GLOBE Standards and Curriculm Integration

You have selected Texas as your state and AST as your grade level.

To continue, select standards to see which GLOBE concepts and tasks satisfy them:

Standards for Texas, grade AST:
AST.10a Conditions on Earth Compared to Conditions on Other Planets
AST.10b Effects of Earth's Rotation, Revolution and Tilt on Environment
AST.10c Effects of the Moon on Tides
AST.1a Safe Practices
AST.1b Conservation of Resources
AST.2a Plan and Conduct Investigations
AST.2b Collect Data by Observing and Measuring
AST.2c Organize, Analyze, Make Inferences, and Predict Trends
AST.2d Communicating Valid Conclusions
AST.3a Analyze, Review, and Critique
AST.3b Draw Inferences
AST.3c Evaluate Research
AST.3d Making Connections
AST.3e History of Astronomy
AST.4a Lunar Phases
AST.4b Galaxies
AST.5a Age of the Universe
AST.5b Big Bang Theory
AST.5c Formation of Galaxies and Solar System
AST.6a Nuclear Reactions in Stars
AST.6b Characteristics of Stars
AST.6c Life Cycle of Stars Using Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
AST.7a Units of Measurement in Astronomy
AST.7b Laws of Universal Gravitation and Planetary Motion and Theory of Special Relativity
AST.7c Models of Planetary Motion and Universal Gravitation
AST.7d Constellations
AST.7e Impact of the Space Program in Collecting Data
AST.8a Characteristics of the Sun
AST.8b Sun's Energy
AST.8c Sun's Effects on the Earth
AST.9a Movement of Planets Relative to Stars
AST.9b Comparing the Planets
AST.9c Other Objects that Orbit the Sun
AST.9d Role of Gravitation in Movement of Planets

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