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Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

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ILEA San Salvador

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ILEA, SS has as its objectives, supporting criminal justice institution building and strengthening partnerships among the regions' law enforcement community. The training focus is on transnational crimes, human rights and the rule of law with emphasis on trafficking in narcotics, trafficking in persons, terrorism, money laundering and other financial crimes.

U.S. Ambassador Charles L. Glazer and El Salvadoran Minister of Government Rene Figueroa Presenting the Construction Plans. February 7, 2008. 

U.S. Ambassador Charles L. Glazer and El Salvadoran Minister of Government Rene Figueroa Presenting the Construction Plans. February 7, 2008.

Judges, Prosecutors, Inmigration and Police Officers from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salavador during the Law Enforcement Management Development Program, LEMDP-009, April 2008

Judges, Prosecutors, Inmigration and Police Officers from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salavador during the Law Enforcement Management Development Program, LEMDP-009, April 2008

Pictures of the New ILEA Facilities Design

Click on the image to enlarge it

ILEA Administrative Building Facade Aerial view of the Administrative Building with the principal plaza Aerial view of the Auditorium
Dormitory Building Parking Space Aerial view of the ILEA Compound

Geographical Information

ILEA San Salvador is operating from within the 3rd floor of the ANSP Facility, Santa Tecla, El Salvador, Central America.

San Salvador Geography

Contact Information

Mailing address for ILEA San Salvador:

Academia Internacional para el Cumplimiento de la Ley (ILEA)
Edificio ANSP 3er Nivel/ Avenida Melvin Jones,Frente al Parque San Martin
Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador
ATTN: Javier Jaquez, Deputy Director
Tel: ( 503) 2208-8531
Fax: (503) 2208-8533

NOTE: Make sure you pay Duty Delivery Taxes (DDP) so the boxes will not be help in Customs.

DPO Mailing Address
Adressee's Name: Javier Jaquez, Deputy Director
American Embassy, San Salvador
WASH DC 20521-3450


Participating Countries
Participants trained since 2005
Instructor Policies and Procedures
Class Coordinator’s General Duties
Historical Training
ILEA San Salvador 2009 Proposed Training Schedule
ILEA San Salvador 2008 Training Schedule
Lima Regional Training Center