SSA prepares many documents for public distribution. If you want to request a record that we do not make available, you may make a Freedom of Information request. Give us a detailed description of the record(s) you want. You should give us as many details, such as names, dates, subject matter and location, if you know them.
If you don’t give us a good description, we may not be able to find the records you want, or it may take us longer. We will ask you to revise your request if we need more information to find the record(s).
Other Online FOIA Requests
If you would like to make an online FOIA request for records other than a photocopy of an application for a Social Security Card (SS-5) or a computer extract of a Social Security Card Application, you may make your request online using the eForm. However, there may be a fee for the information you request. After we receive your request we will let you know if there is a fee. This type of request cannot be paid for online.
How Do I Get This Information?
- Complete the eForm request to tell us what information you want. Please note that space is limited to 2000 characters.
- Complete the requester’s information.
Mail In Requests
It is easy to make a written FOIA request by mail. No form is needed. We process FOIA requests in two locations, depending on the type of request. Mark both the envelope and its contents: “FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST” or “INFORMATION REQUEST.” Be sure to include your name and address on your request. It is a good idea to include a daytime phone number or e-mail address in case we need to contact you about your request. Do not include a return envelope.
There is a form available to request copies of applications for a Social Security Number (Form SS-5) for people who are deceased. Form SSA-711 (Adobe reader required to view) may be used for this purpose; however, you do not need to use the form. Address your request to:
Social Security Administration
OEO FOIA Workgroup
300 N. Greene Street
P.O. Box 33022
Baltimore, Maryland 21290-3022
You can use Form SSA-714 (Adobe reader required) to pay by credit card.
Make checks or money orders payable to the Social Security Administration.
(For more information on requesting form SS-5, including fees, see our Frequently Asked Question on requesting copies of form SS-5.)
Send all other FOIA requests to:
Social Security Administration
Freedom of Information Officer
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland, 21235
You can also write or give your written request to any Social Security field office.