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Press Releases - Summary of FFIEC Statements
Published in the Federal Register (1979 - 2001)

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Summary of FFIEC Statements Published in the Federal Register (1979-2001)

Publication Date
October 19, 1979 Policy statement on discrimination 44 FR 60406
October 19, 1979 Regulation Z: Joint notice of enforcement policy 44 FR 60402
January 4, 1980 Joint notice of proposed policy statement on disposition of credit life insurance income 45 FR 1152
January 18, 1980 Quarterly report of condition to be submitted by all U.S. branches and agencies of foreign and Puerto Rican banks; final reporting form -- supersedes notice published January 4, 1980 45 FR 3661
January 29, 1980 Joints notice of proposed policy on disclosure of statutory enforcement actions on behalf of the agencies represented on the Council 45 FR 6648
June 24, 1980 Joint notice if adoption of standard descriptive terms to be used in competitive factor reports prepared pursuant to be bank merge act 912 USC 1828(c) 45 FR 42369
July 11, 1980 Final rule. Description of FFIEC office procedures, public information. 45 FR 46793
July 11, 1980 Statement of interagency enforcement policy -- Regulation Z 45 FR 48712
September 9, 1980 Interagency policy regarding the assessment of civil money penalties by the Federal Financial Institutions Regulatory Agencies 45 FR 59423
September 23, 1980 Public information statement on the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 45 FR 63133
October 10, 1980 Interagency policy statements advertising NOW accounts 45 FR 67465
December 30, 1980 Request for comments the feasibility and usefulness of requiring depository institutions which make small business loans to compile and publicly disclose information regarding such loans; notice of request for comments 45 FR 85827
March 10, 1981 Joint notice of elimination of form reports required under regulations implementing the Bank Protection Act 46 FR 15864
June 23, 1981 Notice and request for comments: Proposed definition of bank capital to be used in determining capital adequacy 46 FR 32498
August 14, 1981 Request for comments: Proposed accounting guideline-- accrual accounting 46 FR 41204
October 6, 1981 Joint notice of elimination of external crime reports required under regulations implementing the Bank Protection Act 46 FR 49104
November 17, 1981 Interagency policy statements regarding enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity and Fair Housing Acts 46 FR 56500
November 24, 1981 Notice of action on proposed accounting guideline-- accrual accounting 46 FR 57634
June 14, 1982 Request for comments on the proposed revised quarterly report of condition and income required of all insured commercial banks 47 FR 25615
August 5, 1982 Notice of extension and delay of implementation date for quarterly reports of condition and income required of all insured commercial banks 47 FR 34040
August 10, 1982 Notice of availability of information - directory for HMDA data 47 FR 34631
September 20, 1982 Notice of request for comments re fair lending and community reinvestment 47 FR 41421
December 6, 1983 Notice of availability of information for HMDA data 48 FR 54695
December 23, 1983 Notice of request for comments on proposed changes re Country Exposure Report 48 FR 56848
July 26, 1984 Notice of request for comments on proposed revision to FFIEC 002 (Report of Assets & Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks) 49 FR 30119
October 5, 1984 Notice of extension for comment period and delay of implementation for FFIEC 002 49 FR 39385
January 18, 1985 Notice for comments on proposed instructions for new quarterly report FFIEC 019 (Country Exposure Report for U.S. Branches & Agencies of Foreign Banks) 50 FR 2722
April 5, 1985 Notice re proposed revision to FFIEC 001 (Annual Report of Trust Assets) 50 FR 14157
April 10, 1985 Notice re adoption of revision to FFIEC 002 (Report Assets & Liabilities of U.S. Branches & Agencies of Foreign Banks) 50 FR 49764
December 4, 1985 Notice re interagency supervisory policy statement regarding repurchase agreements of depository institution with securities dealers and others 50 FR 49764
March 6, 1987 Notice re interagency policy statements on basic financial services 52 FR 29865
August 12, 1987 Notice re proposed rule implementing amendments to FOIA (Exemption 7) 52 FR 29865
March 8, 1988 Notice re final rule in implementing amendments to FOIA (Exemption 7) 53 FR 7340
April 7, 1988 Notice of request for comments re submission of bank call reports 53 FR 11558
August 23, 1988 Notice re final action for approval of two proposals relating to submission of bank call report 53 FR 32104
November 9, 1988 Notice of request for comments re interest rate swap reporting standards 53 FR 45386
May 19, 1989 Notice re statement on the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) -- encouraging financial institution to file timely and accurate reports 54 FR 21666
August 28, 1989 Notice of request for comments on proposed changes to the reports of condition and income required of all FDIC banks (risk-based capital) 54 FR 35533
December 13, 1989 Adoption of Changes to the Reports of Condition and Income 54 FR 51233
December 22, 1989 Uniform Interagency Community Reinvestment Act Guide-lines for Disclosure of Written Evaluation and Revisions to Assessment Rating System 54 FR 52914
April 19, 1990 Request for Comment on Availability of Real Property Sales and Financing Information 55 FR 14859
May 1, 1990 Uniform Interagency Community Reinvestment Act Final Guidelines for Disclosure of Written Evaluations and Revised Assessment Rating System 55 FR 18163
June 29, 1990 Recourse Arrangements 55 FR 26766
July 3, 1990 Uniform Interagency Community Reinvestment Act Final Guidelines for Disclosure of Written Evaluation and Revised Assessment Rating System (Correction to 5/1/90 FR Notice) 55 FR 27545
July 6, 1990 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Disclosure Statements and Aggregate MSA Reports; Availability of Data 55 FR 27886
October 24, 1990 Request for Comment on Personal Property Appraising 55 FR 42891
December 21, 1990 Availability of Agencies, Requirements for Automated Submission of Data 55 FR 52321
January 3, 1991 Supervisory Policy Statement Concerning Selection of Securities Dealers, Securities Portfolio Policies and Strategies and Unsuitable Investment Practices, and Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities, Certain CMO Tranches, Residuals, and Zero Coupon Bonds 56 FR 263
January 31, 1991 Extension of Comments Period for Supervisory Policy Statement Concerning Selection of Securities Dealers, Securities Portfolio Policies and Strategies Mortgage-Backed Securities, Certain CMO Tranches, Residuals, and Zero-Coupon Bonds 56 FR 3831
March 18, 1991 Reporting Standard Concerning the Return of a Loan With a Partial Charge-Off to Accrual Status 56 FR 11441
May 1, 1991 Appraisal Subcommittee; Extension of Deadline for Use of Certified or Licensed Appraisers in Federally Related Transactions 56 FR 20002
August 2, 1991 Supervisory Policy Statement on Securities Activities Use of Certified or Licensed Appraisers in Federally Related Transactions 56 FR 37095
August 5, 1991 Reporting Standard Concerning the Return of a Loan With a Partial Charge-Off to Accrual Status 56 FR 37214
October 4, 1991 Proposed Requirement for Electronic Submission of Bank Reports of Condition and Income 56 FR 50334
February 3, 1992 Supervisory Policy Statement on Securities Activities 57 FR 4028
February 3, 1992 Bank Reports of Condition and Income: Proposed Change in Definition of One-to-Four Family Residential Mortgages 57 FR 4027
February 11, 1992 Bank Reports of Condition and Income: Proposed Change in Definition of One-to-Four Family Residential Mortgages (Correction to 2/3/92 FR Notice) 57 FR 5048
March 12, 1992 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act; Categorization of Income for Disclosure and Aggregate MSA Reports 57 FR 8762
March 31, 1992 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) - Interagency Questions and Answers 57 FR 10899
April 29, 1992 CRA - Interagency Questions and Answers; Amendment to Question 29. 57 FR 18152
May 20, 1992 Study on Regulatory Burden 57 FR 21408
May 20, 1992 Reporting of Information on Small Business and Small Farm Lending by Banks, Thrifts, and U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks 57 FR 21409
August 3, 1992 Regulatory Treatment of Deferred Tax Assets 57 FR 34135
August 10, 1992 Regulatory Treatment of Deferred Tax Assets (Correction to 8/3/92 FR Notice) 57 FR 35627
Sept. 23, 1992 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act; Categorization of Income for Disclosure Statements and Aggregate MSA Reports 57 FR 43979
November 17, 1992 Reporting of information on Small Business and Small Farm Lending by Insured Banks, Thrifts, and U.S. Branches of Foreign Banks 57 FR 54235
February 19, 1993 CRA - Interagency Questions and Answers 58 FR 9176
April 13, 1993 Request for public comments on supplemental disclosure of estimated fair values 58 FR 19257
February 7, 1994 Announcement that FFIEC is making available for purchase census data that will be used to prepare HMDA statements 59 FR 5601
March 9, 1994 Request for public comments on disclosure of off-balance-sheet derivatives 59 FR 11071
May 17, 1994 Request for public comments on issues arising from the adoption by FAS 114 - accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan 59 FR 25656
February 10, 1995 Announcement re final action on the implementation issues arising from FASB statement no. 114, "accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan 60 FR 7966
June 27, 1995 Announcement for final guidelines pursuant to Section 349 of the Riegle Community Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 re guidelines for relying on state examinations 60 FR 33206
June 30, 1995 Request for public comments on proposed schedule on trust income and expense -- adding schedule E fiduciary income statement to the report 60 FR 34252
July 18, 1996 Request for public comments on proposed changes to the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System 61 FR 37472
August 2, 1996 Announcement re removal of the interagency policy statement regarding advertising of NOW accounts 61 FR 40419
September 4, 1996 Announcement of schedule of trust income and expense -- approval of adding schedule E to the form effective for the December 31, 1996 report date 61 FR 46645
October 21, 1996 Request for public comments on Community Reinvestment Act-- interagency questions and answers re community reinvestment 61 FR 54647
December 19, 1996 Announcement of the revision for the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System 61 FR 67021
February 20, 1997 Announcement of the revision for the policy statement on Interagency Coordination of formal corrective action by the federal bank regulatory agencies 62 FR 7782
March 4, 1997 Announcement of a withdrawal of a guideline on interagency policy statement regarding uniform guideline on internal control for foreign exchange in commercial banks 62 FR 9767
March 10, 1997 Announcement of a rescission of a policy statement on use of large-value transfers for money laundering 62 FR 10855
March 13, 1997 Announcement of a withdrawal of a policy statement regarding disclosure of statutory enforcement actions 62 FR 11894
April 4, 1997 Announcement of a rescission of a policy statement on U.S. government guaranteed loans and sale premiums 62 FR 16158
April 11, 1997 Announcement of a withdrawal of a joint policy statement on improper and illegal payments by banks and bank holding companies 62 FR 17817
July 21, 1997 Announcement of a revised policy statement on securities lending 62 FR 38991
July 23, 1997 Announcement re notice and request for comments on loans in areas having special flood hazards; interagency questions and answers regarding flood insurance 62 FR 39523
September 12, 1997 Announcement re notice and request for comments on the uniform retail credit classification policy 62 FR 48089
October 3, 1997 Announcement re notice and request for comments on supervisory policy statement on investment securities and end-user derivatives activities 62 FR 51862
October 6, 1997 Announcement re notice and request for comments on community reinvestment act; interagency questions and answers 62 FR 52105
February 11, 1998 Announcement re modification of policy statement on repurchase agreements of depository institutions with securities dealers and others--changes made to eliminate outdated material, provide clarification, and to streamline the contents of the statement 63 FR 6935
February 17, 1998 Announcement re policy statement and request for comments on external auditing programs of banks and savings associations 63 FR 7796
February 17, 1998 Announcement re notice and request for comments on the uniform interagency trust rating system 63 FR 7802
April 23, 1998 Announcement re notice on supervisory policy statement on investment securities and end-user derivatives activities 63 FR 20191
June 3, 1998 Announcement re notice of revised policy statement for assessment of civil money penalties 63 FR 30226
June 9, 1998 Announcement re notice and request for comments for the uniform rating system for information technology 63 FR 31468
July 6, 1998 Announcement re notice and request for comments on the uniform retail credit classification policy 63 FR 36403
September 8, 1998 Announcement re notice and request for comments on the administrative enforcement of the truth in lending act -- restitution 63 FR 47495
October 13, 1998 Announcement that the FFIEC is revising the Uniform Interagency Trust Rating System (UITRS). The revisions update the rating system to reflect changes that have occurred since the rating system was first adopted in 1978. 63 FR 54704
January 20, 1999 Announcement that FFIEC revised the Uniform Interagency Rating System for Data Processing Operations, Information Systems(IS) rating system--name of rating system reflects changes that have occurred in the data processing services industry and in supervisory policies & procedures since the rating system was first adopted in 1978. 64 FR 3109
February 10, 1999 Federal financial institution regulators announced they have updated and expanded policies for classifying delinquent retail credits. The Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Policy published in today's Federal Register updates and expands the classification policy for retail credit loans that was issued in 1980. 64 FR 6655
April 5, 1999 FFIEC is withdrawing certain interpretations and guidance provided to financial institutions subject to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 64 FR 16453
May 3, 1999 Announcement re notice and request for comment the FFIEC Consumer Compliance Task Force amended and republished interagency questions and answers regarding Community Reinvestment Act. 64 FR 23618
September 28, 1999 Announcement re final interagency policy statement on external auditing programs of banks and savings associations 64 FR 52319
November 23, 1999 Announcement re final notice extension of implementation period; on Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Policy; Extension of Implementation Period. 64 FR 65713
April 28, 2000 Announcement notice and request for comment; on Community Reinvestment Act; Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment; Notice. 65 FR 25088
June 12, 2000 Announcement re final notice; Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Policy. 65 FR 36903
September 7, 2000 Announcement re Proposed Policy Statement request for comments; on Policy Statement on Allowance for Loan and Lease Methodologies and Documentation for Bank and Savings Institutions. 65 FR 54268
July 6, 2001 Announcement re final notice of interagency policy statement On Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Methodologies and Documentation for Banks and Savings Institutions. 66 FR 35629
July 12, 2001 Announcement re supplementing, amending, and republishing Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment; the Q&A's contain informal staff guidance for Agency personnel, financial institutions and the public. 66 FR 36620