 Global Surveyor captures Martian details
#98-025 Asteroid will miss Earth in 2028
#98-024 Evidence points to impact as dinosaur killer
#98-023 Rainforest mapping highlighted in talk
#98-022 Astronomers track asteroids in Hubble archive
#98-021 JPL scientists hunt for planets/life
#98-020 Yeomans leads asteroid lander science team
#98-019 Public invited to Galileo web chat
#98-018 Muirhead named engineer of year
#98-017 Soil experiment chosen for Mars '01
#98-016 Muirhead to lead Deep Space 4
#98-015 Astronaut to address propulsion conference
#98-014 Logo selected for next Mars mission
#98-013 Manning named Mars program chief engineer
#98-012 Gallagher to lead Deep Space 3
#98-011 Voyager most distant object in space
#98-010 Computing and communication conference
#98-009 Radar reveals hidden remains at Angkor
#98-008 Scientist see Mars '98 landing zone
#98-007 Near Earth asteroids explored in talk
#98-006 First U.S. satellite launch 40th anniversary
#98-005 NASA missions offer educator fellowships
#98-004 U.S. space program turns 40
#98-003 NASA sponsors Mars '98 logo contest
#98-002 Lecture series highlights Earth/space exploration
#98-001 El Niño to be discussed in lecture
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