Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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How Do Use Patterns Affect Resource Quality and User Experience in an MPA? How Will Changing Use Patterns of One Group Affect Other Users?

Use patterns vary among user groups and their activities. Activities have different impacts on the resource and on other user groups depending both on the nature of the activity, where it is performed, when it is performed, and how.

For example, SCUBA divers, while not often a threat to the marine environmentk, are capable of creating significant damage to corals through direct contact. Divers may cause other impacts if they engage in spearfishing or lobster removal.

If a use type or pattern is highly destructive it may prevent users from enjoying the resource in the future. Some uses may prevent multiple users or user types to use the resource at the same time. Jet skiers, for example, might prevent fishermen or snorkelers from using the resource due to the noise level and potential threat they appear to pose.

How Can Knowing This Help Me?

Determining how use patterns affect resource quality and user experience might help managers

  • Determine if use patterns have any effect on resource quality and user experience
  • Classify different impacts to the resource
  • Understand user groups and their behaviors
  • Determine cumulative impacts of various user groups
  • Direct usage to decrease negative impacts
  • Develop educational and outreach material
  • Identify changes in use patterns

What Are Some Tools I Can Use?