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Gerard van Belle helping to scrub the Keck 2 telescope structure clean.

Gerard van Belle helping to scrub the Keck 2 telescope structure clean.
Tim Saloga (left) and Steve Doyle in the Mirror Barn. Spare segments for the Keck primary mirrors are kept here, mounted on handling carts. Saloga is a summit optical technician, specializing in segment handling and recoating. Doyle is an summit electronics technician.

Tim Saloga (left) and Steve Doyle in the Mirror Barn. Spare segments for the Keck primary mirrors are kept here, mounted on handling carts. Saloga is a summit optical technician, specializing in segment handling and recoating. Doyle is an summit electronics technician.
Mike Fischer, posing in front an experimental setup at Keck HQ that he set up in support of the interferometer project. Fischer is wearing a hat since he's in a cleanroom area that is sensitive to loose hairs and dust.

Mike Fischer, posing in front an experimental setup at Keck HQ that he set up in support of the interferometer project. Fischer is wearing a hat since he's in a cleanroom area that is sensitive to loose hairs and dust.
Kyle Kinoshita in the pipe leading from the observatory basement beam combining lab to the Keck 2

Kyle Kinoshita in the pipe leading from the observatory basement beam combining lab to the Keck 2 "crypt", which is a 8 foot square box beneath the Keck 2 telescope. In the crypt are mirrors that receive the light collected by Keck 2. Access to the crypt is by means of a sled on rails.
Mark Swain, JPL engineer, in the Keck 2 telescope crypt.

Mark Swain, JPL engineer, in the Keck 2 telescope crypt.
Sam Crawford (left) and Olga Pevanova at the JPL open house. Crawford, a member of the JPL Keck team, was answering questions for the scavenger hunt that many kids were let loose upon.

Sam Crawford (left) and Olga Pevanova at the JPL open house. Crawford, a member of the JPL Keck team, was answering questions for the scavenger hunt that many kids were let loose upon.
Andy Boden hanging a mobile exhibit for the open house at the Keck booth. Boden is the deputy director of the Interferometry Science Center at Caltech.

Andy Boden hanging a mobile exhibit for the open house at the Keck booth. Boden is the deputy director of the Interferometry Science Center at Caltech.
Dean Palmer at the end of the Fast Delay Line rails in the observatory basement.

Dean Palmer at the end of the Fast Delay Line rails in the observatory basement.
Left to right: Andrew Booth, Mark Swain, Rob Ligon, Rick Kendrick, Dean Palmer, Marco Hernandez, and Gerard van Belle. A pause for a group photo during the installation of the first Fast Delay Line Cart last July, in the observatory basement control room.

Left to right: Andrew Booth, Mark Swain, Rob Ligon, Rick Kendrick, Dean Palmer, Marco Hernandez, and Gerard van Belle. A pause for a group photo during the installation of the first Fast Delay Line Cart last July, in the observatory basement control room.
Mark Swain adjusts FDL cart rail supports in the basement beam combining lab. The large structure in the left foreground is one of the two FDL carts currently in the basement.

Mark Swain adjusts FDL cart rail supports in the basement beam combining lab. The large structure in the left foreground is one of the two FDL carts currently in the basement.

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