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Deiter, Sprake Win FLC Elections

The FLC announced the results of the 2007 national elections on May 18 in Arlington, Texas.

Elections were held for Chair, Vice-Chair, Recording Secretary, three Members-at-Large, and the Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator positions for the Mid-Continent, Northeast, and Southeast regions.

On the national level, Scott Deiter of the Naval Surface Warfare Center will succeed Ed Linsenmeyer as Chair, and J. Susan Sprake of Los Alamos National Laboratory was reelected to the Vice-Chair position.

Kathleen MacDonald of Los Alamos National Laboratory will take over as the Recording Secretary.

Mary Archuleta of the Air Force Research Laboratory, Mojdeh Bahar of the National Institutes of Health, and Thomas Stackhouse of the National Cancer Institute were elected to Member-at-Large positions.

On the regional level, Michael James Crane of the Air Force Research Academy was elected Regional Coordinator for the Mid-Continent Region, and Doug Tunison of the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center will be his Deputy Regional Coordinator.

In the Northeast, Dr. Theresa Baus of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center will serve as Regional Coordinator, with Lewis Meixler of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory the Deputy Regional Coordinator.

In the Southeast, Mark Reeves of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was reelected as Regional Coordinator, and Eric Frickey of Savannah River National Laboratory won the Deputy Regional Coordinator position.

The new officers' terms will begin October 1, 2007.

For more information about the FLC elections, go to

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