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Profiles in Time NWS biographies

National Weather Service Profiles in Time includes close to 500 biographies of individuals who served in various capacities in the Army Signal Service and United States Weather Bureau. These biographies were found primarily in the official Weather Bureau monthly newsletter Weather Bureau Topics and in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. These articles were written to announce retirements and awards, or as obituaries.
A - B
C - F
G - K
L - P
R - W


brown dot

Cleveland Abbe

brown dot Henry L. Amer
brown dot
Henry Alciatore brown dot Robert L. Anderson
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George W. Alexander brown dot John H. Armington
brown dot William H. Alexander brown dot Albert Ashenberger
brown dot George Allen brown dot Charles D. Asher
brown dot Edward W. Alvey  


brown dot

William A. Bagley

brown dot
George D. Boutcher
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Oscar L. Bailey
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Edward H. Bowie
brown dot Harrison McP. Baldwin    
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John A. Balster
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Harry B. Boyer
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 William D. Bancroft
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Luther H. Brady, Lester S. Fodor, George F. Kubach, Edward Weber - lost at sea September 10, 1943
brown dot
Paul G. Barrett
brown dot
Eugene E. Brady, Sr.
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William J. Barrett
brown dot
Albert Brand
brown dot
William E. Barron
brown dot
Frederick H. Brandenburg
brown dot
 Simon S. Bassler
brown dot
Edward A. Branham
brown dot
Henry C. Bate
brown dot
Alexander Breese
brown dot
Harold E. Baughman
brown dot
Theodore L. Bridges
    brown dot Robert R. Briggs
brown dot
Edward A. Beals  
brown dot
Henry C. Briscoe
brown dot
Samuel W. Beall brown dot Frederick W. Brist
brown dot
George Beesley brown dot William S. Brotzman
brown dot
William S. Belden brown dot Edward A. Brown
brown dot Aaron H. Bell brown dot Joseph Brown
brown dot Charles A. Belt brown dot Allen Buell
brown dot Charles N. Bemis brown dot Oscar H. Buhrman
brown dot Maitland C. Bennett brown dot Bernard Bunnemeyer
brown dot Bartholomeo T. Bertetti, Jr. brown dot Alexander G. Burns
brown dot Frank H. Bigelow brown dot Charles T. Burns
brown dot C. Grant Bigham brown dot Edward T. Burns
brown dot John D. Blagden brown dot Benjamin F. Butler
brown dot Thomas A. Blair brown dot Eleanor Buynitzky
brown dot George S. Bliss brown dot Paul Buys
brown dot Benjamin A. Blundon  
brown dot Montello E. Blystone
brown dot William T. Blythe
brown dot Walter E. Bonnett

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.

Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:24 AM

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