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Emergency Response Emergency Response

Additional Contacts For

GSA provides assistance to federal employees, vendors and citizens. Find information on facilities, travel, damaged vehicles, GSA hotlines and more.

GSA Hotlines

Information is available on building products, services, technology and other important issues. Federal customers can reach a GSA point of contact on the hotline numbers below. These hotlines are open to all customers 24 hours a day.

GSA's COOP Emergency Number:  1-866-998-COOP (2667)

GSA Press Releases

Government Facilities Status and Information

Information on closed facilities is available here.

Per Diem Rates

Special guidance on travel to impacted areas becomes available as necessary. Regular domestic Per Diem Rates are always available here.

Supplies, Equipment, and Services

GSA assists federal agencies acquire supplies and equipment to support disaster relief and emergency preparedness. GSAAdvantage!® Disaster Relief is available here.

For Vendors Offering Relief Supplies and Service

Disaster and Emergency Operations Vendor Profile (GSA Form 3685) Vendors may use this form to be added to a database of vendors offering supplies and services to be used in times of natural or environmental disasters or national or civil emergencies.

Asset Management Practices & Authorities

GSA provides guidance on appropriate asset (aircraft, motor vehicles, and personal property) management.

Businesses holding GSA Schedules may be tasked for support of government relief efforts.  Vendors not on Schedule may request to be considered as sources for emergency procurements.

Emergency Information for Government Personnel

GSA's Office of Governmentwide Policy has  issued a bulletin that informs agencies that certain provisions of the FTR governing the authorization of actual subsistence expenses for official travel (both TDY and relocation) are temporarily waived as a result of the Emergency due to Hurricane Zoe. This is effective immediately.

Damaged GSA Fleet vehicles should be reported to Penny Hargett at GSA's Accident Management Center (AMC) by calling (800) 325-2958 Ext. 54008 or e-mail  Visit GSA's Motor Vehicle Policy page for assistance in managing your government fleet.

Emergency Authority for Government Charge Card Use   

Purchasing goods and services during emergencies with government charge charges is allowed.

Emergency News for Government Travelers

Advice for temporary duty and relocation of government employees in affected areas is made available via GSA Bulletins and other announcements.

Other emergency news and announcements, including but not limited to the following categories, will also be made available:

Also, GSA's Travel Management Policy Office answers FTR related questions. 


Employees, managers, supervisors and telework coordinators can visit the joint GSA and OPM website on telework for more information.

Other Government Assistance, formerly called,  provides links to the latest information available on relief and response.

  • Missing Persons—Lists and Search
  • Replacing Vital Records
  • Accessing Emergency-Related Hotlines
  • FAQs—Updated Daily  también provee información del gobierno en español.

The National Contact Center answers inquiries on 1 (800) FED-INFO as well as email that comes in to  Other federal information is available about health, safety, and government programs.

GSA Employees

GSA Employees may find additional information on the For GSA Employees web page.