GLOBE Standards and Curriculm Integration

You have selected Texas as your state and 1 as your grade level.

To continue, select standards to see which GLOBE concepts and tasks satisfy them:

Standards for Texas, grade 1:
1.10a Natural Sources of Water
1.10b Rocks and Soil Samples
1.10c Use and Recycling of Rocks, Soil, and Water
1.1a Safe Practices
1.1b Conservation of Resources
1.2a Asking Questions
1.2b Plan and Conduct Investigations
1.2c Gathering Information
1.2d Constructing Reasonable Explanations and Drawing Conclusions
1.2e Communicating Explanations
1.3a Making Decisions Using Information
1.3b Discuss and Justify the Merits of Decisions
1.3c Explain a Problem and Identify a Task and Solution
1.4a Collecting Information Using Tools
1.4b Record and Compare Collected Information
1.4c Measure Organisms and Objects
1.5a Sort Objects and Events Based on Properties and Patterns
1.5b Identify, Predict, and Compare Patterns
1.6a Sort Organisms and Objects According to Parts and Characteristics
1.6b Observe and Describe the Parts of Plants and Animals
1.6c Manipulate Objects so that When Separated Into Parts, Does Not Work
1.6d Identify Parts that Can Do Things When Put Together
1.7a Observe, Measure, and Record Changes
1.7b How Heat Can Cause Change
1.7c Weather Changes Over Time
1.7d Changes in Life Cycle
1.8a Group Organisms as Living or Nonliving
1.8b Compare Living and Nonliving Organisms
1.9a Basic Needs of Living Organisms
1.9b Dependence of Organisms on Each Other for Basic Needs

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