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Idaho Lab's Welding Tech

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has designed a GTAW torch that is solely air-cooled and capable of welding at 300 amps continuous duty.

The torch features a tungsten stick that can be remotely adjusted from the gas cup while maintaining the tip of the tungsten stationary with respect to the torch body. It also is possible to remotely change out the tungsten. In current commercial torches the tungsten is loosened in its collet and simply slid out further for a larger stick out or retracted for a smaller stick out. With this design, no free liquids are required, so welding can be done in any environment.

The fixed tungsten allows the torch to be operated with a camera system for any remote welding without the requirement of continually changing the view of the cameras, thereby allowing for continuous welding cycles.

More info: Ida Shum, 208-526-0744

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