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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Women's Health

Research Findings

Research Activities, August 2008:
Poorer treatment and lower socioeconomic status may underlie ethnic disparities in breast cancer survival
Women who were abused as children use more health care services than those who weren't abused
Many pregnant women continue to be prescribed a class of antihypertensive medications dangerous to the fetus
Kegel exercises, bladder training, and some medications can resolve women's urinary incontinence
Breast screenings are lower in counties with high rates of uninsured people

Research Activities, July 2008:
Women over 40 responded to changes in mammogram recommendations
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that at-risk men and women be screened for certain sexually transmitted infections
Hospital and demographic factors influence emergency department triage of patients with mini-strokes

Research Activities, June 2008:
Radiologists vary in how accurately they interpret diagnostic mammograms

Research Activities, May 2008:
AHRQ and Ad Council encourage Hispanics to become more involved in their health care
Pain varies among women with late-stage breast cancer
Antidepressant use during pregnancy is linked to increases in preterm birth and potentially serious infant perinatal problems
Noncancerous pelvic problems are linked to poor quality of life and sexual functioning for premenopausal women

Research Activities, April 2008:
Modest health care quality gains outpaced by spending
Adolescents are willing to have chlamydial screening by pediatricians during urgent care visits
Maternal asthma is associated with lower birth weight
Studies examine the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South
Life challenges, not discharge problems, cause repeat hospitalizations

Research Activities, February 2008:
Age, gender, and location are keys to predicting patient fall injuries in hospitals
Nurse midwives deliver more babies in hospitals than homes in Washington State
A combination of maternal, baby, and episiotomy factors contribute to high rates of maternal birth trauma in Iowa

Research Activities, January 2008:
Some women with breast cancer do not receive adjuvant treatments recommended by guidelines
Disadvantaged newly immigrant Hispanic women have much better birth outcomes than disadvantaged U.S. black women
Use of antidepressants by low-income pregnant women has jumped more than twofold, raising questions about fetal risks
Illinois hospitals are not ready to implement intrapartum strategies to eradicate pediatric HIV infection

Research Activities, December 2007:
Women leaving the hospital against medical advice after delivering a baby should be targeted for more services
Severe food insecurity among low-income adults is linked to an increased rate of diabetes

Research Activities, November 2007:
Study documents the health costs of being a woman
Death and complications after breast cancer surgery are rare, with wound infection the most common problem
Women suffer fewer postoperative problems after vascular surgery at Veterans Administration than at private hospitals
Late diagnosis of HIV is a problem for older patients, many of whom aren't diagnosed until they've already developed AIDS
End-of-life care expenditures and use among Medicare colorectal cancer patients differ more by age than gender
Diagnosing coronary heart disease prior to a heart attack improves the chance of lowering the risk of future coronary events

Research Activities, October 2007:
Three-fourths of low-income black women are dissatisfied with their body size 6 months after giving birth
Information women receive in pregnancy affects their childbirth preferences after prior cesarean delivery
Elderly women in the early stages of lung cancer live longer than elderly men, regardless of the type of treatment they receive

Research Activities, September 2007:
Perceived discrimination does not appear to affect black women's adherence to screening mammography guidelines
Women in Medicare and private managed care plans receive worse care than men for cardiovascular disease and diabetes
Women with coronary heart disease are less likely than men to use aspirin to prevent further problems
Domestic violence victims have higher health care use and costs than other women, even long after the abuse has ended
Exam room reminders and physician feedback can improve screening for chlamydia in young women during preventive care visits
Three clinical characteristics double the likelihood of hysterectomy for women with common noncancerous pelvic conditions
Available and timely access to AZT for HIV-infected mothers giving birth needs to be improved in Illinois birthing hospitals

Research Activities, August 2007:
Location of shelters and other assistance programs impacts the incidence of violence against homeless women
Risk of maternal and fetal labor and delivery complications increase as pregnancy progresses beyond 39 weeks of gestation
Connecticut midwife practices vary greatly in compensation and employment structures

Research Activities, July 2007:
Inadequate communication of mammogram results may prevent black women from fully benefiting from screening
Urinary incontinence is common among residents of Southeastern nursing homes, especially among black residents

Research Activities, June 2007:
Women's greater risk of dying after coronary artery bypass graft surgery may be due to transfusion-related immunosuppression
Rate of childbirth-related hospital stays decreases for girls under age 18

Research Activities, May 2007:
Women with disabilities report poorer health and more problems accessing health care than other women
Older women who are depressed following breast cancer therapy are less likely to fully recover shoulder mobility
Despite the benefits of early breastfeeding, many women find it unexpectedly difficult and painful
Use of high-risk medications by pregnant women is not uncommon
Emergency physicians ask over half of female patients if they smoke, but don't counsel or advise them to quit

Research Activities, April 2007:
Gastrointestinal complaints in young women of low to normal weight may indicate possible eating disorders
Oncologists appear to communicate differently with breast cancer patients depending on women's age, race, education, and income
Model shows contribution of mammography screening and adjuvant therapy to reducing breast cancer deaths from 1975 to 2000
Clinic-based and community-based strategies can promote the use of key preventive services by Latina women
Factors leading to gout and its management are different in women and men
New checklists help men and women know which medical tests are needed to stay healthy ay any age

Research Activities, March 2007:
Factors such as disease status and sex affect adherence to drug prescribing guidelines for hypertension
Intimate partner abuse has no age limit
HIV-infected women receive worse quality of care than HIV-infected men
Dysthymia may contribute to the disparity in use of antiretroviral therapy between men and women

Research Activities, February 2007:
Some pregnant women are still prescribed medications with the potential to harm the fetus
Japanese and Filipino women are much less likely than white women to undergo breast-conserving therapy for breast cancer

Research Activities, January 2007:
Women are more likely than men to suffer health problems and worse quality of life due to obesity

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Research Activities, December 2006:
Racial differences in religiosity and religious coping styles are linked to use of health care services by low-income older women
Study raises doubts about the usefulness of emergency department diagnosis as a criteria for medically unnecessary EMS transports

Research Activities, November 2006:
Women's self-report of mammography use conflicts with verified reports using claims data
Fewer women are having inpatient breast cancer surgery

Research Activities, October 2006:
Perceptions of teamwork in hospital labor and delivery units depend on caregiver role and the unit environment
Maternal psychological distress and infrequent use of seat belts are associated with children's low use of motor vehicle restraints
Teriparatide alone is less cost-effective than alendronate alone for the treatment of women with severe osteoporosis

Research Activities, September 2006:
Bone protection therapy shifted from estrogen to nonestrogen anti-osteoporosis medicine after publication of the Women's Health Initiative study

Research Activities, August 2006:
Complications from chemotherapy in women with breast cancer are greater than previously estimated
Minority women are nearly twice as likely as white women to not receive needed postoperative treatments for early-stage breast cancer
Studies examine the prevalence, impact, and disclosure of domestic violence among women
Elderly women are more likely than men to die after coronary bypass surgery

Research Activities, June 2006:
Use of ACE inhibitors during the first trimester of pregnancy is related to an increased risk of birth defects
Primary care assessment of intimate partner violence and referrals may prevent its recurrence
A year after leaving jail, half of women lack health insurance or use primary care
Half of postpartum depression cases are not recognized
Increasing cervical cancer screening intervals is cost-effective for women with three consecutive normal Pap smears
Menopausal hormone therapy declined after published WHI trial results

Research Activities, May 2006
Researchers examine gender disparities in the quality of preventive care and management of heart disease and diabetes
One of every 10 women and men has a diagnosed cardiovascular disease

Research Activities, March 2006
Women need information about alternatives, risks, and benefits of hormone therapy for osteoporosis to make an informed decision
Ectopic pregnancy rates in California are declining, but the decline is slower among black women
Medi-Cal changes in the 1990s shifted newborn deliveries from large public hospitals to smaller community hospitals

Research Activities, February 2006:
Noninvasive tests may miss breast cancer
Study provides estimates of cervical cancers that may be missed by extending screening time after consecutive negative Pap smears
Light therapy appears to improve sleep, mood, and energy among women with nonseasonal depression

Research Activities, January 2006:
Management of chest pain in patients with hypertension differs in men, women, and ethnic groups
Broad-spectrum antibiotics given during labor are linked to late-onset serious bacterial infections in infants
Women with mild-to-moderate pelvic inflammatory disease have similar reproductive outcomes from inpatient and outpatient care

Research Activities, December 2005:
Black women are more likely than other women to have pregnancy and childbirth complications
Black women who live in rural areas are less likely than white women to begin mammography screening
Misconceptions about cancer screening may be common among women
White women who suffer from obesity are less likely to undergo Pap testing for cervical cancer
Cytokine genotypes may identify pregnant women who are at high risk of developing preeclampsia

Research Activities, November 2005:
Younger women are more satisfied with their healthcare when a reproductive health specialist is their primary provider
Uterine artery embolization for uterine fibroids is a low-risk procedure
More high-quality studies are needed to gauge the safety of induced labor in women who have had prior cesarean deliveries
Some State-level policies are associated with women's mortality rates for certain diseases
Many pregnant women support abortion availability, but half would consider only a first-trimester procedure
Patient preferences for participating in clinical decisionmaking vary by sex, ethnicity, and age

Research Activities, October 2005:
Both maternal and paternal ethnicity affect preeclampsia rates
Black women experience more asthma problems during pregnancy
Women who smoke have nearly twice the risk of developing Graves' hyperthyroidism than nonsmokers
Elective primary cesarean delivery rates show a rising trend
Study explores women's attitudes and barriers to acceptance of an HIV vaccine

Research Activities, September 2005:
Acculturation plays a pivotal role in the health status and behaviors of Latinos in the United States
Survey reveals shortage of radiologists and certified mammography technologists at U.S. community mammography facilities
Certain factors predict chronic pelvic pain after pelvic inflammatory disease

Research Activities, August 2005:
Medical disparities for elderly Medicare beneficiaries are narrowing
Black and Hispanic mothers are much more likely than white mothers to suffer from early postpartum depression
One hospital's experience suggests that communication problems may underlie a substantial number of hospital adverse events
Women with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol receive less intense cholesterol management than men
Supracervical and total abdominal hysterectomy result in similar sexual functioning and quality of life 2 years later
Estrogen therapy with progestin has higher discontinuation rates in women with diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Research Activities, July 2005:
Radiologists with more experience reading mammograms aren't necessarily more accurate in interpreting them
Prenatal screening and treatment are needed to identify pregnant women with asymptomatic chlamydial infections
Study finds that screening asymptomatic, low-risk pregnant women for hepatitis C virus is not cost effective

Research Activities, June 2005:
Absence of chest pain in patients with suspected heart attack or angina does not signal a less severe condition
Primary care physician specialty influences use of screening mammography and Pap smears in gatekeeper plans
Existing coronary heart disease is undiagnosed in half of women who have a first heart attack
Women respond differently to medications than men and should be proactive about their medication use
Despite revised guidelines, most obstetrician/gynecologists continue to overscreen low-risk women for cervical cancer

Research Activities, May 2005:
Researchers assess breast cancer risk and the effects of tamoxifen prophylaxis among women in primary care practices
Use of hormone replacement therapy plummeted after publication of findings from the Women's Health Initiative trial
Acupuncture appears promising for the treatment of depression during pregnancy

Research Activities, April 2005:
Most obstetricians are reluctant to grant women a first-time cesarean delivery without medical indications
Informal caregiver characteristics influence the hospitalization and discharge of elderly women
Sociodemographic factors affect receipt of preventive care services among women aged 65 and older
Osteoporosis often goes undiagnosed and untreated in black patients with fragility fractures
Leisure-time exercise, which helps control diabetes, is low among all diabetes patients, particularly black women

Research Activities, March 2005:
Women 65 and older used more medications and spent more for them than same-age men during the period 1999 to 2001

Research Activities, February 2005:
Women who are incontinent are more likely to complain about sexual problems than those with pelvic organ prolapse
Drug regimens for treating pelvic inflammatory disease should include metronidazole
Study documents cost-effectiveness of targeted chlamydia screening

Research Activities, January 2005:
Women who have given birth only via cesarean are less likely than those with vaginal deliveries to report stress incontinence
Centers specializing in primary care for women consistently deliver preventive services and have high patient satisfaction

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Research Activities, December 2004
Risk of rupture from tubal pregnancy is highest within 48 hours after onset of symptoms
Women's preferences for prenatal testing depend more on their attitudes toward pregnancy outcomes than their age

Research Activities, November 2004
Prehypertension is a considerable health risk, particularly in people aged 45 and older
Service coordination for pregnant women in prison can improve their use of health services after release
Study finds differences between men and women in the effects of social class on behavioral risk factors
New booklet helps women weigh surgery options for early-stage breast cancer

Research Activities, October 2004
Quality-of-life benefits of short-term hormone therapy may outweigh the risks for some menopausal women
After more than 20 years, quality of life is similar for women who had a hysterectomy or went through natural menopause

Research Activities, September 2004:
Study finds that some pregnant women are prescribed drugs that may be considered unsafe during pregnancy
Decision model can help doctors identify which patients will develop a cough from taking an ACE inhibitor
Diagnosis of pain by primary care doctors is influenced by pain severity, patient sex, and physician practice style
Expanded Medicaid eligibility reduced the risk of inadequate prenatal care in California during the 1990s

Research Activities, August 2004:
Study uncovers major differences in the use and cost of health care for privately insured men and women with HIV
Studies show that obesity affects mammography accuracy and screening rates
Out-of-pocket costs and inconvenient monthly pharmacy visits may be barriers to women's consistent use of oral contraceptives
Ethnicity, income, and public financing all influence medical safety net providers in large urban communities
Hypertension control is greater in U.S. primary care practices than usually reported

Research Activities, July 2004:
Younger women with heart failure have worse quality of life than older women and men, but they also tend to improve more over time
Treatment of high cholesterol in women should be based on all risk factors of heart disease, not just lipid levels
Women who undergo hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding report improved health-related quality of life
Individual who suffer from both major depression and diabetes function worse than those with either illness alone
Most people who have chronic fatigue syndrome are underemployed or unemployed, and some can be considered disabled
For women with HIV and abnormal Pap smears, colposcopy should continue to be the next step to rule out cervical cancer

Research Activities, June 2004  
Screening sigmoidoscopy may be less effective for detecting colorectal cancer in women and older people
Review illuminates women's childbirth preferences following a previous cesarean delivery
Study findings suggest that invasive prenatal diagnostic testing should be offered to all women

Research Activities, May 2004:
Less than half of older women who have suffered fractures due to osteoporosis are treated properly to prevent further fractures
Researchers find no adverse perinatal outcomes associated with respiratory hospitalizations of pregnant women during flu season

Research Activities, April 2004:
Hysterectomy results in better outcomes than medicine for patients with abnormal uterine bleeding
Cervical cancer screening every 3 years after three or more normal Pap tests is a safe option
Step-by-step procedures may help health care providers treat victims of intimate partner violence
Clinicians and patients responded quickly to recent evidence of harms associated with hormone therapy
Health plan use of gatekeepers may improve use of recommended cancer screening
Incidence of hepatitis C virus is low among HIV-infected women and usually is linked to drug use

Research Activities, March 2004:
Renal disease progression is not slower among women than men, and it may even be faster
Women with estrogen-positive breast tumors should not increase their intake of soy or other phytoestrogens
Screening relatively healthy elderly women for breast cancer every 2 years is cost effective

Research Activities, February 2004:
Rural studies examine satisfaction with and cost-effectiveness of telecolposcopy for women with abnormal Pap smears
Studies demonstrate high rates of assault and unmet health care needs among homeless women
Use of tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer should be weighed against an individual woman's potential to benefits and risks
North American screening programs identify more mammograms as abnormal but do not detect more breast cancers than programs in other countries

Research Activities, January 2004:
Few postmenopausal women who have suffered a fracture receive drug treatment to prevent further fractures
Confounding factors may be the reason that randomized controlled trials of HRT conflict with observational studies
Cervical cancer rates among younger women decreased over the past 25 years
Women and men with cardiovascular disease may not receive the same level of treatment for high cholesterol
Elderly, low-income black women need more education about the importance of breast cancer screening
Recent HCSUS studies focus on HIV infection in older individuals and women, use of complementary and alternative therapies, and insurance status

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