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USFS Scientists Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Committee recently announced the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 in equal parts to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Al Gore, Jr.

Thirteen U.S. Forest Service researchers are IPCC authors and reviewers and share in this esteemed honor. These scientists specialize in diverse fields, including forest ecology, hydrology, soils and climate. Their work is part of studies covering 40 years of climate and air quality research on forested lands.

"The Forest Service is exceedingly proud of our internationally renowned scientists who are leaders in forest and climate research," stated Chief Gail Kimbell. "Our researchers contribute to the advancement of science and provide reliable and credible solutions to natural resource issues."

The Nobel Committee recognized "efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

Scientists recognized include:

  • Dr. Ralph Alig
    Pacific Northwest Research Station
  • Dr. Ronald Neilson
    Pacific Northwest Research Station
  • Dr. David Peterson
    Pacific Northwest Research Station
  • Dr. Richard Birdsey
    Northern Research Station
  • Dr. Linda Heath
    Northern Research Station
  • Dr. David Nowak
    Northern Research Station
  • Dr. Kenneth Skog
    Forest Products Laboratory
  • Dr. Wei Min Hao
    Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • Dr. Linda Joyce
    Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • Dr. Robert Musselman
    Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • Dr. Michael Ryan
    Rocky Mountain Research Station
  • Dr. Ariel Lugo
    International Institute for Tropical Forestry
  • Dr. Allen M. Solomon
    Washington Office

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